(facsimile, page 6)
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March 1779
I received orders from the Navy Board in the Eastern
Department to cruise in Boston Bay for the Safety of the
Navigation, and in quest of the Enemys cruisers, and
returned the 4th of April Following, there lay until the
23rd of June, when I again received orders from the same
Board to proceed on a cruise with the Ranger, and Queen of
France under my command. On the 24th of July we fell in
with, and followed the Jamaica Fleet, and by various
Maneuvers took Ten of them having on board 6000 lbs. of
Sugar and Rum, bailed Ginger, Pimento, and Cotton. Eight
of these Prizes (mounting 118 Guns) we carried into
Boston. On the 23 of November the three Ships being
repaired I received orders from Congress to proceed to
Charleston in South Carolina, for the purpose of
Co'operating with General Lincoln in the defense of
that Capitol. The Season being tempestuous the Squadron
under my Command (consisting of 4 Ships) arrived
considerably damaged on the 18th of December.
On the 20th of January 1780 by the consent of General Lincoln, I sailed on a Cruise of observation, fell [-->page 7]