Will of Annphillis (Whipple) Lippitt

Will of Annphillis (Whipple) Lippitt

Submitted to the Whipple Website by N. Combs 9 Apr 2002.

(Visit Anphillis' page in the Whipple Genweb.)

In the Name of God Amen the Eleventh Day of June one thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Seven I Annphillis Lippet Widow of Warwick In His Majesties Collony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England being In Good Health of Body & Sound Mind and memory Blessed be God for the Same But Calling into mind the mortallity of Body and Knowing that It is Appointed for all men once to Dye do make and Ordain this my Last will and testament, that Is to Say principally & first of all I give and Recommend my Soul Unto the hands of God that gave It and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried by that of my Husband Moses Lippet If it may be by a Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executor Nothing Doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the Same again by the Mighty power of God and as touching Such worldly Goods and Estate Where with It hath pleased God to Bless me in this life I give bequeath devise and Despose of in the following Manner & form - - - -

Imprimis I give & Bequeath unto my well beloved sons Moses Lippet Jeremiah Lippet Christopher Lippet and Joseph Lippet forty pounds old tenor of this Collony to be Equally Divided Between them ten pounds to Each and to be paid in Six mounths after my Dec'd by my Executor hereafter Named.

Secondly I give and Bequeath Unto my well Beloved Daughter Ann Frances Lippet forty pounds per Annum in the old tenor as above Said to be Duly & Annually paid her at two payments of twenty pounds Each at the End of Every Six munths from my Decease for & During her Natural life by my Executor Hereafter Named out of my Estate and that he my Said Executor or whoever Succeeds Unto my Estate in his Name Shall find and maintain for her the Said Ann Frances a cow to give her milk both in Summer and Winter find her Negro wench Wangu Conveanant food & rayment for Said time and provide her in firewood cut up and Carried into her Room and in all Such Accomodations as are Necessary for a Lame & tender person as She is and has She [has] Used to be and in Ever Since She came last to live With me.

Thirdly I give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Freelove Chace Hundred Pounds in Said old tenor and the Bed in the South End of the grate Chamber with all the furniture thereof the Bed & furniture to be Delivered to her Emeadiately upon my Dec'd and the Hundred pounds to be paid in three year after my Dec'd by my Executor Hereafter Named.

Forthly I give and bequeath and Devise to my beloved Daughter Mary Lippet her Heirs & assigns one lot of Land joining to John Carder wich fell to my Husband Shear in a division of comonage together with the one half of the lot or tenement of land wich I bought of John Smith of South Kingstown and is Commonly Called [ganch] or Garrets lot both wich pieces of land I give to her the Said Mary her heirs and assigns for Ever as a good Interest in fee Simple. I also give and bequeath to Said Mary one good Cow all my New and best pewter one Iorn pot one Iorn Kettle three Silver Spoons Six of my linen Napkins one table cloath the Bed whare I Usually Sleep with the furniture thereof the grate Looking Glass together with one Hundred pounds in old tenor fifty pounds thereof to be paid to my Said Daughter Mary the other half to my Grand Daughter Hanarreta Chace in two Years after my Decease by my Executor hereafter Named.

Fifthly I give and bequeath to my Grand Daughter Nancy Greene Daughter of my Son Jeremiah Lippet the Sum of fifty pounds in old tenor to be paid to her In one Year after my Decease by my Executor hereafter Named.

Sixthly I give and bequeath to my above Said Daughter Mary Lippet three pair of my best & finest [swd] Sheets and the remainder of my bed and table Linnen and my Wearing apparel I give to Said Mary Lippet and her Sister Freelove Chace to be Equally Divided between them and but any Leagacy I have given Should happen to Lapse it is my will that the Legacy Representative shall be Intitled to the legacy given to the person who is Represented Respectively in Case of Death.

Seventhly I give Devise and Bequeath unto my well beloved and Youngest Son John Lippet all my Land on Mackey Hill one half of the Lot Called Garrots or Jarrets lot the other half Whereof I have given to my Daughter Mary and all the Lots and parcels of land given and left to me by the last will and Testament of my Honored Husband Moses Lippett that Is to Say one half of [thatch neck] one half of the lot of land Joining to John Warner Called Edwards Cartels Place and one half of the lot of land at the long meadow So Called in Warwick neck one half of lot of land Called Mackey point lot in Said neck one half of the Homestead where he lives with all the Buildings thereon and my part of the Shack Belonging to the teaming Business and generally to Say all the land and Estate left me by my Husband or purchased Since Excepting what I have given to my Daughter Mary together with the Residue and Remainder of my Estate and property whatsoever and Where Soever Repaying the legacys above mentioned punctually and lawfully according to my true mind and Intentions and my will and Intentions Is that all the above land, and others, if any unmentioned that belong or of Right Should Belong to me as Residuary legatee to my Said Husband Moses Lippet Shall be and Remain to him the Said John Lippet his heirs & assigns for Ever as a good Inheritance in fee Simple--and I do hereby make Constitute and ordain my Said Son John Lippet Executor of this my last will and testament and do hereby Utterly Disanul Revoke and Disallow all and Every other testament will legacy and bequeath and Executors by me in any wise before Named Wills and bequeathes ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.

In Witness Whereof I have here unto Set my Hand and Seal the Day and Year above Written - - - - -

Signed Sealed published pronounced
and Declared by the Said Ann Phillis Annphillis Lippet (SEAL)

Lippet as her last will and testament
in presents of Us the Subscribers
Memorandum before Signing
and Sealing &c I give my Negro
[Bresler] to my Son John

Samuel Gardner
Ruth Wanton
James [MacSharrow]

Be It Known to all whom It may Concern that on the tenth Day of September 1768 the above Named Annphillis Lippet on hereing the above will Destinkly Read Approved and Confirmed and Ratified the whole thereof Except the last paragraft in the Seventh Bequeath imparting a Contingant remainder on the Land therein given to her Son John Lippet wich last paragraft She ordered to be Erased that the land, given to the Said John Lippet might be to him a Clear Estate to have In fee Simple and the Same was Accordingly Erased in her presents and In the presents of us the Subscribers.

Ephraim Bowen
Elisabeth Greene
Stephen Hopkins

Be it remembered that on the twenty Eight Day of May 1774 the within Named Annphillis Lippet Widow taking in Consideration my last will Bairing Date the 11th Day of June 1757 and also the Codicil added there to Dated the 19th Day of September 1768 and on Hereing both fully and Clearly Read to fully Ratify and confirm Both the will & codicil on Every part Except in Such parts of Said will as by this Codicil alter and Verify--first whereas by my Said will I gave Divers gifts and Legacies to my Daughter Mary Lippet and She being Since Dead I now give and Devise what in my Said will was given to her in the following manner that is to Say one lot of land Lying in Warwick and Adjoining to John Carder, land I give to my Grand Son Joseph Lippet (Son of my Son Joseph) and to his Heirs and assigns for Ever and all the Rest and Residues that in my will I gave to my Daughter Mary Lippet as well Real as personal I hereby give to my Son John Lippet his heirs and assigns for Ever.

Also in the thatch Bed lying Adjoining to John Wellses Land all my Right therein I give to my son Joseph Lippet his heirs assigns for Ever and as to one Hundred pounds old tenor In my Said Will given to my Grandaughter [Nances] Greene I know order that only one half that Sum be paid to her and the other half to my Grandaughter Ann Frances Lippet.

Signed Sealed and
published in presents of Annphillis Lippet (SEAL)

Amey Greene
Anne Hopkins
Stephen Hopkins

1804 April 14th-----In Court of Probate-------------

The aforewritten Will and Codicils Was proved and Approved by Said Court as the last will and testament of Annphillis Lippet and Ordered to be Recorded.

Thos. Arnold, Jr. Probate Clerk protem

Recorded May 8 1804

Thos. Arnold, Jr. Clerk protem