General Whipple's Ancestors


(Originally published in The Presentation of the Portraits of General William Whipple, Signer of the Declaration of Independence and of David Glasgow Farragut, Admiral, United States Navy, November 20th, 1891 (Portsmouth, N.H., 1891), pp. 27-33. The square brackets [] appear in the original. Note: The Captain John Whipple referenced below is a different person from and should not be confused with the Captain John Whipple who is the ancestor of Rhode Island Whipples!)

The Whipple Family

General William Whipple, of Portsmouth, N.H., signer of the Declaration of Independence, was born January 14th, 1730, in Kittery, Me. He was the son of Captain William Whipple, senior, of Kittery, grandson of Major Matthew Whipple * of Ipswich, Mass., great grandson of Captain John Whipple, and great-great grandson of Elder John Whipple, both also of Ipswich.

In England

"The Whipple family in this country undoubtedly descended from Matthew Whipple of Bocking, county Essex, England, a clothier. Will of December 19th, 1616, probated January 28th, 1618, mentions son Matthew, son John, daughters Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Anne [Amce?], Johane, Amye; 'my sister, wife of Richard Rathbone; Hercules Stephens, grandchildren Hercules and Margaret Arthur, and Henry and Anne Coldham [Caldham]'.

"The two brothers, Matthew and John, who were settled at Ipswich some time before 1638, were probably the sons mentioned above. They settled at the 'Hamlet,' now the town of Hamilton. John was deacon or ruling elder of the First Church. He was freeman 1640, and representative for eight years between that and 1653. By first wife he had children--Mary, John, Susanna, Sarah, and probably others."

--("N.E.H.G. Register," Vol XLII, pp. 99-100)

In this connection it is worth of note that Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, minister at Ipswich from 1638 to 1655, was curate at Bocking from about 1626 to 1631.

Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, born at Haverhill, England, in 1598, "became curate to Dr. Barkham, at Bocking, in Essex," about 1626. "Having served at Bocking four or five years, he was called to Assington, in Suffolk, where he preached five years more. Here his labors were abundantly successful. But seeing that he could not dutifully subscribe 'the Articles of Visitation,' and that a storm of persecution was about to overtake him, he concluded to flee to New England ... After a long passage he arrived at Boston, in November, 1636, .... He was invited to settle at Dorchester; but as those who came with him could not be accommodated there, he chose to come with them to Ipswich. Here he was ordained pastor, February 20, 1638." He died "July 3, 1655, aged 57."

--("Felt's Ipswich," Cambridge, 1834, pp. 219-221)

The following full abstract of the will of "Mathewe Whipple the elder of Bocking, Essex", (which is two miles north of Braintree, in the same county), is taken from the "Genealogical Gleanings in England", by Henry F. Waters, in the "N.E.H.G. Register," Vol. XLIV, page 389. Mr. Waters says that this will and the will of "John Amies of Bocking, 7 April, 1647, proved 16 April 1647," giving "the piece of cloth at home unto Mr. Rogers, John Whiple and a jerkin cloth of it to Mr. Norton of Ipswich, N.E." (who were then "Pastor," "Ruling Elder" and "Teacher" of the First Church at Ipswich--"Felt's Ipswich," pages 159, 220, 222); and that of "John Hawkings of Brayntree, Essex, Gent., 3 September, 1633, proved 18 October, 1633," devising "to my brother Francis Hawkins, my sister Archer and my sister Whipple forty shillings apiece as remembrances of me;" of which abstracts are also there given, "relate undoubtedly to the family of Whipple in Ipswich, Massachusetts, descended from two brothers Matthew and John."

"Mathewe Whipple the elder of Bocking, Essex, clothier, 19 December 1616, proved 28 January 1618.

My capital messuage or tenement, with the yards, gardens, orchards, members and appurtenances, situate in Bradford Street in Bocking, now in the occupation of me and the said Mathewe, from and after my decease shall remain to Mathewe Whippell, mine eldest son, upon condition that he shall pay or cause to be paid to my son John Whippell fourscore pounds within three months next after my decease, and to my daughter Jane thirty pounds within six months, and to my daughter Elizabeth thirty pounds within twelve months, and to my daughter Mary thirty pounds at one and twenty or day of her marriage, and to my daughter Amie thirty pounds at one and twenty or day of marriage, upon reasonable demand made by the said Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, and Amye.

To my daughter Amce (?) six silver spoons of the better sort, two high latten candlesticks, my biggest brass pot and three pounds six shillings and eight pence.

To my daughter Johane forty shillings.

To my daughter Jane two silver spoons, two pewter platters of the greater sort, one pewter candlestick, one half headed bedstedle, my best flock bed, a flock bolster, a coverlet and a pair of blankets.

To my daughter Elizabeth two silver spoons, one pewter candlestick, two pewter platters of the greater sort, a half-headed bedstedle, next the best, a flock bed, a flock bolster, a coverlet, a pair of blankets and the little chest which was her mother's.

To my daughter Mary two silver spoons, two pewter platters and a pewter salt, a trundle bedsteadle, a flock bed, a flock bolster, a coverlet, a pair of blankets.

To my daughter Amye two silver spoons, two pewter platters, a pewter salt, a trundle bedsteadle, a flock bed, a flock bolster and a pair of blankets.

To my son John a joyned table and frame standing in my old parlor (and other movables.)

To my sister, wife of Richard Rathbone twenty shillings. To Hercules Stephens ten shillings. To my grandchildren Hercules Arthur, Margaret Arthur, Henry Caldham and Annie Caldham six shillings eight pence apiece. To the poor of Bocking twenty shillings.

All the rest to my son Matthew, sole executor. --Parker, 2"

--("N.E.H.G. Register," Vol, XLIV, p. 389.)

It is said in the Virginia branch of the Whipple family, that a history of the family from the time of William the Conqueror down to the time of Col. John Whipple of Prince Rupert's division of the Cavaliers, who emigrated to Virginia in 1662, can be found in the ancient Library at Birmingham, England, where the Dugdale and Thorpe MSS. are deposited, which manuscripts give a full account of the aristocratic Colonial families, and were collected by G.P.R. James while British consul at Norfolk, Virginia.

This history relates, it is further said, that the Whipple family originated with Henri De V: Hipple, a gentlemen of Normandy of the Vale de Suere (or Vale de Suede). For his gallantry he was granted the manorial estates of Wraxall--taking the name of Wraxall. Richard Wraxall--that is, Richard de V: Hipple--was knighted on the battlefield of Agincourt, and given the motto: "Fidele et Brave." Leaving Wraxall on account of persecution, the name of De V: Hipple was resumed, which in the time of Henry VII. (1485-1509), was anglicized into Whipple.

In America

"We learn that there were three of the name of Whipple who settled early in New England: Matthew and John (born about 1605), brothers, settled in Ipswich, in that part called the Hamlet, since Hamilton. [If these two brothers are identical with Matthew and John Whipple, sons of Matthew Whipple of Bocking, England, good reasons for believing which have been given, both were doubtless born earlier than 1605; Matthew must have been of age in 1616, when appointed executor of his father's will, and was therefore probably born several years before 1595. Matthew died September 8, 1647, and John died June 30, 1669, ages not known.] The other, named David, settled in Rhode Island on a hill called Study Hill [No connection between him and the Ipswich family has been traced]."

"Matthew Whipple settled early in Ipswich Hamlet: (Land was granted to him in 1638. His house was sold July 10, 1647, to John Annable, tailor. --J.B. Felt.) His will, dated 8m. 7d., 1645 [of which an abstract is printed in the "Antiquarian Papers," Ipswich, Mass., April 1884], is on record at the Register of Deeds for the county of Essex, in which he mentions his eldest son, John, sons Matthew and Joseph, and daughters [Mary--see abstract] Anna and Elizabeth. He leaves to his eldest, John, one half of his estate; the other half to his two youngest sons Matthew and Joseph. He left wife Rose (Shute ?) whom he married (Nov. 13, 1646 ?). His children were by a former wife. He died September 8, 1647."

--(A brief Genealogy of the Whipple family," Lowell, Mass, 1857, p. 3.)

Elder John Whipple

Elder John Whipple, great great grandfather of General William Whipple, "resided at the Hamlet [part of Ipswich, now Hamilton, Mass.], and was Deacon and Ruling Elder of the First Church. [Edward Johnson (in his "Wonder-Working Providence," London, 1654, reprinted in "Massachusetts Historical Collections," 2d series) "mentions Mr. Whipple" (Vol. IV., page 25), "as 'one, whose godly sincerity is much approved.'"--"Felt's Ipswich," page 159.] He and his brother Matthew sustained various offices of trust. He was born about 1605 [or earlier--see above]"

He "had a large grant of land in 1639, freeman in 1640." [He "was Deputy to the General Court 1640-1642, 1646, 1650-1653," "Felts Ipswich," page 159.]

"He had two wives, [Sarah (wife of John Whipple) who died June 14, 1658, stated in "Felts Ipswich" page 159, to have been the wife of Elder John Whipple, was probably the wife of his nephew John.--"Whipple Genealogy," pp. 4, 13] his children were by his first wife. His will is dated May 10, 1669; his son Cornet John Executor."

"He left a widow Jennet (first husband Thomas Dickinson) whose will is on record at the Probate Office, Suffolk, Vol. 11, page 85, and children John, Susannah, relict of Lionel Worth, Mary Stone, Sarah Goodhue, and Anthony Potter, son-in-law." ["Savage" adds a daughter "Elizabeth", who, he says "married perhaps Anthony Potter."]

Sarah, just mentioned, "married Joseph Goodhue [of Ipswich], July, 1661, died July 23, 1681". [She was born in 1641, the youngest daughter of Elder John Whipple, and her well known pious valedictory to her husband and children, first printed at Cambridge, New England, in 1681, was reprinted at Salem, Mass., in 1770, and again in the "Antiquarian Papers," Ipswich, Mass., December, 1880, and January, 1881.]

Elder John Whipple "died June 30, 1669, and his Inventory is on file at the Probate office, Essex, presented by his son Cornet John Whipple (afterwards Capt. John Whipple) September 28, 1669".

--("Whipple Genealogy," pp. 3-4, 29-30.)

Captain John Whipple

"John Whipple (Captain), [John] born about 1626; died August 10, 1683; son of Elder John Whipple. He was sometimes called Junior, Cornet, and Captain." [He was freeman 1668, and "Representative 1674, 1679-1683", --"Savage"] "He was appointed a Captain of a troop to march for Marlborough against the enemy, &c. His prospects for honor and usefulness were promising at the time of his death." "His estate was valued at £3000." He married first Martha Reyner (a daughter of Humphrey Reyner) born _____, died February 24, 1679; second, Elizabeth Paine, June 28, 1680."

Children [all by first wife]. John (Major) born July 15, 1657, married June 26, 1681, Catharine Layton, who died August 16, 1702, aged 62, he died June 12, 1722. Matthew, born 1658. Joseph, born March 6, 1664, died in infancy August 1665. Joseph (2d) born June 8, 1666. Susan, married _____ Lane [Susanna, married John Lane, March 20, 1680,--"Savage"]. Sarah, born September 2, 1671, married Francis Wainwright March 12, 1686, died March 16, 1709, aged 38. Anna, born October 29, 1675 (?)

--("Whipple Genealogy," p. 30.)

"Captain John Whipple, son of 'Elder' John, born in Essex, England, about 1626, ... was appointed Cornet of the Ipswich Troop before 1675 [1663--"N.E.H.G. Register," Vol. XXXVII, page 285] and Captain in 1683 in place of Capt. John Appleton. He was Lieutenant in Capt. Paige's Troop at Mount Hope, June, 1675 [King Philip's War], and was appointed Captain of a troop raised for service under Major Savage in March, 1676 [in the same war]; was with the army in the unsuccessful manoeuvering of that campaign."

--("N..E.H.G. Register," Vol. XLII, p. 100.)

Major Matthew Whipple

"Mathew Whipple, [John, John--see page 27] of the Hamlet, died January 28, 1739, in his eightieth year. He married [second--see below] Martha, daughter of John, and grand daughter of General Denison. [Major General Daniel Denison of Ipswich, born in England in 1612, who died Sept. 20, 1682, in Ipswich, was for eleven years Major General of the colony, and very prominent in colonial affairs. --See "Denison Memorial," Ipswich, Mass., 1882.] She died Sept. 12, 1728, in her sixtieth year. Mr. Whipple left children, Matthew, John, William, who was of Kittery in 1730, where his son William was born, who was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and Brigadier General at the capture of Burgoyne;--Joseph, settled in the ministry at Hampton Falls, and Martha Hartshorne. He had a malt-house and oat-mill, in which he carried on much business. To his mulatto servant he gave freedom. He bequeathed his house and lands to Matthew and John. Estate £3500. He held several offices in the town, was Justice of the Sessions Court, Representative in 1718, 1719, 1729. He was an energetic, useful and respected townsman." --"Felt's Ipswich," Cambridge, 1834, pp. 176-177.)

--("Presentation of Flags," p. 20.)

"Matthew Whipple (Major) born 1658, died, aged 80, January 28, 1738-9 [above mentioned], son of Captain John, and grandson of Elder John, ... married, first Joanna Appleton, by whom he had children, Matthew, John, Joanna, Appleton and William. He afterwards married, June 10, 1697, Martha Ringe (or Rindge?) [Martha (Denison) Thing] born ____, died, aged 60, Sept. 12, 1728, ... [and had children] Joseph, Martha and Nathaniel."

"His will is at the Probate Office, Essex County, in which he mentions sons, Matthew, Appleton, John, Joseph, William, and his dwelling house [and] malt house. Item. Mary Bradley, house keeper. Item. Mulatto servant, Nicholas Freeman, &c., Dec. 2, 1738."

Children.--Matthew. John, born July 22, 1689, married Hannah _____, died, aged 92, February 9, 1781. Joanna, born July 22, 1692. Appleton, born October 19, 1693. William, born February 28, 1695-6. ... Joseph (Rev.), born July 31, 1701, and settled at Hampton Falls (graduated at Harvard University). [He was "ordained at Hampton Falls, N.H., January 15, 1727," and "died February, 17, 1757." --"N.E.H.G. Register," Vol. XIII, page 305.] Martha, born January 7, 1704, died in infancy January 30, 1704. Nathaniel, born Sept. 2, 1711."

--("Whipple Genealogy," pp. 31-32.)

Joanna (Appleton) Whipple, grandmother of General William Whipple, was the daughter of Samuel Appleton, (2d), son of Samuel Appleton, (1st), both of Ipswich.

Samuel Appleton (1st) was the son of Thomas Appleton, of Little Waldingfield, county Suffolk, England. ("Savage.")

"Samuel Appleton, [1st] died June, 1670. He was born at Little Waldingfield, England, 1586; came to Ipswich 1625, was admitted freeman 1636, and was Deputy to the General Court 1637. He left children, John, [a prominent citizen of Ipswich, born 1622, died 1700, (or 4 November, 1699, according to "Savage"), Representative to General Court for sixteen years between 1656 and 1678, whose opposition to the illegal taxation of Governor Andros in 1687, for which "he was imprisoned fined and disfranchised," is well known--see "Felt," page 171], Samuel, Sarah, wife of the Rev. Samuel Philips of Rowley, Judith, wife of Samuel, son of the Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, and Martha, wife of Richard Jacobs."

"Samuel Appleton [2nd], son of Samuel Appleton [1st], died August 16, 1692. He was born at Waldingfield in 1625, and probably came to Ipswich when his father did. He married Hannah, daughter of William Paine, and for his second wife, Mary, daughter of John Oliver of Newbury, December, 2, 1656, she being born June 7, 1640, and died June 9, 1712. [He was born in 1624, married, second, 8 December, 1656, Mary Oliver, the mother of Joanna (Appleton) Whipple, and died 15 May, 1696.--"Savage."] He left children, Samuel, John, Judith Wolcott, Joanna Whipple, and Oliver. He had lost a daughter Down, whose only child was Isaac. He held several offices in the town, was Representative to the General Court in 1669, 1671, 1673, 1675-1677, 1679, 1680. He was of the Governor's Council in 1681-1686 1689-1692, Justice of the Quarterly and General Sessions Courts, and of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, April 11, 1692, for the trial of persons charged with witchcraft. ["Resolute in support of the liberty of the people against the unlawful taxation in 1687, he was imprisoned by Andros, and hardly released. See 'Hutchinson', I, 365." --"Savage."] He was concerned in the iron-works at Lynn in 1645, though Ipswich became his permanent residence.--1675, Oct. 23. The assistants write him to keep five hundred men for the defence of the frontier towns at the west against the Indians. In this quarter he was several times successful in repeling the enemy and preventing several places from being consumed. When Hatfield was attacked, October 19, a bullet passed through his hair, and a serjeant was mortally wounded by his side. December 9. He served as Major in an expedition against the Narragansetts, and had the command of five hundred men in the great battle. His skill and bravery and exertions did much towards securing victory. While in this campaign, he had his tent burnt, and his men lost their clothes and arms --His diversified and complicated duties, as a warrior, legislator, and judge, he ably and faithfully discharged."

--("Felt's History of Ipswich," Cambridge, Mass., 1834, pp. 1590160 and 169.)

"The first husband of Martha Denison [above mentioned] was Thomas Wiggin [son of Andrew and Anne (Bradstreet) Wiggin], who was born 5 March, 1662. He was the grandson of Gov. Thomas Wiggin, also of Gov. Simon Bradstreet. Mr. Wiggin died in early manhood, leaving but one child, Hannah.

"Widow Martha (Denison) Wiggin then became the second wife of Capt. Jonathan Thing, of Exeter [N.H.]. They were married July, 1693, and had but one child, Daniel Thing, born 12 May 1694. Capt. Jonathan Thing died 30 [or 31] October, 1694; his first wife was Mary, daughter of Counsellor John Gilman, son of Edward Gilman, sen'r. He had two other sons, Edward and Moses.

"Her third husband was Matthew Whipple, of Ipswich."

--("Antiquarian Papers," Ipswich, Mass., June, 1883. See also "Denison Memorial," Ipswich, 1882, page 47, and "Bell's History of Exeter," Exeter, N.H., 1888, Genealogy, p. 46.)

Captain William Whipple, Senior

William Whipple, senior (Matthew, John, John), born 28 February, 1695-6, the father of General William Whipple, "was a native of Ipswich, in Massachusetts, and was bred a maltster. Having removed to Kittery in Maine, he followed the sea, during several years. He married [14 May, 1722--"N.E.H.G. Register," Vol. X, page 48] Mary [born 26 December, 1698--"Presentation of Flags," page 21] the eldest daughter of Robert Cutt [2d]

Her grandfather, Robert Cutt [1st] was a brother of John Cutt, the President of New Hampshire, and emigrated from England to the West Indies, where he married a wealthy widow, who died soon after. He then married Mary Hoet [Mary Hoel--"Presentation of Flags," page 20], an English lady, who had removed to the West Indies. Soon after their marriage they came to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and subsequently removed to Kittery, where Mr. Cutt established a ship-yard, and carried on the business of ship-building very extensively. They had two sons, Richard and Robert, and four daughters. [The daughters were Mary, Bridget, Sarah and Elizabeth. Richard was probably the son of Robert Cutt (1st), by his first wife. Sometime subsequent to 1675, the widow of Robert Cutt (2d) married Capt. Francis Champernowne, "the loving nephew" of Sir Fernando Gorges the founder of Maine, and she and her children by Mr. Cutt received by gift or demise the principal part of Capt. Champernowne's estate.--See "Presentation of Flags," pages 20-21 and note page 339, "Historical Papers," C.W. Tuttle, Boston, 1889.

It is related, in a not wholly reliable traditionary account (see page 34) found among the papers of Col. Joseph Whipple, brother of General William Whipple, and printed in the "N.E.H.G. Register," Vol. V, page 246, that Robert Cutt (1st) was a native of Bath, England, and that his father was, the year he died, a member of Parliament. Richard Cutt was returned from Essex, for Cromwell's second parliament, in 1654, but not for that of 1656]

Robert [Robert Cutt (2d)] married [18 April, 1698. --"Presentation of Flags," page 21] Dorcas Hammond, the daughter of Major Joseph Hammond, whose father, having been an adherent of Oliver Cromwell, left England on the death of the Protector [who died 3 September, 1658], came to this country and settled in Kittery [See page 34]. They had four daughters; Mary, the wife of William Whipple [senior]; Catherine, who married John Moffat, a merchant, who then resided at Kittery, but afterwards removed to Portsmouth; Mehitable, who married Jotham Odiorne, merchant of Portsmouth; and Elizabeth, who married the Rev. Joseph Whipple, the brother of William Whipple [senior], and who settled in the ministry at Hampton Falls.

Mr. Cutt possessed a large estate, and his daughter, Mrs. [William] Whipple [senior] inherited from him a very valuable farm in Kittery, situated on the eastern branch of the Piscataqua river, opposite to the island where the Navy Yard is now established, and within view of the town of Portsmouth. Mr. Whipple now abandoned his nautical pursuits, and resided on this estate, which he held in right of his wife, where he employed himself as a farmer and maltster. Mrs. Whipple was a lady of excellent sense, agreeable manners, and many pleasing accomplishments. [He died 7 August, 1751, aged 56 years. She died 24 February, 1783, aged 84 years.--"Presentation of Flags", page 22] They had five children; William, Robert, Joseph, Mary, and Hannah [Mary, William, Hannah, Robert Cutt, and Joseph].

[1.] Mary Whipple, the eldest daughter, married Robert Trait [Traill], Esquire, comptroller of the port of Portsmouth previous to the Revolution. They had three children, Robert, William and Mary: Robert and William went to Europe, where they settled; and Mary married Kieth Spencer [Keith Spence], Esquire, a merchant from Scotland who settled in Portsmouth. Captain Robert T. Spence, their son, holds [1824] a distinguished rank in the Navy of the United States.

[Mary, "born 13 January, 1728" [or perhaps later] married Robert Trail [Traill] of Boston, 1 September, 1748.--"N.E.H.G. Register," Vol. X, page 48. She survived her husband and "died 3 October, 1791, aged 61" [as stated on her gravestone] --"Presentation of Flags," page 21]

[2.] [William Whipple, born 14 January, 1730 --"Register," X, 48--died 28 November, 1785; the Signer of the Declaration of Independence.]

[3.] Hannah Whipple, the youngest daughter, married the Hon. Joshua Brackett, an eminent physician in Portsmouth, who, during the Revolution, was judge of the maritime court of New Hampshire. Her mother, Mary Whipple [Mary (Cutt) Whipple], resided with her after the death of her husband, and died 1783, at the advanced age of eighty-five years [See above].

[Hannah, born 15 February, 1734-5; married Dr. Joshua Brackett, of Portsmouth, 14 April 1760. He was born in Greenland, N.H., May, 1733 and died in Portsmouth 17 July, 1801 [1802].--"Register," X, 48. They had no children. She died 24 April, 1805, aged 71.--"Presentation of Flags," page 21]

[4.] Robert [Robert Cutt Whipple] died when he was about nineteen [twenty-five] years of age.

[Robert Cutt, born 6 April, 1736; died 4 May, 1761, aged 25 --"Register" X, 48.]

[5.] Joseph [Whipple] was educated in the counting room of Nathaniel Carter, a merchant of Newburyport, and established himself in business in Portsmouth, in company with his brother: they continued their mercantile connection until a short time previous to the commencement of the revolutionary war. He was afterwards appointed collector of the port of Portsmouth, first by the state of New Hampshire, and after the adoption of the federal constitution, by the President of the United States: he held this office, with a short intermission, until a few months before his death. He died without issue, on the twenty-sixth of February, 1816, in the seventy-eighth year of his age.

[Joseph, born 14 February, 1737-8; married Hannah Billings of Boston, 9 October, 1672. He was collector of the customs in Portsmouth.--"Register," X, 48. Col. Joseph Whipple took part in the early settlement of Coos county, New Hampshire, and was living at Jefferson as early as 1773. He was captured there by the Indians during the Revolution, but escaped.--"McClintock's History of New Hampshire," Boston, 1889, pages 305-307. He afterwards returned to Portsmouth. When "Col. Joseph Whipple was Collector," he "transacted the business in the office adjoining his residence on State street." --"Rambles," I, 227. He "resided in the house then and now standing at the northeast corner of State and Chestnut streets, Portsmouth (No. 79 State St)." Hannah, wife of Col. Joseph Whipple, died 30 January, 1811, aged 75 years. --"Presentation of Flags," page 21.]"

--("Biographies of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence," Philadelphia, 1824, Vol. V., pp. 75-77.)

Two interesting letters on public matters from General William Whipple to Hon. Josiah Bartlett (who long served together in Congress), dated Portsmouth, July 12, and September 13, 1778, will be found in the "N.E.H.G. Register," Vol. XXX, pages 317-320.

* Major Matthew Whipple, of Ipswich, Mass., grandfather of General William Whipple, is stated in the Appendix to "The Presentation of Flags to the Schools of Portsmouth, H.H.," Portsmouth, 1890, page 20, to have been a grandson of Matthew Whipple of Ipswich (brother of Elder John Whipple), through his son John. As both brothers, Matthew and John, had sons John, hhese three Johns are grievously confounded by most writers who have noticed them," and following the authority there quoted the mistake occurred. It is now corrected on the authority of a scarce pamphlet, entitled "A brief Genealogy of the Whipple Family," compiled by John H. Boutelle of Woburn, for Oliver M. Whipple, Esq., of Lowell, Mass., Lowell, 1857, where "the earlier generations especially have been traced through, and several important points, hitherto wrongly printed, are now satisfactorily investigated," as stated in the "N.E.H.G. Register," vol. XI, page 360.