Letter: Edson Whipple to Mr. Henny Mugger

Letter: Edson Whipple to Mr. Henny Mugger

Mr. Henny Mugger

Your letter to me through the politeness of Elder A. came this day to hand. And the intelligence that it brought concerning what had taken place between you and your Father will in my humble opinion in the end work for your good.

You wished to know what the prospects are in this place, for your business. When contrasted and weighed in a balance with the prospects in Philadelphia, I think they will not be found wanting. Although leather at this time is rather short. But we expect and know that your business together with all others will be on the decline and I can say to you and to your mother that all who come to this place if they are willing to put up with the inconveniences of a new place you shall be welcome to make my house a stopping place until you can find another.