The following was submitted by Blaine Whipple.
Approximately 300 people from 15 states -- Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Florida, Massachusetts -- and the Dominican Republic attended WhippleFest August 7 at the Palisades State Park in Mount Vernon, Iowa. It was the largest gathering we've ever had and the attendees spilled into the outdoors. The pictures show a wide age range.
The first picture was taken in the Park's lodge, a CCC project in the mid 1930s:
The second picture is from one of three lineage charts I prepared and displayed. This picture includes 9 generations. The first three generations were also on the chart but not included in this section.
Pictures 3 and 4 are general pictures of attendees:
Picture 5 shows the special T-shirt many of us wore:
Picture 6 is three generations of Whipples ranging in age from 100 (my sister) Elaine (Whipple) West and 6 (my grandson) Turner Whipple. L to R: Blaine Scott Whipple, Elaine Whipple West, Blaine Whipple, Spencer Blaine Whipple, Turner Collins Whipple.