Letter: Edson Whipple to Brother Chamberlain

Letter: Edson Whipple to Brother Chamberlain

Nauvoo, Feb., 1844

Bro. Chamberlain, Sir:

Having now for the first time since I received your letter, an opportunity of sending you a letter, I shall with pleasure do so.

Many a long night and day have passed away since you left and many things have occurred that I would like to tell you, and will when I see you.

You wrote you have good luck in getting in to business and I was glad to hear it. You wrote also that the lost was found. That, I was glad to hear, also. Rut you wrote that she had been turned upside down. No, I am wrong, hind side fore which I am sorry to hear, since you wrote that she and her husband have parted which places her in a very awkward position. I thought that she had known of the things that make peace. Our health together with our family are good and we got into our house the first day of December, although it is not yet finished.

Brother Parton and Jan Crouse were married some five weeks since. Hess Cugprett Green and Strupe came out last fall. We have had a very mild winter.

We hear from the Prophet now and then and Elijah has supposedly visited our city this winter. And for what? To set in order the hearts and families of every man, so when the temple is finished they may be prepared to receive the oath and seal of the covenant.

There has a great reaffirmation taken place.

Lumber by groves as fast as ever. I have cut between thirty and forty cords of wood on the island for Morrison this winter.

We expect you and Brother Crock and wife to gather Bro. Arisen up this spring. Brother Richards from Holly was out on a visit this winter and intends moving out in the spring and bring Neroton with him.

And as is but a little till conference I shall expect to see you face to face.

We all send our best wishes to you and Anna and to all our acquaintances Even so, Amen.

When I see your face again I will tell you many things which have not been expedient for me to write in this letter. Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss is the request of your Brother Edson.

Written at Nauvoo his first epistle to his brother, George and fellow laborer in the Lord. I add no more.