Eleazer's Cemetery

Eleazer's Cemetery

Eleazer's Cemetery

Captain John's third son, Eleazer, is buried here in the 900 block of the Great Road in Limerock. The cemetery is hidden in, and being destroyed by, the large stand of trees just to the right of the white car in the background, about 30 yards or so to the west of the road. It is in very bad condition. There are thousands of cemeteries like Eleazer's in Rhode Island each owned by, and the responsibility of, the family's descendants. A few caring Eleazer descendants are truly needed at this time. His house was located just about where I am standing in the photo. Parts of the house on the right were built from the lumber from Eleazer's house after it was torn down sometime in the late 1960s. The family at that house will gladly give any Whipple descendant permission to cross their property, as well as show anyone around. All the neighbors seem genuinely concerned about the deteriorating condition of the cemetery, but Rhode Island liability laws prevent them (and the government) from doing anything to help.