Letter: Edson Whipple to Brother Armstrong

Letter: Edson Whipple to Brother Armstrong

Early 1840's

Brother Armstrong

I take the opportunity of thanking you and Sister Armstrong for your letter which I received the morning before I left Philadelphia.

We are all of us well, I mean all that came out with me - and I think well satisfied with this place although there are many inconveniences since to encounter. Yet, none the less it is God's will that we should gather to here. I am sure of that. Therefore, we are willing to "Thy will be done."

Our conference is over and to the satisfaction of all. I wish you were out here and all the rest in Philadelphia. If you were here and could establish in the grocery business I am sure you might do well. You must not think when you come here to find all perfect. If you do, you will be disappointed. But if you come to fulfil a commandment of God you will be satisfied.

I have myself been engaged the last part of the winter in getting timber for building for myself and others. So you see I am hoping to build up Zion.

I have bought two lots for four hundred dollars and there are on each a log house. I shall occupy one to live in and the other my wife intends for a school house.

I hope this will not find Beck? in Philadelphia. I'm hoping he has left for Zion. If so it is intended for any one or all who might be left behind. For what I say unto one, I say unto all. Come out here and help to build up Zion. I have written three letters to Philadelphia and have not received any.

The news that Elder Lorenzo Barnes died last December will be heavy news to you as to us. This indeed must be heavy news to all the Saints who knew him.

Our conference has appointed Elder Wharton to go to Williamton and Elder Hess to Lancaster County and Jedediah Grant to Philadelphia. Poor soul, I pity him and you all know why.

We have a variety of institutions in this - such as Military, Masons and Mormons, but no mobs. Tell the Philadelphians they need not be afraid to come the mobs shan't harm them. There is a thousand other things I will tell you when you come out.