(facsimile, page 5)
[<--page 4]
I then
received orders to fit and proceed to Sea, to carry
Dispatches to France. On the 30th of April at Night, got
under Sail, and ran out of the Bay in a Shattered
condition having not only had a Severe Conflict with the
Lark British Frigate, which had been fitted and manned
purposely to take me in which. I disabled her, but
sustained part of the Fire from seven other Ships of War
which I was obliged to pass. After narrowly escaping a
British Ship of the Line the next day at Sea. I arrived at
Nantz, the port of my destination in 26 Days carrying in
with me a British Brig laden with Wine. Having delivered
the Dispatches of Congress to their Commissioners at the
Court of France, I received their orders to repair my Ship
and to take in Copper, Arms, Ammunition, and cloathing,
and then to proceed to Brest, there take under my command
the Boston Frigate, and the Ranger Sloop of War, which I
did accordingly. And by their orders Sailed the 26 Day of
August for Boston, where we arrived most seasonably for
the Continent on the 13th of October, having captured
three Prizes on the Passage.
The 9th of March [-->page 6]