Letter: Edson Whipple to Brother Chamberlain

Letter: Edson Whipple to Brother Chamberlain

A few lines to Brother Chamberlain:

How is it with thee? Are you well, and doing well? After leaving you I went to my brother's and stopped with him over Sunday. I left him and came to Jamestown. I stopped over Sunday and held two meetings in that place on Sunday. It rained and on Monday I started for home.

When I had gone about one mile two men who had been to hear me preach the day before called after me and said they wanted to be baptized. But the raft was ready to start, so I told them to call on Brother Cob.

I called at Pittsburgh. I heard Surrey? preach against the twelve and the church at Nauvoo. He is a Rigdonite. There are several that are Rigdonites in Pittsburgh and some few in Nauvoo.

Benjamin Winchester has gone with R. Newton and Whorton, but it will be with them as it has been with all the rest of those that have left the Church. They contend for the Book of Mormon and Covenants but say Smith and the twelve are false. But God knows better, and so do we.

I took the steamboat at Pittsburgh for St. Louis and as usual, had to contend constantly for the truth. I converted a Mrs. Johnson who was a Millerite from Philadelphia and baptized her after we got to St. Louis. Found most of the brethren in that place good. Brother Small, however, has gone over on the Rigdon side.

At the October Conference, the Seventy's were fully organized which was to go to all the world the same as the twelve. While the twelve are to act as the First Presidency and soon this union will be laid off in to districts and ten of the Seventy with one high priest will be sent to each district. And each high priest will take his family and build a stake or city, but not until after the temple has been reared to quite a height.

The Temple has been reared to quite a height since we left. The walls with the capatabler makes a splendid appearance. The walls will soon be finished after this spring opens.

It is reported that Chauncy Higbee and one or two others were mortally wounded from the shots that Joseph made.

President Marks keeps the Mansion House, Robison the post office.

The Seventies have finished their house and it is to be dedicated Christmas. The Musical Fun Society have finished their house. Parley Pratt has gone to visit the Eastern Branches. Lamb and wife wintered in St. Louis. Sister Davis and daughter are still there.

Give my love to all my friends and acquaintances.

E. Whipple