

Genealogical web sites can be rich information sources for identity thieves. As identity theft has increased, the Whipple Website's privacy policies have changed. We continue to evaluate our policies regarding living individuals whose names appear in the Whipple Website and the Whipple Genweb in particular.

It is our policy not to include dates and places for living individuals who appear in the Whipple Genweb. (Exceptions are sometimes made for well-known individuals whose biographical information is easily available in published books and articles.)

As you gather information about Whipple descendants to submit to the Whipple Website, please respect the privacy of living relatives whose information you are about to submit. (Some individuals do not want even their names to appear in the Whipple Genweb.)

When we receive information about living individuals, we attempt to "tag" them as living in our database, which causes dates and place names not to appear on their pages in the Whipple Genweb. When we encounter un-tagged living individuals in our retrospective database, we immediately tag their information. If you appear in the Whipple Genweb and want to be removed, please notify immediately! We will try to comply with your request within 24 hours (except when the webmaster is on vacation or out of town, etc.)

We continue to evaluate our privacy policies, including the possibility and ramifications of excluding living individuals from the Whipple Genweb altogether.

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