David Whipple (September 28, 1656-December 18, 1710)

The Illustrated History of the Whipple Family in America, 1631-1987

David Whipple

(September 28, 1656-December 18, 1710)

by George Carroll Whipple III

David was born at Dorchester, Massachusetts in 1655 and was baptized September 28, 1656; he died at Attleborough, Mass. December 18, 1710. May 15, 1675 he married Sarah, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (White) Hearnden. (Sarah died April 2, 1677).

In Hingham, Massachusetts on November 11, 1677, he was remarried to Hannah, daughter of John and Margaret Tower of Hingham, Massachusetts. They were married by Captain Joshua Hubbard, Justice.

On July 1, 1679, he was taxed 7-1/2 d.

On February 2, 1681, he and another lately "killed a wolf by going a hunting after deer."

On the 15th of November 1686, John Sanford wrote to John Whipple Jr., David's older brother, about various accounts that were overdue to him. One of his alleged debtors, who was 12 years over due, was none other than David Whipple. It seems that David contracted this debt in October of 1674 when he was 17 years old.

The pertinent part of the letter is reproduced below although neither the resolution (if any) or David's defense is available:

"to: Ensign John Whipple at Providence And respected friend kind salutations promised your former kindness and realety, hath so much incouraged me that I am hereby inboldened to give you further trouble so that concerning those particulars relating to myself when I was last with you that debt of Benjamin Henderson that of your brother David Whipple and that of Ephram Pragg and that of the town of Providence. I heartily request your care and endeavor that they may be speedily sent to me, which if not speedily may till the spring be prevented by the extremity of the weather shutting up my passage for conveyance, and will be to my damage ... (rest is about Benjamin Henderson) Concerning Mr. David Whipple's debt. "He conscientiously knows that he promised me true and faithful payment both for himself and his now wife, the due fees on both to me being about four and thirty shillings was due in October 1674 twelve years past, and I hope my patience and long forbearance thereof will not encourage him not to be willing to pay me at all. And although my due be as aforesaid, yet for my promise safe to you I will now be content to take thirty shillings, provided it may be forthwith sent to me in money or good currant pay equivalent for his asserting he paid my due to Sergeant Rogers I conceive there can be no truth therein for I am satisfied in my own mind I never gave him order to do so, neither did I give him an account of what was my due, and therefore admire how he should demand and receive mine, And I am certain he never gave me account thereof.

... For your town's debt I hope they will send it me in money, if not in good pork, butter or cheese, yett if in good corne I shall accept thereof. Be urgent with them a great many may better pay it then one forebears it. As to a friend I assure you though unwilling to complain that my wife's long sickness and my late sickness so that this last summer I could hardly do or look after anything for our comfortable subsistence that I am hereby forced to be more earnist to call in my debts to help and earnestly request and desire your real assistance herein and you shall therein and thereby further oblige in all of _______ love and service him who is your Affectionate friend.

1st November 1686
John Starford

Postscript: Please remember the winter is come and we must expect frost and snow: pray lett me hear from you by the first."

The town records state that David Whipple on: "September 1, 1687 Taxed 3S."

David Whipple lived in Providence until 1692, on the estate left him by his father. On the 10th of September 1692 David Whipple was deeded land in the ancient limits of Rehoboth, now Cumberland, R.I. The property formerly belonged to the Rev. William Blackstone, one of the first settlers of Boston and Rhode Island. Blackstone erected his study on a hill, and called the place "Study Hill," a name the property bore proudly as it was passed down in the Whipple family. "Study Hill" upon the death of Rev. Blackstone fell to his only son John who deeded it to David Whipple. "Study Hill" was still in the Whipple Family in 1871. The deed is nicely preserved in the Providence, Rhode Island Historical Society (1976).

David Whipple at the time of his death, was an ensign. His will is dated March 24, 1709 and proved January 8, 1711; his wife, Hannah, being executrix. To his son David he gave ten pounds "he having had:" To his sons Israel, Jeremiah, and William, he left 1 s. each, as he had previously given them lands by deed. To Hannah, his wife, he gave certain lands for life, "best bed, the rest of his household stuff, all money, cattle and personal property. The inventory: purse, plate, and bills 9L. 15S. 11d., wearing apparel, books, 5 beds, 2 great wheels, linen wheel, 2 churns, 28 barrels of cider, half a cider press, horses, cattle, goats, etc."

In 1715 David's widow, Hannah Whipple, received 2L, 12s. 5d. from the schoolmaster's account. She died in November, 1722 and her will is dated May 28, 1720 and proved December 8, 1722 with her son, Israel, being executor.

A portion of David Whipple's will is reproduced below:

"To son Joseph Cowell, 10 pounds; to son Jeremiah Whipple 20 s; to daughter Deborah Tower, a feather bed, chest and half her wearing apparel; to daughter Sarah Razee, feather bed, and half of wearing apparel:to four children, Israel and David Whipple, Deborah Tower and Sarah Razee, the rest."

"Study Hill" went to Jeremiah Whipple, by deed before his father's death.

Deed for "Study Hill" John Blackstone to David Whipple

To all Christian people before whome this deede of sale shall ________ John Blaxton of Rehobeth in the County of Bristoll formerly in the Colony of New plimouth; but now of Massachusetts in NewEngland. (Shoemaker) sends greeting. Know ye that the said John Blaxton for a valuable consideration of currant pay of this country in hand already will & truly paid unto him by David Whipple (husbandman) inhabitant of the town of Providence in the Narragansett Bay in New England:

The receipt whereof to the said John Blaxton does owne & adknowledge & ________ to be fully satisfied contented & paid Hath given, granted, Bargained, sold, enforced, assigned, ________ & confirmed; And by the presents for him his Heirs, Executors, Administrators ________ fully ________ & Absolutely Give, grant, Bargain, Sell, ________, En________ , Assigne ________ & Confirme unto the said David Whipple to him his Heirs, Executors, Administrators & Assigns for ever, his house & lands (that is to say) his mansion house & me ____ on the East side of the River called Pantucket River, and lying and being within the provinces of Rehobeth aforesaid. The said message or parcel of land being by information one hundred & fifty acres (more or less) being layd out & bounded, & is situated on the playne called the right playne, & the land adjacent: and is bounded to the northward       the land of Isaack Allin, to the southward the land of John Harreson; to the westward Pantuck River; to the Eastward, part of it to the land of John Stevenson, and part of it to the Highway, and part of it the undivided land. There running a country highway through it to Pantucket River. In recompense, or satisfaction for which highway ________ of land allowed and layd out; two acres ________ adjoyning to the aformentioned land, being bounded by the highway Eastwardly and the aforementioned land westwardly, and southwardly by a small run of water; the which said two acres of land on the northwardly side of the Country highway next the house. The other part of.the said twenty acres of land is bounded round, by the undivided land. The said hundred and fifty acres of land is upland, swamps and meadow ground. With all and singular the priviledges and       to the said house and hundred and fifty acres of land belonging. And all the estates, right, title, interest, use, property, possession, clayme and demand whatsoever of him the said John Blaxton in or to the same or any part of

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said mansion house and said hundred and fifty acres of land as aforesaid unto the said David Whipple his heirs, executors, administrators and assignes forever.

© 1999 George Carroll Whipple, III. All rights reserved.