Residence of William Whipple
Signer of the Declaration of Independence

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Residence of William Whipple

Signer of the Declaration of Independence

Residence of
	  William Whipple

The Moffat-Ladd House in Portsmouth, N.H., was the residence of General William Whipple (signer of the Declaration of Independence) and his wife, Katharine Moffat. (See a line drawing of the General and his home page on this site.) The two left-most windows on the second floor look into the bedroom of William and Katharine. Built in 1763, the house is open to the public during the summer.

(Submitted by J. Lahr-Kreischer, September 30, 1998. Photo by Peter Randall from a post card published by Eastern Illustrating & Publishing, Div. of Downeast Enterprise, Inc., P.O. Box 679, Camden, Maine 04843.)