Diary of Edson Whipple

Diary of Edson Whipple

(Submitted to the Whipple Website by Alice (Manning) Whipple, fall 2003)

An introductory account of Edson's life is followed by a day-by-day journal of Edson's journey to help settle Iron County (present-day Parowan), Utah, 8 Dec 1850-17 Sep 1851.

Edson Whipple, son of John and Basmath Hutchens Whipple, grand son of Timothy and Elizabeth Safford Whipple, born in the town of Dunmerston, County of Wyndam, State of Vermont, Feb. 5th, 1805, baptized by Elder Benjamin Winchester in Philadelphia, June 15th, 1840, confirmed by Lorenzo Barnes, ordained a Presiding Priest by Pres. Orson Hyde Oct. 17th, 1840, ordained an High Priest and first counselor to Elder B. Winchester in Philadlephia by Pres. Hyrum Smith April 6th, 1841. Removed to Nauvoo Sept. 1842. I was called at the general conference in April, 1844, to go on a mission in company with David D. Yearsley to the State of Pennsylvania to canvass the State and present to the people Joseph Smith's views on government and he for a candidate for the next President of the United States. Left Nauvoo the 4th of May, returned in November following. While away the Prophet Joseph was martyred. At the first meeting after my return I saw the mantle of Joseph Smith rest upon Brigham Young while he spoke to the people. I assisted in building up the City and Temple and defending our homes against the mob. Was present at the laying of the capstone of the Temple and received my endowments in it when finished. And during the winter of 1845 worked under Capt. Charles C. Rich at making wagons being organized in his ten. In the spring of 1846, May 15th crossed the Mississippi River on my way to the Rocky Mountains (This valley of the Great Salt Lake) with my family of four, myself, wife, Mother and one child. Stopped at Garden Grove two weeks, and then rolled out for Council Bluffs, overtook Bishop Hales Company and traveled with them; arrived at the Bluffs about the middle of July. While traveling we met Pres. Brigham Young returning from the Bluffs to Pisgah. He informed us that the government had made a demand upon the Latter-day Saints for five hundred men to enlist as volunteers to go to Mexico, and said we should respond.

After arriving at the Bluffs, as we were counseled, myself and family in company with several other families looked out for a place, some 25 or 30 mines below the Bluffs down the river where we thought of wintering on Pony Creek. We prepared for the winter but found after remaining there until the 1st of November, it was so sickly, had to move. While stopping there myself and family were all sick, and on the 9th of Sept. my Mother died, and three days after my wife died also, and at the same time myself and child were both very sick. The whole camp, some 14 families were all but two persons sick and dying off. While there we buried some whole families. After our removal to another place, some 4 miles (on the 8th of December) my little girl died (22 months old) and was taken to the place where her mother and grandmother were buried, and they lay buried side by side in coffins made of plank split off of the basswood tree. Being driven from our comfortable homes from Nauvoo exposed as we were to heat and storms and the comforts of life by a ruthless mob, they died martyrs to the cause of Christ and in the Resurrection will receive a martyrs reward.

In the spring of 1847 I was called in company with 142 more and organized as a Pioneer Company to lead the way into the wilderness. I left Winter Quarters on the 9th of April, traveled in the first ten of the second division under Capt. Appleton Harmon; in which Pres. Heber C. Kimball traveled. I was one of the guards selected to guard the camp taking my turn every third night, half of the night.

After arriving at Salt Lake when the Pioneers returned, I remained and took charge of the property left by the Pioneers, and all of Bro. Kimball's family and effects that came up in the company that followed the Pioneers; having buried all my family on the road, I farmed for him the first year, raised some four hundred bushels of grain for him. I was a member of the First High Council organized in Salt Lake City. The second year after the emigration arrived on the 13th day of October, 1846 [1848?], I started in company with eleven more to go back to the States on business for myself and for the discharged soldiers. While I was in the States, Elder Woodruff was sent back to the States with an epistle on the Twelve to gather out the Saints from the East. I was called by a written epistle from him to assist him in visiting the Saints and to help in the gathering. I had been laboring in Maryland and had baptized and organized a Branch of sixteen members. I visited Brother Woodruff in Boston and was requested to cross the Plains in his company in the early part of June 1850. I met him at Bethlehem at the crossing of the Missouri River where his company was organized with captains of tens and fifties and of hundreds. He appointed me captain of fifty. Each fifty traveled separate, but sometimes we camped together on Sunday.

Capt. Leonard Hardy had charge of the first fifty in which Brother Woodruff started. I had a blacksmith in my company and when we arrived at Ash Hollow, he having ten wagons loaded with merchandise and machinery which required being repaired, he moved them and his family into my fifty and traveled with me the rest of the way. We arrived in Salt Lake the 13th of Oct. 1850. I had been absent just two years from the time I left. Soon after I arrived I married having been single from the time I buried my wife in Pottawattamie in 1847.

I was then called to go with G.A. Smith to settle Iron County. Left Salt Lake on the 9th of Dec. 101 wagons in all. We arrived at the place where Parowan is not located on the 14th of January. In organizing Iron County G.A. Smith was appointed Judge of the County Court and it required two associates at that time to make a full bench. I was his first associate in our military organization. I was elected captain over the company called the Home Guards. B.A. requested us to present plans for laying off our fort and for the plan of locating our houses. Several of the company presented and I presented my plan which was accepted and adopted, and Parowan was built up according to it.

George Brimhall and myself built a thrasher and a water power, getting a grant from the city council to use the water of the creek. We threshed the first crop raised. I was a member of the city council in May, 1851. President Young and company made us a visit and while there Pres. H.C. Kimball counseled me saying after the Mission was established to return to Provo.

John Whipple, Edson's father died in West Dummerston, Windham, Co., Vermont and is buried in the graveyard nearby where he died. His gravestone is white marble with the following inscription on it: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. He has two daughters and one son buried on the north by his side, Betsey, Maria and Edson, his sister Zipporah and her husband; they lay buried in the same tier. He [John] has one daughter and her husband buried in Newfane, near Williamsville, Laura, her husbands name, Daniel Aldrich, who was the husband of Betsey, also these lived and died in Vermont. John, his oldest son died in McKein County (Bradford) Penn. John's wife died in the same place. Simmis [i.e. Dimmis] and her husband died in Otsego County (Milford) N.Y. Alfred died in Chautauqua Co. (Climer) N.Y. Samuel died in Wisc. Emeline and her husband died in Boston, Mass., buried in Wakefield, Middlesex, Co.

Basmath Hutchens, the wife of John Whipple who was the mother of Edson, died in 1847, and is buried some twenty-five miles below Omaha, where Edson's first wife Lavinnia Goss and her daughter are buried side by side. The mother died on the 9th of Sept., Lavinnia on the 13th and the little girl who was some twenty-two months old died on the 8th of Dec. the same year, the year we left Nauvoo on the way to the mountains. This item of history written by Edson that now lives Dec. 22, 1872.

After burying my mother, wife and child, the next spring I was called to go with the Pioneers to the mountains. I left Winter Quarters the 9th day of April, arrived in S.L. Valley July the 22nd. The company which numbered 143 when within about 60 miles of S.L. was divided owing to the sickness in camp and Willard Richards started with about one third of the company and the second day after G.A. Smith started with about one half of the company that had been left. I went with his company. We overtook the first company some seven miles before they reached Salt Lake Valley. And the next day about four or five o'clock we camped in the Valley on what is called East Canyon Creek. The next morning we move and camped on City Creek. And the second day after President Young arrived with the rest of the company it being July 24, 1847. We had with us ploughs and harrows and we soon commenced to use them but found that the land had got to be watered before we could plow. We appointed a man, one of our number by the name of Walsey to be our watermaster. We watered from fifty to seventy five acres and plowed it and planted a variety of seeds with came up and grew rapidly, but owing to the lateness of the season but little matured. In a few days after our arrival, a company of the Mormon Battalion arrived which had wintered at Santa Fe. The largest half of the Pioneer company returned the same season to Winter Quarters where we had left the April before.

Dec. 8th Sunday, 1850.
Wagon and team all ready for starting for Iron County. Rolled out in front of Sister Eastman's house.
Monday, 9th.
Rolled out 9 miles to Brother McKineys.
Tuesday, 10th.
Overhauled my load and left some part of it with Br. McKiney.
Wednesday, 11th.
Went for my flour and seed wheat over to Br. Holladays.
Thursday, 12th.
Rolled out and fell in company with G.A. Smith. Camped near Willow Creek.
Friday, 13th.
Rolled on, crossed over the mountains to the Utah Valley in company with 9 wagons. Camped on Dry Creek where we overtook some six or eight more wagons, John D. Lee and others.
Saturday, 14th.
Rolled on, crossed the American Fork, took the left hand road, camped on a small creek by a small settlement where Louis Robinson kept his herd.
Sunday, 15th.
Crossed over to the right hand road and camped on the Provo in company with some 60 or more wagons. Called a meeting in the evening, organized our company in a traveling and military capacity. The names of the officers I shall give hereafter.
Monday, 16th.
This morning several of us went to Thomas Williams herd to buy oxen and cows. We get 13 head. I bought one pair of oxen for 85 dollars. We rolled on about 12 o'clock and passed the Utah Fort. I left one pair of my oxen that were too poor to go through with Eeller Williams to keep till I returned or sent for them. Camped on Hobble Creek
Tuesday, 17th.
This morning some of our cattle were missing, but we found them all but one cow of mine. I gave William Miller a description of her, requested him if he found her to send her to me the first chance. We started about 11. It soon commenced snowing and continued to do so until about 2 o'clock. We camped after crossing on the Spanish Fork, 60 miles from the G.S.L. City, hereafter camping. I counted 85 wagons and several more expected to join us tomorrow.
Wednesday, 18th.
This morning it continued snowing early; it broke away about 8. We rolled out but found bad roads, the snow melting made a plenty of mud. We passed through a low web bottom; many of the teams stalled; several had to double. We camped about 3 on the Peteetneet near the last settlement in the Utah Valley, and here we expect to stop for one day for the rest of the company to come up. Some have been detained on the account of storm, others have stopped back for fear they might have to lay in camp a day or two. The settlement on this creek only consists of some 4 or 5 families, Brother Pace Stewart and others. George A. together are busily engaged in making out the reports to send back to the First Presidency. We are preparing to organize 4 militarist companies, 2 to consist of 30 men each, one to be mounted men and the other to be foot company, to be as minute men, and two more, one to consist of twelve men to man a small piece of artillery, which we have along with us, the other to be a home protection to consist of old men and boys.
Thursday, 19th.
Pleasant this morning. We are laying by according to our expectation. Completed our organization. Three more wagons have arrived in camp. Several more are expected this evening. Today I called on Bro. James Lewis in behalf of Sister Holman for balance due her on the adobies contract. Brother G.A. Smith decided he should give her fifteen dollars and seventeen cents. Lewis got Brother Joseph Horne to buy a piece of land of him on the west side of the Jordan and Horne gave her his note for the amount. We drove up our cattle this morning and gathered them this evening. We called out our Battalion and inspected their arms and elected G.A. Smith Major. Received his thanks and blessings if the thing was commattable [sic] he would treat the company. He named the Battalion the Iron Battalion, and it was unanimously received by all. I wrote two letters, one to Sister Holman, one to Sister Eastman. My teams and effects consist of in all that I have with me, myself and family, Mary Ann and Harriet Whipple, and Benjamin Hultz with his wagon and one yoke of oxen fitted out by me with seed and provisions. I am to give him 15 dollars for the use of his oxen, he is to work for me one half of the time for his fitout. My provisions consist of 18.00 lbs of flour and 2.00 lbs Indian meal, one hundred lbs of meat, 7 1/2 bushels of seed wheat, 6 quarts of barley, 1/2 peck potatoes, 12 quarts of peas, a little seed corn, and a variety of garden seeds, one bushel of beets, one of onions, 25 lbs. rice, 20 lbs. sugar, 50 of coffee, 1 1/2 gls. molasses, 35 lbs. salt, 2 1/2 lbs. tea, 1 peck dried peaches, 1 wagon of my own, 1 of Br. Hultze's, 6 oxen of my own, 2 of Hultze, 4 cows, 3 left behind, and one yoke of oxen left behind, 4 chidkens, 1 cook stove, 1 spade, 1 shovel, 1 scythe, 1 hoe, 2 aces, 3 augers, 1 set of bitts, 14 lites of glass, 8 lbs. nails, 25 lbs. soap, 1 side of upper, 1 of sole leather, 1 calf skin, 2 guns, 4 lbs. powder, 6 of lead, 5 of shot, 5 thousand of caps, 4 chains, 1 sickle.
Friday, 20th.
No more wagons arrived. It is rumored in camp that Frost, Harper, Hancock and other are staying back to keep clear from the organization, but as to this matter we do not know. We sent back a man to the Spanish Fork to see if they are there. The camp rolled out about 10, the ground being frozen makes good wheeling. We crossed one small creek and traveled about 6 miles and camped on Summit Creek, the snow being several inches deep, but about 1/2 mile down the creek not much snow, and feed good. G.A. Smith and J.D. Lee stopt back to find out the cause why the rest of the wagons did not come up and to complete the organization ready to return to headquarters. Bro. Elias Gardner started with us for the purpose of going through to the Sanpete Valley but for the want of teams he was obliged to stop at Fort Peteetneet.
Saturday, 21st.
This morning many of the camp were up before daylight preparing for an early start, and Capt. Call got through with his breakfast a little after sunrise and called for four men out of each ten to drive up the cattle and we were ready to roll out about 9. We found the snow increasing in depth until we got to the\e top of the divide ridge between the place of our starting and the creek we camped on, the roads good but slippery owing to the snow. We crossed one small creek, passed one large spring, traveled 12 miles and camped about half past three on Willow Creek, the snow about 4 or 5 inches deep. A small creek and a few willows here. We expect to stay until Monday. G.A. Smith, J.D. Lee and Br. Lunt came up with us just as we camped, reported 11 wagons behind, and that Br. Levi Hancock stopped back at Utah Fort for the want of more teams. G.A. brought news received by two and an Indian from Sanpete that the Indians had robbed and killed a company of gold diggers on the way to the mines just beyond the Little Salt Lake and also a company of Spaniards with some seven thousand sheep. This night we, for the first, placed out our guard, two at a time to be relieved every two hours. This morning just as the camp was starting, Br. Wm. Jones and Br. Hall turned their teams back, crossed the creek, but Jones concluded he would not go back and he turned the team back again, but Hall put for the city.
Sunday, 22nd.
This morning cold and cloudy. The thermometer stood at 17 and 12 at noon 24 and in the evening 18. We started about 9 owing to the scarcity of wood we thought best to travel, the roads good the country beautiful, the cedars covering the sides of the mountains, the tops covered with fir of pine. We traveled 11 miles and camped on Salt Creek about half past one; good feed, the snow about 3 inches deep. The camp was called together for meeting about 3 and our President made a few remarks suited to the condition and appointed James Lewis, clerk of the meetings. The President having received instructions from President Young to build a bridge across Salt Creek, appointed Tarlton Lewis and myself to select a place for it. We did so and in the evening the boys drawed three sleepers and placed them and the men with horse teams proposed to stop in the morning and cover it, and then roll on and overtake the company. Here we leave the road that goes to the Sanpete Valley. We are now one hundred miles on our way and forth miles from the Sanpete, the Sanpete road turns up the Salt Creek Canyon.
Monday, 23rd.
This morning, the thermometer stood 16 above zero; about noon the sun shone out and the mercury rose to 46. Our roads good all day; found little more snow some of the way, but where we camped at night not [illegible] of the road, no wood without going to the mountain. We are within a short distance of the mountain that separates us from the Sevier. We started about half past nine and camped about four. We corralled all the horses tonight and kept a guard with the cattle. We see not far off the smoke of the Indians' camp. We expect to find some of our oxen pretty stiff in the morning, owing to it being so slippery our camp did not observe good order. The first ten in the first division traveled in rear of the first division; and the second division started last. But G.A. teams being hindered about 5 minutes, some of the second division drove past by striking out and the whole division followed with the exception of T> Lewis' ten. Found no water in this drive.
Tuesday, 24th
This morning about half past five the horn sounded to wake up the camp. I arose soon and built a fire in the stove in my wagon which I had arranged for cooking before I left the city. After thawing out and putting on my boots I got out of my wagon and found during the night the snow had fell about 3 inches deep. It was a little cloudy and the thermometer stood at 10. After preparing wood and water I took my gun and traversed the sage brush in search of rabbits, but found none, but lost my pocket handkerchief, returned, got my breakfast, assisted in driving up the cattle and rolled out about 10. The second division went before, and our pilot instead of taking the old road that led along close to the right hand bluff, he took us still farther at the left with a circle round a big swamp and come to our old road in about 2 hours after traveling some 4 or 5 miles on the dividing ridge between the _____ Valley and the Sevier River after passing over the mountains we passed over a rolling valley found the road a little hilly. After traveling some twelve or fourteen miles we came to the Sevier River. We passed over the side of the mountain, the road very sideling and rough and a little steep. We camped on a small bottom about sundown after traveling some fifteen miles. One of my oxen gave out about 1 mile before camping. We are camped this evening in sight of the Indians fires. The wagons behind hove in sight while we were on top of the mountains. The mercury sank this morning to 6n above zero.
Wednesday, 25th
This morning the thermometer stood 12 degrees below zero. Our cattle were covered with a white frost and were not inclined to feed. We yoked up about 11, commenced crossing the river, some of the horse teams crossed first, and then the first division crossed over, and before all was over it was after sundown owing to it being bad getting out and the bad hill, it was short but steep and slippery. We camped on the opposite side; the 11 wagons behind came to the camping ground that we left. Our wood was mostly sage brush. On both sides we find it most impossible to get along, our cattle not being shod, it being slippery. I spent a portion of the day and evening in reading the secret debates and proceedings of the convention of 1776.
Thursday, 26th
This morning the thermometer stood 18 degrees below zero. Our cattle suffered much; we3 drove them up about ten calculating to roll on 5 or 6 miles, but one pair of G.A. Smith's were missing. On searching we found their tracks breaking for the bluffs with two moccasin tracks, one each side. We soon dispatched Fullmer with some 25 men in pursuit of them. One man soon returned with word that they had found the oxen badly wounded with arrows, but the Indians escaped. The company were directed to follow them and Capt. Little with 17 of his company were ordered out. The horsemen soon found that the Indians had crossed the river; they pursued them for several miles and took two prisoners, brought them into camp and kept them till morning, and Brother Empey took the boy and let the old one go. The oxen were driven into camp and during the night the one died having five arrows pulled out of him and several more wounds; one still lives. Owing to the oxen being gone we turned out our teams, remained over night.
Friday, 27th
This morning the weather much warmer, thermometer stood at 6 below zero. We rolled out about 10, traveled some nine miles, rolled over a mountain and camped in a small valley, good feed and no water. We found the snow about 8 inches deep. The camp was called together in the evening and Pres. Smith gave some direction respecting guarding and traveling.
Saturday, 28th
This morning the thermometer stood 12 above zero, quite pleasant with the exception a little cloudy. We rolled out early in about three miles and came to a mountain, passed up a canyon, found the snow one foot deep, one bad hill it being very sidling. We found heave roads for three miles or more and then we came to the summit. We rolled down the mountain come two miles found the snow deep or deeper than on the other side. We found no water and the feed covered with snow, and a plenty of wood, the fires built, the kettle prepared and all hands melting snow for the cattle. The second fifty broke one wagon and stopped on the top of the ______________. Some of the horse teams went on to water and one ten of the ox teams, the women what few there were along were obliged to walk up the mountain, some with a child in their arms through the snow, some I saw with their husbands boots on. Several of our cattle gave out and we left some by the way and went for them after camping. I put the big boiler on the stove, kept the snow a melting for my cattle all day. The two Johnson boys cached at the foot of the mountain a part of their loads what iron they had.
Sunday, 29th.
Pleasant and some warmer. The call was made at 6 o'clock for the camp to arise, yoke up and roll out to water. We started about sunrise, drove some 7 miles to Cedar Springs and camped about 12 1/2 twelve; good water and wood and feed a plenty. Left on the way one ox died and worn down the hard work and it was all I could do to get one of my cows to the camp. After eating my dinner I went to Br. G.A. and got his journal for the purpose of drawing from it the same totals of the returns of this camp to Iron County which I entered in my journal, which is as follows:
pitt saws 3 plows 57
stoves 53 pats 2163
swords 9 corn 3486
ammunition 1001 lbs wheat 35370
saddles 44 groceries 1228
nails 190 lbs flour 56922
lights of glass 436 cannon 1
axes 137 pistols 52
mowing scythes 45 guns 129
cradle scythes 72 cats 18
sickles 45 dogs 14
hoes 98 chickens 121
spades & shovels 110 milch cows 146
mill irons 1 set beef cattle 20 3/4
carpenter tools 9 1/2 sets oxen 368
blacksmith 3 1/2 mules 12
seed potatoes 54 bushels horses 100
seed barley 1267 lbs children under 14 18
women over 14 30 waggons 101
men 14 & upwards 119 total number of persons
carriages 2 young and old 167
total number of horn cattle 534 total number of the living 966

Capt. of Fifties

Anson Call & Simeon Baker

Capt. of the Military

Almon Fulmer of the Horse Co.
James Little, 1st infantry
Edson Whipple, 2nd infantry
Jacob Hofheins, of artillery

The above are the captains of the traveling camp and of the military of Iron County

We entered after rolling over the mountain that lay south of the Juab Valley on Saturday a valley called after a tribe of Indians Powvine Valley, and those springs come from the bluff of the east side of this valley is large and the Sevier River empties into it and forms a lake some twenty miles in length, but few streams come from the mountains. This evening the camp was called together and our President spoke and gave counsel respecting guarding and taking care of our cattle, and said he thought the camp got along well and manifested the best spirit of any camp he ever traveled in; told one or two anecdotes and dismissed by benediction. We saw the Indian camp fires in the distance westward. We kept a strong guard during the night.
Monday, 30th.
This morning the camp was called early as usual, got our breakfast, gathered cattle and moved on between nine and ten; crossed two creeks, one with steep banks, and Br. Love in getting through broke an axletree made of wrought iron. We traveled 9 miles and camped on Camp Creek at 3 1/2 o'clock. This creek derived its name by a camping on it 7 weeks being snowbound P.P. Pratts Capt. Fuller exploring company sent from Salt Lake last year. The snow here is about 3 inches deep, good feed, good water and wood. The thermometer rose this morning to 13 above zero. 18 men on guard detailed by Capt. Little and Lieutenant Sheets.
Tuesday, 31st.
This morning the mercury rose to 22 above zero, cloudy during the day so that it did not thaw much. We started at 9 1/2, the first division forward, Capt. Dame's ten in front, the roads good. We made 10 miles and camped on a small creek, good feed, and a few willows; sage a plenty all day. Our cattle seemed to stand it well; the snow about 3 inches deep all day it falls to my lot in company with Lieutenant Elmore to detail the guard, 3 every two hours. Some of the brethren went this morning before starting about 2 or 3 miles down the creek to a chalk bed on both sides of the creek near some small cedars and returned with back loads. The horse teams stopped back this morning while the blacksmith mended Br. Love's axletree and came up with us this evening.

January 1st, 1851

This morning at 12 o'clock, I having the detailing of the guard, I cried the hour and said with a loud voice, I am happy of the opportunity of saying to this camp, the new settlers of Iron County, I wish you a Happy New Year, hoping your labors the coming year may be crowned with a beautiful harvest with with peace and plenty and prosperity so that to your increase there shall be no end, even so, Amen. To this many of the camp shouted, Amen. I overheard one man say to his bed fellow that is a good toast if we only had a bottle of good brandy or ale to go with it and a little bread and cheese. And when I called the guard at ten o'clock their tower being two hours I cried the hour and said that I was authorized by our Mayor and all the Iron Battalion to call on B. Watts, J. Brinton, H. Lunt and place them on guard and keep them there till next year. Bro. Lunt came forward with his hands full of bread and said if he was going to stay till next year he was not going to starve. The camp was called together this morning to see if we should move on or lay by till tomorrow. It was moved and carried that we stopt till tomorrow. The day saw spent by hunting and exploring and shoeing oxen, and in the evening the camp was invited by Bishop Lewis to come together and to celebrate the New Year in a dance. One half or more repaired to fire that had been prepared for the occasion opposite of the second division, and listened to a short address and prayer from Bishop Lewis, and then both men and women joined in the dance. I repaired to my wagon to write in my journal the proceedings of the day and evening, and as I sat writing a top at the front end of my waggon and the curtain raised, and Bro. Horne with two more with him said they had been dispatched by Br. Lewis to request me and ladies to come over and join in the dance, but it being cold we declined going, but declared our intentions when we got to the end of our journey and a house built we then should be likely to indulge a little. We saw today the smoke of the Indians fire a little to the right of the twin mountains some fifteen miles west of our camp. Br. Shirts went east on to one of the mountains where he had a view of the valley and says the valley west extends further than he could see and that he discovered a lake of water which runs north and south which he thinks must be some sixty or seventy miles long. This valley is connected with the Great Desert.
Thursday, 2nd
This morning the thermometer stood 18 above zero; very cloudy and snowed a little. We moved on 5 miles, camped on the branch of one of the three creeks about 1 o'clock. Some went hunting, some went to explore the country. Among other discoveries we found off to the left of the camp towards the bluff an Indian field where they had raised corn, beans and wheat. Several wigwams, but they were all vacated. We suppose much of this valley might be farmed to a good advantage, and in all probability will be in a few years from this. It is now 7 o'clock in the evening and the horn is sounding that three of our brethren that are out may hear and by it find the way to the camp it being dark and cloudy. They went to the mountains to hunt. The boys are now going to build a big fire that they can see from a distance. The men returned safe fetching with them some specimens of rock and reported iron ore in the mountains south of where we camped.
Friday, 3rd.
This morning we started at 9 1/2 nine, cloudy, the mercury stood at 12 above. We traveled some three miles and come to the end of valley, rose a divide with a gradual rise about three miles further and the road good, only slippery, the snow being some 2 inches deep. We then descended some three miles and came to another mountain, traveled some two or three miles up and camped in the canyon about 2 miles from the summit. Wood a plenty for camping purposes; no water and not much grass. The horse teams and two tens of the ox teams by permit rolled ahead, (and we learn by a man that rode ahead with our pilot and returned since we camped) they are camped about 4 or 5 miles ahead. The last two miles we found heavy hills; some had to double teams. My team got very tired after camping. I walked some two miles ahead till I met the man returning. I started for the summit. The most of the stone where we passed today looks as if they had been melted and many of them are mixed with iron ore, and no doubt much ore could be found near this place. This part of the mountain seems to be destitute of timber as far as we know with the exception of cedar and that is to be seen on most of the mountains. The snow in this canyon is about 4 inches deep, and as I passed up I found it to increase in depth. It has been foggy all day and a white frost covers the grass so that our cattle will do very well without water. The Powvine Valley that we have just left today and those mountains seem to be destitute of game of any kind. We have not killed but little of any kind, some few ducks and a few rabbits. I have not seen neither a deer nor an antelope since I left Salt Lake City.
Saturday, 4th.
This morning Capt. Baker by request got onto his horse and turned a little to the right of the camp and found a place around the mountains a better place for the road than where those that were ahead went. If we had kept more to the right when we was back at the foot of the mountain and kept further up the valley we might have saved much hard drawing. After traveling this morning about 5 miles we crossed over a divide and rolled into a small bosom in the mountains some two miles in diameter surrounded by high mountains on all sides. After passing through this bosom we came to the mountain and found heavy hills for about 3 miles. We had to double our teams some part of the way but about half past four word came from our pilot that he had found water and feed 3 miles ahead. We were then near the summit of the mountain. We rolled into camp about dark, found a small stream coming from the mountain about half a mile from where we camped; drove our cattle to it and melted snow for cooking, which was about four inches deep. Sage brush for wood. Notice was given this evening for everybody to stay in camp tomorrow and be ready for meeting at 10 o'clock. We are camped in a small valley. We have travelled 24 miles in three days.
Sunday, 5th.
This morning the thermometer 26 above zero, cloudy. About 9 the call was made for all hands to gather the cattle and count heads, and see if they got water, the stream being small and froze over with a thick ice. After this was done, meeting was called together, Br. Wiley appointed to lead in singing. Our President gave us good advice respecting taking care of our stock, and spoke of the object of our mission. The guard were put on as usual and instructed to build fires that the natives might know we were on hand. I presented the President with a plan of a part to be considered by the company with others that had been drawn calculated for our convenience in Iron County. The girls made bread for Br. Cherry & Benson, some dog loaves.
Monday, 6th.
Warm and pleasant this morning. The cattle was called for about 8 1/2; they were in a scattered condition, and the most of the men went for them. the cedars being plenty and thick it required considerable time to gather them all, but one of my oxen were brought in and the most of the company started. Some of the horse teams stopped, and I got on to Br. Cherries horse and went in search but did not find him, but when I returned Br. Hultze and Johnson had found him and got yoked up and started. The ox was by himself and a big wolf stood by him. Capt. J. Hoffheins had one killed last night by the wolves. I soon overtook my teams and found one of my cows very lame. Her hind feet were wore so thin that it hurt her to step. Our road led to the south. We passed over a rolling piece of country, traveled 6 miles and camped by a small creek; cedars plenty and middling good feed. After camping I got some shoes off Br. Dalton and nails off Br. Howd and Br. Whitney put them on to my old cow. We are still in the same bosom that we camped in over Sunday. The creek we camped on Saturday we named Cove Creek. A part of the road today would be wet, in a wet time, it has thawed considerable today.
Tuesday, 7th.
It froze quite hard last night and snowed a little, but a fine morning. Cattle gathered and the last teams started about ten. We passed over a divide into the end of this bosom. This bosom is composed of three small ones there being a rolling piece of land between that divides them so that each one has its own sink, much water must make into each of them. The mountains are high around them. After traveling about 4 miles we came to the mountain which was steep. We had the most of us to double teams. We rolled over one mountain after another for about six miles and camped at the foot of a steep hill by a dry creek without water. We found from 8 to 10 inches of snow crossing the mountains, the last waggons rolled in a little before sunset. Our waggons got considerable scattered owing to out doubling teams up the mountain. This ravine that we camped on leads into Beaver Creek. This evening the horn sounded to call the camp together for meeting. The President presided and Br. Mitchell was called and requested to speak if he felt like it. He said he had a bad cold and was quite hoarse, but he accepted the invitation and gave us a lecture on the Word if Wisdom, after which our president arose and said he had listened with pleasure to the remarks made by Br. Mitchell and highly approved of a strict observance of the Word of Wisdom, but said it did not always follow that a man must totally abstain from tea and coffee, but that wisdom sometimes dictated to him the use of tea & coffee. While exploring these mountains his food sometimes had been so dry that he wanted something besides cold water to help it down and said he now was using a little tea and thought he should continue to do so until his old cow calved. And gave us an explanation of original sin and the unpardonable sin and tetotal [sic] depravity, etc. etc.
Wednesday, 8th.
This morning our wagons were covered with snow that fell during the night, and about 8 it commenced again to snow and continued to do so till about 10 1/2, when we were ready to roll out, but two, Br. Dame and one more had cattle missing, a cow and an ox, two tens stopped back while the rest rolled on until the cattle were found. Our road was good today for about ten miles a ravine to cross, the only bad place till we came to the place where we were calculating to camp, a small creek but owing to the thick ice we found it impossible to water our stock without much labor, so we moved on to a small creek in the valley of Beaver Creek, a fine place for camping which made 14 miles, and for the last three we found it hilly. This valley is surrounded by high and lofty mountains and to every appearance covered deep with snow. Not much in this valley and what little there is, the most of it fell last night. We saw three Indians this afternoon, and they tell us a heap of wigwams nearby. This valley, to all appearances will be good to cultivate and will, I think, soon be settled by the Mormons. We are about one mile from the Beaver Creek; much cedars on all the mountains and some in the valley.
Thursday, 9th.
This morning the thermometer stood 16 above zero. The night was cold. It fell to my lot the last part of the night to awaken the guard some time about 11, Br. Parks being on guard. Round the corrall Br. Cherries dog not being tied made out at him as he was passing the waggon. Parks thinking the dog intended to bite him cocked his gun and shot him in the shoulder. Br. Whitney put two shoes on one of my cows this morning, her feet being so badly worn that she was lame. The last of the camp rolled out about 11 1/2 eleven. We found steep banks in crossing the creek we camped on. We crossed one more small creek before we came to Beaver Creek. After crossing Beaver Creek we bore to the right so as to shun a wide slough. Soon after getting round this we began to rise the hill; it was a gradual rise not very steep all day. We camped in the mountain before we gained the summit. We traveled some eight or none miles, camped without water, plenty of wood and show, some 8 inches deep; feed good on the side of the mountain. The second fifth went ahead this morning and are camped ahead of us tonight. Our road today, some part of the way was among the cedars and it was with care and some difficulty that we could keep from tearing our wagon covers and stove pipes. We found some rocks in the road, some short and steep pitches to come down. Beaver Creek affords sufficient water for irrigating the valley, and for mill purposes. This evening at 6 the thermometer stood at 7 above.
Friday, 10th.
This morning the thermometer stood at 13 above zero. The most of the camp were ready early for driving up our stock and all hands were requested to assist in collecting them. We found they were scattered in every direction. About ten we were ready to roll. We had at the start a long steep sidling stoney hill to rise. We doubled teams and when we rose to the top another hove in sight, and for about a mile we found rising ground and when at the summit a plenty of siders and a steep mountain to descend. The second division, the evening before tore several of their wagon covers. We dispatched me to cut away so we went clear; but owing to our doubling teams at the start, the the camp became disorganized and scattered. After descending about half a mile we found a bosom in the mountains where the second division camped last night. Our ten got together in this bosom, all but Br. Benson; he went ahead not waiting for the rest to come up. After passing through the bosom we found in passing over the mountains into the Little Salt Lake Valley the worst road in all the route, a rough, rocky divide, heavy hills for our teams. When on top of the mountain one of my oxen laid down overcome with hard drawing. After traveling about one mile from this place at the foot of the mountain the feed being good and my cattle tired, I stopped unyoked my team and let them out for one and a half hours; got supper and then rolled on again, it being dark but a good moon. After going some two miles we met Br. Cherry our Capt. of ten and Br. Tarlton Lewis coming to see where we was. Our ten and some seven or eight waggons besides that had been left behind, owing to their teams being weak, from other tens had camped in the edge of the valley and Pres. Smith requested the two brethren to come back and see if I was coming up. I got in about seven o'clock. President Smith requested me to notify the military of our camp parade and make a show of arms, so if the Indians were about they might know that we were prepared for them. The guns having been loaded for some time it was recommended by our major to discharge them and re-load them so as to have them in good order in case the Indians should make an attack on us. After discharging the fire-arms, Bishop Lewis being one of the artillery company strongly requested the privilege of firing the cannon; it was granted by the Major, the discharging of the small arms and the preparing of the _______ seem to fill all the camp with a military feeling, and we requested Br. Lee to train us a little, and our Major gave us the privilege of firing our round of musketry by plattoons, or sections, there being twenty of us we were formed into five sections, 4 in each, and after the firing the cannon, we were marched up and fired by sections and breaking from the center opened from the right and left and forming in rear of the company, five plattoons in succession led on by the sound of the cannon made the valley ring and the mountains sounded with the echo, which roused the camp of some twenty waggons that had rolled on to the Buck Horn Spring about 5 miles ahead. They supposed we were attacked by the Indians; it roused all hands to arms, but for some cause but two men could be found that were willing to come to us, Br. Decker and Br. Lish and one man started for the second division to give the alarm war. They soon mounted fifteen men and started them to our relief, but the two that were started from the first camp came in time to return and met the fifteen mounted men some five miles on the way to battle field and sent them back telling them that it was only a signal of distress that the weak teams that they had left behind was in want of some cattle to help them through. And if them felt like it they could send back a few yoke. We considered this a pretty strong joke, one that they merited for leaving the weak teams behind, who, had it not been for Capt. Cherry's ten, the one that our President traveled in stopping and camping for the express purpose, they would have been left entirely alone exposed to the mercy of the Indians. In this we affected two things, got our drooping spirits cheered up by laughing at the joke, and it served us as an express to have cattle sent back. We camped this evening without water and not much feed and sage for wood. My cow got left behind and I had to go back about a mile for her.
Saturday, 11th.
This morning the thermometer stood 25 above zero, a light shower of rain during the night; found our stock alright in the morning and gather them, hitched up and ready to roll 9 1/2 nine. Rolled on to the Buck Horn Springs. (This spring derived its name by our President G.A. finding a buck-horn in it.) And finding a plenty of water and our teams being without water for two days, and two nights and having hard drawing, we thought it best to lay by tomorrow. We camped about 12 o'clock and passed the balance of the day hunting rabbits and shoeing oxen. And about 7 o'clock in the evening Br. Walker and a young lad by th3e name of Hansell Call came from the other camp which was about 14 miles ahead with six yoke of oxen to help those that they had left behind. We were much pleased to see them; rejoiced much to think that our dispatch and signal of distress last night had its desired effect. Br. Lee gave the messengers their supper and furnished them with lodgings. We found a note left by some of the camp that stopped here last night stating that an Indian came into camp this morning. We camped about 40 rods west of the road.
Sunday, 12th.
This morning fine and pleasant. We were ready to roll 9 1/2. After traveling about 3 or 4 miles in looking back we saw waggons on the road as far as we could see. Getting our spy glass to bear we counted 7; who they are we do not know, but we think they must be our brethren that started after us. After traveling 10 miles we came to where the main camp was, the last of the teams got in 3 1/2. Campt four miles from the Liberty Pole on a creek of fine water, good size for farming purposes. Some part of the company had been here since Friday and I found on listening that a variety of opinions had been formed respecting the land and country. In the evening the captains were invited to come to our President's waggon where he could converse with them. He reproved them some for leaving their teams behind and said the selfish principles he had seen in some who was not willing to help others when they had need on such a journey as this was not right and gave them to understand that he would have been better pleased if the company instead of rushing ahead and leaving a part behind had stopped and helped the weak teams over the mountains and all come on together it would please him better. But said on the whole he thought they had done well as there had been no cause for any bad feeling but all had done well, and yet there was room for improvement, but hoped that none of us would ever be called to take another journey like this in the winter again. We let the cattle run without guarding tonight. We keep a watch around the corral.
Monday, 13th.
This morning we gathered up our stock and moved on 4 miles to the next creek; formed our corral near the mountains at the mouth of the canyon; let our stock run at large; a fine stream of water and feed enough for present purposes and wood. Several of the horse teams remained back after the ox teams had left and three Indians came to them the fartherest came on a smart run hollering to the fullest extent of his voice, saying he was a friend, and seemed much terrified. He had heard our firing Friday evening and not knowing the cause of ti were frightened. Our interpreter was there and told him that we were their friend and should not hurt them if they did not meddle with our stock. He said they would not, and seemed much pleased that we were about settling in this valley. Two more came that were a little way off, the first was sent not knowing but what he would be killed. They said what made them so afraid the Spaniards came a few years ago all through this mountain and shot a great many of them, all that they could find, and they did not know but we were a going to do the same, but as one of the Braves he was sent to see. In the evening Br. Smith, our President called the camp together and gave some general instructions and said to Lieut. Smith (Capt. Fulmer being absent), he wanted him with some fifteen of his men to accompany him on the morrow for he wanted to explore in the region of Muddy Creek. He made some remarks respecting his opinion of this country here, thought the prospects in general was as good or better than he expected. Five men from my company guards the corral. Br. Sheets and myself in order to rouse the downcast feelings of some went from fire to fire during the evening to inquire into the temporal and spiritual welfare of the brethren. The most of them, however, seemed to enjoy themselves pretty well. There were some few that seemed rather dissatisfied with the country. C. Harper said he had no faith only that this land was poor. Burr Frost remarked to me during the day that any man that said he was pleased with this valley if he had common sense was a liar; for, said he, it is not fit for anybody to settle in, and for us to think of settling here, it was the height of folly, and he would venture to say that as to iron ore there was none there. These were his views and feelings, and to me he was a sorry looking fellow not having shaved himself since he left home; his beard was long and his face still longer. I saw the Pred [sic] this morning hacking some deer meat the Br. Shirts had on the mountains, and packed in some seven or eight miles, the only one killed in the camp.
Tuesday, 14th.
This morning the President and his escort were busily preparing for to go to Muddy. Br. Cherry and others to explore the canyon south of us. Br. Smith and company prepared themselves with 3 days provisions, Capt. Call and Capt. Baker going with him. He requested me to take the oversite of the camp and to select a place and build a bridge across the creek. I called on Br. Farr and Capt. Bringhurst to assist me in selecting a place. Br. Elmer and four others went to find and cut lumber for the string pieces for the bridge. The women in the camp were engaged in making a flag with stripes and stars to be erected as a national ensign. The waggons that were supposed to be seen on Sunday coming behind us have not been seen and those that thought they saw them most likely was mistaken. Several men that have explored the country returned. Bishop Lewis and some others reports a plenty of pine about 5 miles up one of the canyons and good pass for a ______. About 3 o'clock Capt. Little and myself called out our companies for drill.
Wednesday, 15th.
This morning after counseling with Capt. Cherry and Capt. Mitchell I called for the cattle to be drove up and after we had got them part of the way up Bishop Groves sent to have them remain out, not to be brought in. I immediately came and informed him that Pres. Smith had particularly requested me to build a bridge and to see the camp moved over the other side of the creek, and for that purpose we were gathering the cattle. But he insisted they should remain, and the camp not to be moved without first calling all together so as to see if they wished to move, and said it must not be done today, and the reason he gave was that the chickens were out, and some of the women wanted to wash and called the camp and notified them that the cattle nor camp must not be disturbed today, but said he had no objection to my building a bridge. I told the brethren why I had called for the cattle, it was to build teh bridge and then move the camp over, but said I if Bishop Groves wishes to counteract the President's orders to me, I am willing, but told them plainly that his orders was that I should build the bridge and see the waggons removed over the other side of the creek. But the Bishop replied the chickens were out and the camp must not be moved today. One yoke of oxen from each ten was got, and the stringers hauled and the bridge built. Capt. Hunt with some seven or eight others from California met the President yesterday about six miles from this place and Capt. Hunt turned back with President to explore, the rest came in to camp where they will remain till Capt. Hunt and the party returns. They tell us that Bro. Isaac Brown being in a hurry and unwise started a short time before them for Deseret, but they found where his animals turned back, they expect the Indians killed him and took his horses. The wind came today strong from the west; it grew cold towards evening. I noticed some two or three young calves draw into camp this evening. One of Br. Jonsons oxen was found most dead.
Thursday, 16th.
Today the company that went south to Muddy to explore returned reported favorable as to iron, and the richness of the soil. But is was thought best to stop and commence our settlement here. The camp was called together and a report made, and said the President, I shall stop here and call on all that was willing to stop with him to make it manifest by the uplifted hand and by saying I. The vote was unanimous. The camp also met in convention to nominate County officers to be elected. The following names were nominated by the convention: four our Representative, Jefferson Hunt and for the ASsociate Justices, Edson Whipple, and Elisha H. Groves; for sheriff, James A. Little; for recorder, James Lewis; for Assessor and Collector, Joseph Horne; for Sealer of weights and measures, Philip B. Lewis; for Supervisor of roads, Almon L. Fullmer; for Magistrates, Anson Call, Tarlton Lewis, Aaron Farr, John D. Lee; for Constables, Zachariah Decker, Charles Hall, Samuel A. Woolley, Charles Dalton. After which notice was given to the captains to have a public dinner prepared on the morrow, and that Capt. Hunt and the seven men with him to be invited to partake with us, and the convention adjourned sine die. Br. Jonsons ox found dead.
Friday, 17th.
This morning the thermometer was at zero. Br. G.A. and Lee killed a beef ox, the most of it was lent to different individuals. I borrowed a shin that weighed 15 lbs. All hands seem to feel spirited to help and to furnish for the dinner and at ten we were called to vote for our County officers, and at about two the cannon was fired twice that the poles would soon be closed after which the cannon was fired three times for the tables to be spread, each ten spreading their tables of buffalo robes on the ground, on top of which the table cloths were spread and covered with the dishes used by the camp and with roast beef, roast pork, beans, beefsteak, pork steak, boiled beets and unions, pies and cakes, coffee and tea, puddings and pickles, a good variety and a plenty of such as was found in the camp. At the sound of the bugle all the camp, old and young came to the table, seated themselves on ox yokes which was suitable arranged for the convenience of all. After refreshing our bodies several toasts was heard the meeting dismissed by benediction. The tables was cleared, the camp retired to their waggons, the Capt. of tens called on their men to gather in the wood for evening and about dark the bugle sounding after building a big fire our two little fiddlers were comfortable seated, the company gathered. Our President and Capt. Hunt and his company took the first dance; after that myself and girls indulged till about 8 o'clock then we repaired to our waggons, took our coffee and retired for the night.
Saturday, 18th.
This morning the mail was made up for the City. Several petitions we got up and signed by many for the citizens, one for a national road from the Capital to Iron County, one for a railroad from the Capital. About 12 our cattle were called for. Capt. Hunt left soon after for the City, and as we were preparing to hitch on to our waggons some thirty or forty Indians came into camp, Peteetneet and his band. They had one of Miles Goodrich's children that he had by a squaw his wife that belong to that band, Gooder being dead the child was left with Peteetneet. We moved our waggons across the creek near the Liberty pole. I unloaded one of my waggons and took of the bed placed on the ground. Br. Daton killed a cow this morning for Capt. Hunt's company. I bought 124 lbs at 12 cents a pound. I sent three letters to the city, one to Capt. D.H. Wells giving him an order for two cows to be received in tithing.
Sunday, 19th.
Pleasant this morning and at 11 the camp was called together for meeting. Prayer by Br. Miller. Br. Call was called on to speak, after which the President spoke and gave notice for the camp to come together at two of the clock that something respecting our locating and building. At two the meeting met. A vote was called to see if the Brethren were willing to build their houses in a compact forming a Fort. Agreed to and then a vote was taken and carried to build a meeting house. Ways and means was agreed on. The President gave some counsel respecting and other matters. Bishop Groves was appointed by the meeting to trade with the Indians for all the company. Many of the Indians came in camp to trade. We told them it was Sunday, we could not. Peteetneet called his band together and told them this was a good day and they must not trade. Several stopped in our meeting. Peteetneet listened to what was said and each time when any one said amen, he said the same.
Monday, 20th.
This morning we held a court and bonds were given and several officer4s sworn in to office. After which we took up a collection of ammunition for the Indians, it being contrary to law to sell them any. We gave them some ten pounds and several boxes of caps, after which notice was given for all that wished to trade to bring forward their things and the Indians gathered around with their buck skins trading them for shirts, coats, pantaloons, etc. Bishop Lewis with eight men went to canyon to cut timber for the Meeting House. Bro. Hulse found this evening one of my cows with a young calf.
Tuesday, 21st.
This morning one man from each ten was detailed to guard the camp and to drive up the cattle at night. James Lewis officer of the day. Br. Dame the Surveyor and three others commenced laying out for the building a Fort, the rest of the men commenced building a road up and to the canyon. Some could get timber, I went with the rest. Br. Lee bought an Indian boy.
Wednesday, 22nd
This morning ten men were detailed to guard the camp, and ten to herd and drive up the. Br. Miller and myself were sent to explore and look for farming land. We went to the Lake on the right hand side of the creek, it being about 5 miles. We found the creek forked. We crossed over both forks, found a fine bottom of a thousand acres lying on each side of the creeks which was considered by us good for farming. We then crossed over one end of the Lake on the ice which was sufficient to bear our horses. [Illegible] that the Lake set back into a canyon [illegible] the mountain to view the grass which we found good, but did not find water. We then returned near to the creek and followed it to the camp; made our report to the President, left with him some specimens of rock, shrubbery, moss, salt plants etc. In the evening, the survey of the lots in the Fort being completed a call was made that wished a lot to come to the President's waggons and select theirs. No. 14 on the east line was set to me.
Thursday, 23rd.
This morning all but the guard and some few others went to work on the road.
Friday, 24th.
Repaired to the canyon to work the road; finished up the middle fork and laid the stringers to cross the creek up the left hand canyon. The President came up to see the canyon and to look for a mill site. This evening a meeting was called and a committee of all went in to look for the best place for farming on the morrow, Br. Dame chairman.
Saturday, 25th.
Today at 11 the thermometer stood seventy two above zero, and at sundown 24. Today many went to view the land. Capt. Fullmer and myself and some others prepared a Liberty pole and about three the President and the most of the men about camp came to the spot and assisted in raising it, and our President dedicated it and the ground on which we had selected to build our Fort to the God of Liberty. After which I drove the stakes for the twelve corners of our Meeting House, the plan of which was as follows drawn by our President; the main body 48 by 22, with a recess on the two sides, 16 by 12. The plat for our Fort 56 rods square with ninety two lots on the outside, 2 rods in front and 4 deep with a public square of 10 acres in the center; our Liberty pole erected at the southeast corner of the square and the Meeting House to be built on the southeast corner of the Fort plat it being the highest corner and nearest the mountain.
Sunday, 26th.
Met at 11 for meeting. I was called on to open by prayer. Br. Groves address the meeting and was followed by Sithop Robinson. Dismissed and at one all called and it was taken into consideration our farming and also in the evening.
Monday, 27th.
The first fifty went to the canyon to haul logs for the Meeting House. 6 men from the mining country arrived in camp; reported that they had a battle with the Piutes on Big Muddy; no one killed; one shot through the had and wounded on the top of his head.
Tuesday, 28th.
The second fifth drew logs today. I doctored my sick cattle; wrote a letter to W.P. Stevenson. Indian in camp informed us that Walkers band was on Little Muddy, twenty miles off, and that 12 of his band had gone to California to steal horses off the Spaniards. We were invited to dance got up for the California boys but we die not attend. Br. Woolf mended my boots and Br. Hulse worked in his place on the meeting house. Paulway the Frenchman that lives with J.D. Lee got accidently run over with a waggon, but little hurt.
Wednesday, 29th.
Worked on the Meeting House. Wrote a letter to President Kimball. Cloudy in the afternoon.
Thursday, 30th.
Cloudy and warm. Worked on the Meeting House. Br. Hulse drawed two loads of wood. About three it commenced raining and continued during. Bro. Barnard killed a beef. I bought 22 lbs. at 12 1/2 cts. per pound. Two families of Indians pitched their lodges close by our camp yesterday. Ammon one of their Indians name a Brother of Walker the chief. He talks a little English. He says he is not an Indian, he is a Mormon. Br. Sabin and Doc Morse went to the canyons and reported that they had found more timber, pine, spruce, quaken-asp about 10 miles from camp.
Friday, 31st.
This morning every one went to work for himself. Br. Hulse went to the canyon to cut poles. I went to hunt the cattle, did not get them till afternoon; found my waggon broke took till night to get it mended. This evening the camp was called together and a committee of three appointed to see and report of the fencing of the bottom land. The Surveyor run out 25 five acre lots today, but it was ascertained that some 40 or fifty more surrounded those lots are next to the Fort down the creek. G.A. our President ploughed and sowed some 10 quarts of wheat. The thermometer 30 this evening.
Saturday, February 1st.
This morning cold, the thermometer stood at 24, and this evening at 30. I went with Br. Hulse to the canyon to cut house logs and poles. We cut one set of house logs and some fifty poles. We cut one large pine that made 3 14 foot logs and one house log. Brother Cartwright cut his foot bad, the toe next his big toe off. and the one next to it partly off. Many logs and poles were hauled today. Many stopped all night last night in the canyon. The girls commenced baking bread for Jonsons boys.
Sunday, 2nd.
Cold morning, thermometer stood 16. Meeting at 11, partook of the Sacrament. The President read from the Book of Doctrine and Covenants and the Book of Mormon and addressed the congregation for about one hour, then gave way for others. In the afternoon all went in general council to deliberate on general movements, and next Saturday was set to move on to our lots in the Fort.
Monday, 3rd.
This morning the call was made at sunrise for all that wanted cattle to go and make a general drive. Br. Hulse went for mine and I went to the canyon. We drawed 7 logs and cut 2 loads more. In the evening the camp was called together to hear the report of the wire grass committee, and all was called on to give in the number of acres they wanted, wished to farm.
Tuesday, 4th.
This morning I went to the canyon, Br. Hulse went for the team. We hauled and piled logs and poles; hauled one load of house logs. Today I made a bargain with Hulse to give him twenty dollars a month from the time we left the Salt Lake City till he returns; one hundred dollars in cash, and the balance in goods and grain at market prices. He is to remain with me till after harvest if I want. This evening the camp were called together and drew for their ten acre lots on the upland. And the President requested all that could to move tomorrow across the creek on to their lots or to form their waggons into a square around the public square inside of the Fort. This square is forth square. The Bishops were instructed to see that each line was formed in order. Bishop Call on the south, Bishop Lewis on the west, Bishop Miller on the north, Bishop Robinson on the east. Weather fair and warm. Several were ploughing and some sowing.
Wednesday, 5th.
This morning most of the camp moved. Some remained on the ground. Br. Hulse and I got our waggons over, and he is hauled a load of stone for underpinning my house, and I arranged my waggons and put a tent in front of one. Warm and clear. Br. Benson spent the evening with us, and Br. S. Anson Call a little while. I called on the surveyor to see where my 9 acre lots came. He showed me them on the Platt No. 1 and 2 on the first block 4th range the northeast corner of the field of five acre lots.
Thursday, 6th.
Hulse and myself hauled timber from the canyon, the west line commenced building a dam across the creek to turn the water north of our Fort and field under the direction of Bishop Call. Nineteen years this day I was first married.
Friday, 7th.
Today I went with one yoke of oxen to the canyon. Hulse worked on the dam together with the citizens of the east line under the direction of Bishop Robinson. Commenced a bedstead in the evening. A little sprinkle of rain this morning about daybreak. It snowed a little during the day in the mountains.
Saturday, 8th.
Pleasant wind in the camp. Finished my bedstead, and in the afternoon hewed house logs. Brs. Brinton and Harper spent the evening in my tent. Some have plowed and sowed; others have been engaged in putting up log houses; others in getting logs and poles. This week has been warm every day, but it freezes nights. Our stock are scattered for several miles to the east and west. Many looked all day yesterday for their oxen and did not find them. Br. Benson has been running his pit saw a part of the week. Several Indians in camp today, Armmond and the families with him moved yesterday.
Sunday, 9th
Cloudy this morning, wind in the north. Br. Cherry called and spent an hour this morning with us. The horn blowed about 12 for meeting, the camp came together and organized into a Branch of the Church by the name of the Louisa Branch, G.A. Smith President. The President requested all the male members to be organized in one Quorum and to meet on Sundays and deliberate on any matters calculated to improve the minds. Elisha H. Groves was chosen president. J.D. Lee got his hand badly bit in parting his and Br. Horne's dogs from fighting.
Monday, 10th.
This morning cold and snowy; the mountain squalls came from the north east. It continued cold all day, snowing by spells; in the evening came over clear. I hauled a load of logs. Hulse grubbed greasewood on my ten acre lot. Br. Newman called and spent the evening and engaged the girls to do his baking, mending and washing.
Tuesday, 11th.
Cold morning but clear. After the sun got up I hewed house logs and got out timber to stock one of Jonsons ploughs which I was to use for stocking. Hulse hauled a load of poles. Several men went to cut and haul timber for a sawmill for G.A. Smith.
Wednesday, 12th.
This morning pleasant and clear, but before night it became rough and windy and it clouded over and commenced snowing by spells during the afternoon and evening. Our tent became covered with snow and the stove being hot melted it, and it commenced running through and we let the fire go out and it soon froze and stopped leaking. We went to bed early to keep from being cold. I hewed logs for Frost in the forepart of the day, and hewed for myself in the latter part. Hulse hauled poles.
Thursday, 13th.
This morning the thermometer stood at 8 degrees above zero. It continued to snow by mountain squalls during the day. The snow got to be 5 or 6 inches deep; at night it became clear and cold; froze hard during the night. I commenced making a plow to drill with. Hulse hunted for the cow, did not find her till afternoon. He looked for her yesterday but did not find her. While looking he shot a large hard, which was served up by the girls in good style for supper which we all partook of heartily, four of us and had enough left for breakfast.
Friday, 14th.
This morning cold, thermometer stood at 3 below zero. Clear all day, fine overhead. I continued to work on my plough, Hulse with me.
Saturday, 15th.
The weather moderating a little, the mercury 8 above zero. Soon after breakfast Bishop Call called on all to turnout and make a general drive of our stock. At four o'clock our military were called out and drilled about one hour. Many were absent. We were notified to meet in parade again in two weeks and if any were absent a fine would be imposed to be applied on public works. Two Indians in camp. Br. Lee fed one to help him haul wood. Ammon left this morning to go where Walker is, the President called on me for a plug of tobacco to sent him a mark of friendship, for Ammon had told him that Walker thought we had cast him off.
Sunday, 16th.
Rather cold and on account of the snow no meeting today till evening when Bishop "Call and Capt. Fullmer just as I was going to bed gave a general invitation to all hands to meet at Br. Lee's fire and be ready to help move a small building belonging to Sixtus Johnson, which he had placed on the opposite end of his lot from where we were forming our line of building. Bishop Call calculated to move the building unbeknown to Johnson, but a young man by the many of Joseph Millett running to Johnsons waggon and told him of the intention and volunteered to take his gun and threaten to shoot some of them. Bishop Call being informed that Johnson knew of the intention went to Johnson and invited him to help but Johnson and Millett threatened to shoot and Millett came out and Br. Benson took the gun from him. Millet became much excited and caused quite an uproar. The President G.A. till now knew nothing of it. He hearing the fuss came out and made the enquiry concerning the bustle. Bishop Call explained the meeting. The President being informed that young Millet had threatened to shoot some on of the company chastised him severely and bid him to go to his bed and never again threaten to shoot anyone in their camp. The meeting adjourned without moving the house. Br. Benson engaged [in] board with me for four dollars a week.
Monday, 17th.
The cattle were gathered this morning, and many went for timber in the canyon. Br. G.A. went with his horses and wagons and leaving them in the road partly loaded, Br. Bringhurst horses by come means took fright and running coming up behind G.A. horses started them; they cleared themselves from the waggons leaving it scattered by the way. Bun on to a big rock, throwed themselves hurting one considerable. In the evening a meeting was called to see about building a cattle corrall and we agreed to enclose with pickets twenty four rods square in the center of our Fort. G.A. then notified the meeting that he wanted all hands to come the next evening and move the house that they failed to do the other evening. Br. P. Lewis had bought the house of Johnson for ten dollars and G.A. had agreed to have it moved onto his lot.
Tuesday, 18th.
Today Hulse worked for G.A. on his sawmill framing. I hauled a load of timber a stable on the line of the cattle corrall. Br. Benson commenced boarding yesterday. He is to furnish provisions at the following prices: flour at 16 cts. per pound; beef at 12 cts. per pound; coffee at 62 cts. per pound. sugar at 62 cts per pound; salt, saleratus, dried fruit and tallow in proportion to the above.
Wednesday, 19th.
This morning while gathering the cattle, it commenced snowing about 11 it broke away. Hulse hauled a load of timber for the stable. I commenced laying it up. The snow fell about 2 inches. G.A. called in today and spoke of the propriety of petition the President for a military post to be established between this and Williams ranch on the stream called Ruddy to protect the emigrants from the hostilities of the Piute Indians, it being the only place between the Salt Lake Valley where there is to be any danger apprehended from the Indians..
Thursday, 20th.
Pleasant, but a cold morning, warm after the sun came up. I went with two yoke of oxen to the canyon; hauled logs to finish my stable. Hulse worked on the mill. Capt. Fullmer called a while this evening. I bought yesterday 46 pounds of beef at 10 cts. of Br. Bagger & Lainey.
Friday, 21st.
Cold in the morning, cloudy and a little squally in the mountains. I hauled pickets. Hulse worked on the mill. The men that wanted cattle were called together and in the center of the corrall and organized; sent in different directions; made a thorough drive.
Saturday, 22nd.
Snowing this morning till nine it gave way. Hulse and myself finished putting up the body of my stable, and completed my picketing around the corrall. Squally all day by spells; the snow fell about 3 inches, cold all day. Our grass lots we drawed for. (I drew No. 4 in Block 6 on Range 10.)
Sunday, 23rd.
Pleasant this morning but id did not thaw much. Meeting in G.A. camp at 11. G.A. read from the Book of Covenants and made some appropriate remarks but did not detain the people long, it being cold. In the afternoon the grammer class met at the same place under the direction of G.A. Smith. While there Br. Pugmire came in with what he said was gold taken from a rooster's gizzard that had been killed and dressed. A little while before there were some six or seven pieces of it. It was not known where the gold came from; the pieces were small.
Monday, 24th.
Cold but pleasant; froze hard last night, warm after the sun came up. Hulse worked on the mill. I worked on my stable thinking to chink and cover it in to live in while building my house; the stable is 16 by 10. While working at chinking I cut my thumb bad, a flesh wound. This evening about sundown the wind commenced blowing from the southwest; it continued to increase till my tent became so wrecked that I was obliged to take my stove outside and let down the south end of my tent and to lay poles on it. The wind continued to blow hard by spells till after midnight. Br. Newman came in and wanted us to take his provisions and board him. I said no.
Tuesday, 25th.
This morning cloudy. I called Hulse to help me rig up my tent. After erecting it and proping it getting my stove hot, the girls up, Hulse and myself commenced at the stable, but about the same time it commenced snowing. We turned into the tent got our breakfast. Benson got his tinker tools and done what mending we had on hand. Hulse worked inside on the plow, calculated for drilling till after dinner, when it stopped snowing. We then worked on the stable. The snow fell about six inches deep. It turned off cold.
Wednesday, 26th.
The thermometer stood 4 above zero, clear and cold, but after about 9 it became warn till the sun got low. We worked on the stable. I worked about 2 hours on the water ditch. Many of the camp went to see their lots on the wire grass and cut a road to the bottom through the sage and greasewood. This morning Br. Sheets notified me that a liceum was to meet at Bishop Millers in the 3rd Ward and that I was chosen as one of the speakers on the question, Which have the greatest cause of complain against the Whites, the Negroes or the Indians. We met according to the arrangement and judges were chosen to decide according to the strongest argument. I spoke on the negative in behalf of the Indians. The judges decided in favor of the Indians, Bishop Miller President.
Thursday, 27th.
A cold morning. We worked on the stable, got the roof on, the most of it painted. Bishop Lewis spent a part of the evening with us. Br. Lee killed a beef. I got 14 1/2 lbs. I sold Br. Dame 4 lbs. coffee at 75 cts a pound.
Friday, 28th.
I finished my stable. Hulse worked on the mill. Bishop Call, Capt. Fullmer and Wheeler, the interpreter, were sent by the President with a letter to Walker, some 35 miles.
Saturday, March 1st
The weather a little more moderate. We moved into our log shanty. Hulse worked on the mill. In the evening attended the lyceum, set as one of the judges, the question, nature and art; decided in favor of art.
Sunday, 2nd.
Pleasant morning. About 9 o'clock Ammon with about 35 old any young squaws and Indians came in to our Fort to have a dance. Commenced at the President wagon and went all around to all dancing which he done as a token of friendship with the expectation of getting presents. They all were dressed in their best. A meeting of the camp was called at 11. The President spoke of the way he wanted us to use the Indians. In the afternoon the Quorum of Elders were called together.
Monday, 3rd.
Today Walker and his band of Indians came into our camp, riding round and singing, whooping and firing guns to show that they were friends. I hauled a load of logs from the canyon. Hulse worked on the mill. Br. Shurts started a cow herd. I put in one at 3 cts a day.
Tuesday, 4th.
I finished my plough for drilling and made a harrow. Hulse worked on the mill. Joseph Millett cut his foot, taking off a part of his great toe. I hauled two logs for the bastion to pay a tax on all the military men, built for a place to keep the cannon on the outside of the line on the northwest corner of the Fort to commence the north and west line of the Fort.
Wednesday, 5th.
This morning cold and cloudy. Snowing in the mountains, but about nine it cleared off warm so that many ploughed. I hued logs for my house. Hulse worked on the mill. Last evening our lyceum met and discussed the question, does man form his own corrector. I spoke on the negative. The judges decided in favor of the affirmative, not on the account of the arguments but on the merits of the question.
Thursday, 6th.
Today I commenced mhy ploughing considerable froze in the morning, but I ploughed one acre. This evening G.A. and Br. Lewis called on me and said they must have Hulse on the mill tomorrow. I agreed he should go. Last evening I was sent for to come to Br. Mitchells wagon to settle a difficulty between Mitchell and McGuffey, a difference arising on the account of a settlement of money matters between them. Br. J. Lewis and L. Baker set with me on the case. Our decision was that Mitchell should pay McGuffey $9 and 90 cts. after harvest.
Friday, 7th.
Today Hulse worked on the mill. I hued a few logs for my house.
Saturday, 8th.
Today the most of the camp were employed in raising a frame to the mill and put on a part of the logs for the [illegible] and building G.A. house. At 4 the military was called out. Walker, the Indian chief was present with his band. Ammon a relative of his paraded in Capt. Little's company but the spirit of the military performing rested on him to that extent, he made a break from the ranks went and gathered some thirty of the Indians on horseback and came on parade with them; charged around for some time going through with their war manovers.
Sunday, 9th.
Meeting as usual in the morning and the Quorum met in the afternoon.
Monday, 10th.
This morning I renewed my ploughing and continued sowing by drilling; through the week, ploughed and sowed five acres. Sowed a few peas.
Sunday, 16th
Meeting this morning. Elder Howd was called on to preach by the President. Elder Howd had been engaged in card playing contrary to the feelings of the President and the President gave him card playing for his text. Elder Howd was followed by Bishop Robinson, Bishop Call and the President, who gave notice that on the next Sunday he would speak on card playing and dancing. Quorum met at 2 as usual. Myself, Brs. Dame and Lee were chosen as a fence committee. During this week I plowed in three and a half acres of wheat; ploughed my garden, planted peas, beets, onions, turnips, radishes, lettuce, mustard etc.
Sunday, 23rd.
Meeting this morning. Thr president gave us a rich discourse on card playing, dancing and kindred subjects.
[Tuesday, 25th]
On Tuesday the 25th, eight men Capt. Fulmer being their leader, started with the mail for the Great Salt Lake. I sent 3 letters, 2 to the States, one to John Long, one to Francis Atkinson and the Saints in general in that county, Cecil County, Md. The one to Salt Lake to Hugh McKinney. We had much wind and a little snow. This week I spent three days with Brs. Dame and Lee as a fence committee measuring th distance and locating the fence to the Lake. We had about 6 miles of fence to portion out according to the number of acres farmed which was sixteen hundred, it being one rod two feet and a half to the acre. Three Indians came in Friday evening with a letter from Sand Peet Valley from Father Morley bringing the news of Doc Vorm death, he being shot by Hamelton and Lemmon, the surveyor being dead, the Indians came through in three days. The letter stated that A. Lyman's Company for Williams Ranch were about 10 days previous to the letters being wrote, organizing on Battle Creek in Utah, they will be soon here. Saturday I cut some hundred pieces of timber for post and poles.
Sunday, 30th.
Today the wind blowed from the south so strong it upset my waggon bed. No meeting on account of the wind blowing; at night it went down and it rained a little and then it set for snowing; it fell to the depth of 4 or five inches. I turned in a cow on Monday in the Peter Sheets herd. Benson quit board on Monday covering which makes six weeks and one day boarding. I commenced ploughing on Monday on the rabbit bush. During this week I got in 1 1/2 acres.
Sunday, 6th of April.
Meeting in G.A. house held a conference, a discourse from our President, gave a short account of the rise and progress of the Church.
[Monday, 7th]
On Monday morning Hulse gave me notice that he could not work for me any longer. He said his health would not admit of it, that he was not able to even drive oxen. I told him it would be a great disappointment for him to leave me, but I could not persuade him to stop. But I did not think it was owing to bad health, but he had got so much business of his own on hand. We left it to Esq. Farr to say how much I should give him for the time he had been with me. Farr divided fourteen dollars a month from the time he commenced, it being four mouths all to three days. I paid him off owing to leaving. I could yet plough any during this week. On Thursday I made a bargain for one month to commence on Monday following for twenty dollars per month.

Parley P. Pratt and C.C. Rich arrived on Thursday with their company on their way to California and to the islands. Some fifty waggons. I received a letter from Sister Holman.
Sunday, 13th of April.
Today the people met and listened to P.P. Pratt, C.C. Rich and G.A. Smith. George Young commenced working on Monday. On Friday Br. Amasa Lyman arrived with his company on their way to California; about one hundred waggons. During this week we had some rain which was much needed. I was quite unwell Thursday and Friday.
[Monday], 28th.
Corbet, Wind, Wolsey and Bateman left this morning contrary to counsel for the Great Salt Lake City. The President wished them to wait till our express got back but go them must. This week Br. Shirts and Chipman being some of our exploring company that went to explore some thirty miles south found in the canyon up Muddy which since we have named Coal Creek, several stratas of coal.
[Monday], May the 5th.
G.A. Smith, Esq. Farr and several others went to review the coal discovered, and also a little Salt Lake that Shirts found. They were gone three days; found coal in abundance and brought back from the Lake some three or four bushels of good salt.
Wednesday, 7th.
This mornign we discovered waggons on Read Creek. It proved to be Bishop Call and some 17 or 18 families sent from the S.L. City to the place. We learned from them that the President and some twenty others were with him on their way to explore south as far as the Colorado.
[Saturday], 10th.
The President and company lay last night on Read Creek. The horse company from this place were ordered out to escort them into our Fort. It commenced snowing some time in the night and continued to do so until 9 this morning. The President remained with us one week all seemed to the visit much. The wind blowed day and night all the time they were here. On Wednesday three waggons with the President Young, Kimball, Woodruff, Benson and some eight or ten more went to visit the ruins of an Indian or Spanish town on the north side of Read Creek. I went with my horses and carried a load.
Sept. 17th.
This season has been dry adn warm, the thermometer has stood some days as high as 119 above zero. On the Sevier last winter when we were camped it sunk to 16. A good share of wind. Not much thunder and lightning. The Indians have taken some 8 or 10 head of cattle from us and one horse. We were obliged to herd them days and yard them nights. There has been 13 births in this place and no deaths. One sister died out of Amasa Lyman's Company about twenty miles south of this; they brought here her to bury. We have brought in this camp ten Indian children.