The following three immigrants named John Whipple came to Colonial America from England in the 1630s.
Teenage John was apprenticed to Israel Stoughton, who paid for his passage to the New World. Less than a month after his arrival in Dorchester, on 3 Oct 1632, "John Wipple and Alex Miller were ordered to pay fines to their master Israel Stoughton for their wasteful expenditure of power and shot.
It wasn't until later that his last name was spelled Whipple (with an "h"). Records in England had spelled his name Whaple or Whaples.
John was given the title Captain in the late 1670s to recognize his role in the 1765 King Philip's War, where he remained in Providence with a small number of other residents to defend the town while much if it was burned by Indians.
See this "Captain" John's entry in the Whipple Genweb and Whipple Database.
Ipswich Massachusetts Whipples descend from this John and his brother Matthew. John and Matthew were sons of Matthew Whipple (born about 1550, buried at St. Mary's Church Cemetery in Bocking, England).
See "Elder" John's entry in the Whipple Genweb and Whipple Database.
According to Blaine Whipple, he first held the title of Cornett, a militia title thought to be the first rank of the officer corp, gained by a vote of soldiers in the company. He later became Captain John Whipple.
See this "Captain" John's entry in the Whipple Genweb and Whipple Database.
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