Mansion of Deputy Governor Joseph Whipple

Mansion of Deputy Governor Joseph Whipple

Mansion of Deputy Governor Joseph Whipple

Deputy Governor Joseph Whipple Junior built this mansion in Newport in 1745. It has 16 rooms plus a large attic and basement---the latter to house his many slaves. Due to financial setbacks in the loss of several ships during England's war with France, his son Deputy Governor Joseph4 Whipple III (Joseph3, Joseph2, John1) was forced to sell it in 1754. It is located at 299 West Main Road, and was recently purchased by a nonprofit organization. The organization's young executive director is respectful of its Whipple heritage and plans to have it repaired and repainted as soon as voluntary funds become available. Unfortunately, because it was moved from its original site about 50 yards to the west, in order to save it from the wrecking ball, it is not eligible to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places.