The Louquisset Brothers

Samuel, Eleazer, & William, Sons of Captain John Whipple

The Louquisset Brothers

Samuel, Eleazer, & William, Sons of Captain John Whipple

by Dr. Charles Whipple, Jr., Edmond, Oklahoma, and
Barbara R. Carroll, Exeter, Rhode Island
10 June 2003


This treatise reviews documentation sources and historical literature on the second through fourth sons of Captain John Whipple of Providence, Rhode Island and their immediate Rhode Island descendants. The western movement across the American frontier by later representative descendants of each brother chronicles the continued influence of these three families on subsequent generations. This is the first in a series of articles included in a book presently being written by the authors on the life of Captain John Whipple and his descendants. As such, it is a work in progress. Comments, additions, and documented corrections are solicited. Send to or The next article in the series will feature Benjamin and David, Captain John's fifth and sixth sons.

"September 16, 1632, being the Lord's day. In the evening Mr. Pierce, in the ship Lyon, arrived and came to an anchor before Boston. He brought 123 passengers including 50 children all in health. He lost not one passenger, save his carpenter, who fell overboard as he was caulking a port. They were 12 weeks abroad. He had five days east wind and thick fog, so as he was forced to come, all that time by the lead, and the first land he made was Cape Ann."[ 1 ]

This entry in the journal of John Winthrop, Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, attendant to a list of passengers, included 15-year old John Whipple as one of the 123 Lyon immigrants. Thus began the continuing saga of the Whipple surname in the new world. The John Whipple of 1632 must not be confused with two Whipple brothers, John and Mathew, who arrived in Ipswich Massachusetts in 1638. Virtually all Whipples in North America descend from these three men. There is no known relationship between the teenager John Whipple and the two brothers who arrived six years later.[ 2 ]

Nine days after the above entry, Winthrop again wrote in his journal, "September 25, 1632. The Governor, and Mr. Wilson, Pastor of Boston, went aboard the Lyon and sailed to Plymouth. They were greeted by Governor Bradford (a very discrete and grave man) with Mr. Brewster, the Elder ... and they were entertained. On the Lord's day Mr. Roger Williams (according to their custom) propounded a question to which the Pastor, Mr. Smith, spoke briefly, then Mr. Williams prophesied."[ 3 ]

It is interesting to speculate as to whether John Whipple and the Reverend Roger Williams were acquainted during the years 1632 to 1636, at which time Williams left Massachusetts to settle, and found, Providence, Rhode Island. The Bay Colony was not large in terms of area or population. It would be reasonable to assume that John had witnessed, at least, some of the fervor and religious dissention that surrounded Williams. Did he agree with Williams' social and religious principles? Whatever the reasons, 23 years later the John Whipple family followed him to Rhode Island. John held several elected positions of power and influence in the neophyte town and colony and amassed a considerable fortune, which he in turn bequeathed to his children. His 11 children eventually produced 73 offspring, 34 granddaughters and 39 grandsons. Of the grandsons, 26 bore the name Whipple making his descendants the most numerous to carry the surname.

Captain John Whipple declared in his last Will and Testament that ... "I having formerly given to three of my sons, all of my lands and meadows in Louquisset, namely, --Samuel, Eleazer, and William, equally to be divided among them three only; excepting thirty-acres which I gave to my son John, at the northwest end."[ 4 ] These three, his second through fourth sons, were also given "a quarter part of one right of common." His five other sons, John the oldest, in addition to his above legacy, along with his youngest brothers, Benjamin, David, Joseph, and Jonathan, were willed properties in and around the town of Providence.

By the time of his death, 16 May 1685, John had acquired considerable real estate. Besides the original home lot purchased from Francis Wickes in 1659, he had purchased the home lots--on the north end of Providence's one major street--of at least four of his nearest neighbors: Edward Manton, John Green Jr., William Arnold, and Thomas James. Each home lot was 10 acres in size. Additionally, along with about 100 other "proprietors," he obtained large tracts of property as the native Indian inhabitants were cleared off the land in the 1660s and 1670s. By some estimates he had acquired at least 1000 acres of land during his stay in the colony.

Louquisset and Lime Rock Village

Lime Rock, RI

Louquisset, an Indian name for a place or brook in the northeast section of the soon to be named township of Smithfield, was located at the headwaters of the Moshassuck River about two miles west of the Blackstone River, the east border of the township. The Moshassuck River emptied into the Atlantic Ocean at Providence about one block west of Captain John's house. In the 1670s, when, as young men in their late 20s and early 30s, the Louquisset brothers settled on to their new lands, they likely traveled by horse and oxcart up this meandering river to its headwaters called the meadows, a distance of some eight to nine miles north. A notable natural feature of the area, for Whipple history, was an area called the lime rocks. Roughly the eastern half of Smithfield, including Louquisset, was made into the township of Lincoln in the year 1871.

"The land which now forms the town(ship) of Lincoln was included in Roger Williams' original purchase. A year after Williams' arrival a verbal agreement was confirmed by a written deed, through which the white settlers acquired the 'meadows upon two rivers.' With this deed the Providence proprietors got title to the land which is now, 'upland from the water, most of it rocky and barren without meadow.' But only a few settlers ventured into the interior reaches purchased from the Indians. The area remained a wilderness, designated in their records as 'Louquisset' or the north woods, an apt description since the land was heavily forested. After decisive battles of King Philips War in the 1670s, settlement began in earnest."

"The opening of the 'North Woods' for settlement by Providence's second generation was encouraged by the laying out of a road north through the region from Providence to Mendon, Massachusetts. One of the earliest of colonial roads, the Great Road was blazed through the wilderness and opened in 1683; it probably followed footpaths and the Indian's Shawomet Trail for some of its length and was designed to connect the growing town of Providence with its agricultural hinterland. The village of Lime Rock was eventually located along this road. It is eight miles north of Providence, seven miles south of Woonsocket, and forty miles from Boston. Traffic along this route sustained a number of early taverns which provided bed and board for travelers. In 1710 Eleazer Arnold was licensed to serve travelers at his house on Great road and by the mid 1700s Jeremiah Mowrey operated a tavern in the old Eleazer Whipple House at Lime Rock."[ 5 ]

"Even today, Rhode Island is full of tiny villages and hamlets, some consisting of only a few houses. Lime Rock is one of those places. The Lime Rock School is now a residence. There is a Baptist church and a volunteer fire station, and some beautifully restored homes on a few rural roads in a lovely rural setting. As late as one hundred years ago, it had a general store and a post office. For generations, the lives of the people of Lime Rock revolved around the church, the Mt. Moriah Lodge of the Masons, and the Lime Rock Grange."[ 6 ] Lime Rock was placed on the National Register of Historical Places in 1974 and its historic significance to the Whipples will be discussed in greater detail later.

Sons who Inherited Estates in The Louquisset Meadows

Louquisset Meadows

Among those whose farms were located along the Great Road were the sons of Captain John Whipple. Numerous references to this road are recorded in the land deeds of these men. This highway, referred to as Lime Rock Road as it passed through the village, cut directly through the inherited properties of the Whipple brothers. The photo opposite, taken looking southwest from the Great Road in Lime Rock, shows part of the original Whipple property.

Although John Junior inherited a small tract of Smithfield land, it is believed that he, and his descendants, never resided on the property. It is also clear that few of the immediate descendants of Samuel, Eleazer, or William stayed on their inherited properties. Between these men and their wives 18 children were born including at least nine sons, of which only four sons lived out their lives in the Louquisset meadows.

As is shown herein, by the end of the third generation, Samuel Junior and his brother Thomas had moved out of state, and Noah, the third brother, died in Rhode Island several years before his father. Job, the second son of Eleazer, lived and died in Smithfield. His brother Daniel moved out of the township at an early age. Eleazer's other sons, Eleazer Junior and James, died in Smithfield but without passing their farms on to a descendant. Seth, William Senior's son, who moved to Providence, also died young without issue. This left the opportunity to carry on the Whipple name in early Louquisset meadows history to the heirs of William Junior and Job.[ 7 ]

Samuel Whipple, First to be Interred in the North Burying Grounds

Samuel Whipple, the second son of Captain John, was christened at Dorchester, Massachusetts 17 March 1644/45 and died at Providence, Rhode Island 12 March 1710. He married Mary Harris in 1667. She was born in 1639 and died 14 December 1722. They had five children.[ 8 ]

  1. Noah (ABT 1667-10 Nov 1703)
  2. Samuel (1669-19 Apr 1728)
  3. Thomas (1671-BEF 4 Nov 1730)
  4. Abigail (1683- )
  5. Hope (1685- )

There is no indication that Samuel ever moved to the Louquisset meadows area or to any other tract of inherited or purchased land outside of Providence. This included large tracts east and west of the "7 mile line," and on both sides of the Moshassuck River. He lived on Abbott's Lane near north Main Street in a house (willed to his daughters), known for many years as the "Whipple-Abbott House."

Samuel Whipple appeared in Providence Town records on numerous occasions. The following is a summary of a chronological listing as extracted from The Early Records of the Town of Providence, 21 Volumes, (Providence: Snow & Farnum 1893-1903). Individual entries are noted with the volume number and page. As much as possible, original wording, spelling, and punctuation are retained.

4 May 1669.
Samuel Whipple and Eleazer Whipple made freemen.(XV:73)
7 June 1669.
Samuel Whipple chosen to be a sergeant but refused to serve. John Whipple was the next choice--he was engaged. (III:147)
10 June 1669.
Samuel Whipple and John Whipple were among 12 men impaneled by a coroner's inquest to make an inquiry after the death of Samuel Belloo, child of widow Belloo. Their verdict was that the child went into the river which ran to the mill in Providence was by a Providence of God drowned. (V:337)
28 February 1670.
John Whipple, Sr., surveyor, made return of two acres of land and also one acre which he had layd out for Samuel Whipple. These three acres are to make up of three house lots, which he sayd Samuel Whipple bought.(III:164)
17 February 1671.
Layd out to John Arnold by John Whipple Sr., surveyor, sixteen acres of land in the right of Thomas Arnold, in the place call the World's End--bounded on the north side with the Common or with the land of Samuel Bennett, on the south side partly with land of Samuel Whipple and partly with the Common, on the east side the Common ... recorded by John Whipple, Jr., clerk. (III:205)
7 March 1671.
Record of a deed of sale. Stephen Paine of Rehoboth sold to Samuel Whipple three house lots, with a dwelling house, and all of the out housing standing upon the lots, which Stephen Paine purchased from Mary Mowry, executor of the estate of her deceased husband Roger Mowry. One lot originally belonged to Daniel Comstock, on one to John Smith, and one to Richard Prey, all of Providence. Stephen Paine also sold to Samuel Whipple one purchase right of commoning, one 25 acre right of commoning both reaching westward as the seven mile line.(III:206-7)
21 September 1671.
It was voted by the town that the two deeds, which Samuel Whipple received of Stephen Paine of Rehoboth, in the Colony of New Plymouth, be recorded in town records. (III:202)

Samuel Whipple House

27 April 1674.
Laid out to Samuel Whipple two shares of low land of meadow, 18 acres of it lying east and west of the land of John Brown, the other two acres lying east of his upland, Samuel Bennett, surveyor. Two shares of upland bounded in the west and north corner with the Stephen Harden. (IV:4-5)
27 January 1678.
Samuel Comstock requested that the towne grant the laying out of land which remains due to him of his father's right, which he bought from John Smith. Samuel Whipple objected to the request. The council suspended an answer until 10 February. The council on that date decided against Samuel Comstock. (VIII:68)
3 June 1678.
Samuel Whipple was chosen constable and engaged. David Whipple chosen sergeant and engaged. (VIII:30)
3 March 1679.
Samuel Whipple chosen for trial jury in the General Court of Trials, held at Newport. (VIII:68)
27 April 1681.
Granted to Samuel Whipple, with the permission of his father-in-law Thomas Harris, that he should have a piece of ground forty foot square and the privilege of a wharffe, also, within his father-in-laws lots. (VIII:94)
7 December 1681.
Towne meeting voted that Samuel Whipple, if he sees cause, may change three acres of land that lies upon Observation Hill, adjoining the land of Nicholas Power, now deceased, for the advantage of the orphan of Power. (VIII:101)
4 March 1683.
Samuel Whipple chosen the Grand Jury for the General Court of Trials in Newport---Eleazer Whipple chosen for petit jury. (VIII:136)
20 March 1684.
Nathaniel Waterman, Thomas Field, and Samuel Whipple were employed to audit an account on the town's behalf with Capt. Fenner, Capt. Hopkins, Sergeant Comstock and other concerning a 27 pound rate (tax) which was levied upon the town several years ago. The town's part was received into their hands, and they had to make their return to the town, and take discharge of the Colonies' thereof from Capt Fenner.(VIII:48)
17 June 1684.
Towne voted the return of Samuel Whipple's four acres of land in the Neck. Returned under the hand of William Hopkins, surveyor. (VIII:140)
21 August 1684.
There was a general order that a pair of stocks should be in Providence, but Providence was destitute. Samuel Whipple proposed to the town that if they would satisfy (pay) him, he would procure a plank and a pair of blocks to set the stocks on, and bring them into Dexter's Lane, against the dwelling house of Epenetus Olney, by the first of October. The town accepted his proposition. (VIII:142)
14 December 1685.
Town laid out to Samuel Whipple on the right of Roger Mowry 15 acres of land at Nudaconacet (Neutaconkonet) Hill, 3 miles west of the town of Providence. The fifteen acres had eight corners, they being heaps of stones.(IV:137)
22 February 1687.
Samuel Whipple took up a stray boar, black, white in the face, some of his feet white, no earmark. (IX:193)
30 March 1691.
Samuel Whipple chosen to serve as a deputy at the General Assembly the day before the election.(VIII:177)

Samuel Whipple Headstone

17 February 1693.
Samuel Whipple Senior and James Brown asked for permission to erect a fence across the highway at each end, with a gate or inlet of bars. The Town Council granted them permission to do this for one year but the fence at the southern part of the highway had to be set on the north side of the spring at the east end of James Brown's land so that the spring could lie open all the way from Dexter's lane to it. (XI:83)
12 April 1691.
The Purchasers and Proprietors of the lands of Providence chose Samuel Whipple as a Way Warden. (VIII:177)
27 April 1695.
Samuel Whipple changed 60 acres which he bought from James Ashton near the place called nonpluss.(XI:16)
28 May 1695.
Samuel Whipple sold to John Mowry sixty acres in the northern part of the township near to the place called Nippsachuck. (V:65)
29 April 1696.
Joseph Goldsmith was given permission to set up a Smith's shop on the common between the houses of Thomas Harris and Samuel Whipple. (XI:23)
16 June 1698.
Samuel Whipple was chosen as a highway warden. (XI:40)
27 July 1698.
Daniel Brown informed the Towne Council that Samuel Whipple had taken in about 4 acres of the Town's common lying in the Neck. The town appointed Major William Hopkins, Capt. John Dexter, and Joseph Smith to inspect the matter and to make a report back to the council. (XI:43)
12 December 1700.
Laid out to Samuel Whipple Senr., 20 acres lying in the northern part of the township, partially adjoining the land of Edward Inman and his partners, at and about the place called wesquadomeset, alias Crook Fall River(IV:143)
No date--between 1699-1703.
Samuel Whipple and Daniel Brown acknowledged themselves to stand truly and lawfully indebted to each other in the sum of forty pounds sterling, payable upon demand. The condition of this obligation was such that there was a difference between them about a highway through their lands where the land joined together in a part of Providence called the Neck. Samuel and Daniel Brown mutually chose Samuel Comstock and Thomas Olney to be their arbitrators to make a determination and final issue thereof. (IV:177)
2 June 1701.
Samuel Whipple was chosen for highway warden.(XI:63).
15 December 1701.
Seventy three acres of land were laid out to the heirs of the deceased Edward Smith, which he changed with the town of Providence. There was a mistake in the matter. It was but 60 acres, the other 13 was purchased by Samuel Whipple and layd out in his right. (IV:227)
20 December 1701.
Laid out to Samuel Whipple, two acres, lyeing in the part of the towne of Providence called the Neck, and at a place called the second opening of the Great Swamp.(IV:223)
11 December 1708.
Samuel Whipple took up a stray steere, one year old, color brown, earmarked with a kind of slit in both ears, a part of his hair and his tail white.(IX:179).
Here followeth the Record of the last Will & Testament of Samuell Whipple who dyed March ye 12th 1710: as followeth. I Samuell Whipple of the Towne of Providence, in the Collony of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations in the Narraganset Bay in New England being sick & weake of Boddy, but yet (through mercy) of sound & Perfect memory, Do make, Ordaine & appoint this to be my last Will & Testament; Revokeing making Null & voyd all & Every former Will at any time by me made Either by Word or Writeing & this Will only to stand & be in force.

Imprimis, I Do Give & yield up my spirit unto God who gave it & my body to the Earth to be decently Buried.

Jtem. I do give & devise unto my tow sons (as Namely) Samuell Whipple and Thomas Whipple my hundred & fifty acres of land being on the west side of ye seven mile line in said Providence Towneship, together with the Right or to say share of Meaddow unto the said hundred & fifty acres of land belonging as also one quarter part of a Right of Commons on the west side of ye said line to be all Equally divided betweene them two; & to be unto them & their heirs & Assignes for ever.

Jtem. I Do Give & Devise unto my tow sons (as namely) Samuell Whipple & Thomas Whipple my share of Meaddow Which I bought of James Ashton lieing & being in the great Meaddow (so Called) and my Twenty acres of land lieing by ye Pond Called the broad Pond, & my seven Acres of land lyeing by hye southeasterne part of the hill called the Windmill hill to be Equally divided, and also Each of them one Right in the Thatch Bedds, all to be unto them their Heirs and Assigned for ever./

Jtem. I Do Give & Devise unto my son Thomas Whipple my seven acres of land lieing in that Tract of land Called the Neck, & is betweene the swampe Called the Great Swampe & the land which did belong unto Mr. Dexter, to be unto my son his Heiars & assignes for Ever: And I do also Give & Devise untomy sd son Thomas Whipple, dor and duireing the terme of his Naturall life, my warehouse lott of land lieing in said Providence Town by the water side; & after his dicease the the said Wasrehouse lott of land to revert and be unto his Male Heir begotten of his body, & so successively to procccede and be./

Jtem. I Do Give & bequeath unto my son Thomas Whipple & unto my Grandson Noah Whipple, I do Give and Devise all my Commons on ye East side of the seven mile line in sd Providence Towneshipp, equally to be divided betweene them, to be unto them, their Heirs & Assignes forever.

Jtem. I Do Give & Devise unto my son Thomas Whipple all my lands on which he now dwelleth which lieth on both sides of the River Called Moshausuck River, both vpland, lowland, Meaddow & swamp land together with the house theron to be unto him his heirs & Assignes forever:

Jtem. I Do Give & Devise unto my two Grandsons (as namely), Enoch Whipple & Daniel Whipple, Three quarters of all my lands & Commons on the west side of ye seven mile line in said Providence Towneshipp, which is not yet laid out to be Equally divided betweene them two to be unto them their Heirs & their assignes forever.

Jtem. My home stedd or to say my dwelling place & out housing withal my land & Orchards thereunto adjoyneing Reaching from the Towne Street & Extending Eastward to the land which belong to the deceased Daniell Browne. I Give & bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary Whipple to be for her use & improvement for & duireing the Whole term of her Naturall life; and at her decease the said dwelling house, out houseing & all said lands and Orchards to Revert & be unto my two Daughters (namely) Abigaill Whipple, & Hope Whipple, and after their decease to Revert & be unto their Heirs begotten of their Boddyes; the which said house lands & orchards shall with what out housen there are shall be Equally divided betweene my said two daughters; But in case it shall so be that my said daughters neither of them have any children, then shall the said house & lands be Equally devided amongst all my Children; But if Either of them have Children or a child then shall the said House & lands Revert & be to that daughters Heir.

Jtem. I Do Give & bequeath unto my two daughters Abigaill Whipple and Hope Whipple Each of them a bedd & bedding & all the furniture to a bedd belonging; Each of them to Receive the same at my said wife her decease; And I do give also unto my said two daughters Each of them a Cow, to receive them also at my said wife her decease;

Jtem. I Do Give & bequeath unto my sd loving wife for her vse & improvement all my Goods and Cattell duireing her Natural life, & at her decease to be unto my two sons Samuell Whipple & Thomas Whipple Equally to be divided betweene them, Except what I have before disposed of.

And I do make & appoint my son Samuell Whipple to be my Executor of this my last Will & Testament; to 'receive all my debts & to pay all my debts & to see my body decently buried; and to Execute & performe this my will according to the true meaneing & intent thereof: In witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale the Ninth day of March Annoq: Domini, one Thousand Seven hundred & Tenn: 1710. Signed Sealed & Proclaimed, The mark of Samuell Whipple. In the presence of us, John Sayles, Henry Adams, and James Olney. Samuel's extensive inventory of moveable property, in numerated a few days later, included such items as: cowes, steeres one old horse, twenty six sheepe, hay, tenn bushels of Indian corne, grinding stone, a beetle & 4 wedges, plough sledge, two bells, three hoes, sithes porringers dreinging boule, pepper bowl, spoones trentchers & Earthen waare, warmeing pan, ffether beds, guns, pair of stilliards, porke & biefe, etc. His son, Samuel Junior, who was by then "dwelling within the prescinkes of New London in the Collony of Conitekut," was granted a letter of full power of Administration by the Providence Towne Councill on March 22, 1711.[ 9 ]

As seen above, Samuel's sons, Samuel Junior and Thomas, were willed the land that he had inherited from Captain John Whipple in what was to become the townships of Glocester (west side of the 7 mile line), and Smithfield (east side of the 7 mile line), and in and around the town of Providence. Thomas was also given the Louquisset meadows property, "all my land on which he now dwells, which lies on both sides of the river called Moshassuck River, upland meadows ... . together with the house ... " As to when Thomas built this house or to whom he eventually sold it to in about the year 1717, is unknown. Thus, after only 60 years, the proprietor's share in the meadowlands of the Moshassuck River originally willed to his father Samuel, passed out of the Whipple name. Samuel's grandsons, Noah, Enoch, and Daniel (Noah Senior was already deceased) were willed their father's share on the west side of the 7-mile line in Glocester. Enoch died without issue, and Daniel lived out his life in Glocester.

Noah Junior joined his uncles in Connecticut during the 1730s. Of his children, the most remembered in American history is Commodore Abraham Whipple.

Abraham Whipple, Pioneer Ohio Descendant of Samuel

Commodore Abraham Whipple5 (Noah4, Noah3, Samuel2, John1) was born in Providence, Rhode Island 26 September 1733 and died in Marietta, Ohio 29 May 1819. He married Sarah Hopkins 2 August 1761. She was born in 1739 and died 14 October 1818. To this couple three children were born.

  1. John H. (1762- )
  2. Catherine (ABT 1759 - 1834)
  3. Mary (ABT 1767 - AFT 1795)

The most notable pioneer descendant of Samuel was his great grandson, Commodore Abraham Whipple, of Cranston, Rhode Island. This property was located approximately four miles south of the town of Providence and was not part of the Louquisset bequest. Sarah Whipple was a niece (daughter of a brother William) of Stephen Hopkins, an often Governor of Rhode Island and signer of the Declaration of Independence. Their son John Hopkins Whipple continued to follow the sea after leaving Marietta, Ohio, and never married. Mary had three daughters, after marrying Dr. Ezekiel Comstock of Smithfield, all of whom were married in Smithfield Township. Catherine's grandson was Henry H. Sibley the first Governor of the state of Minnesota. Several descendants of the female branches are living in the states of Michigan, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts under the names of Sibley, Comstock, and Fisher. Catherine was the only child mentioned in Abraham's Last Will and Testament.[ 10 ]

Abraham Whipple led the American colonies' first open, armed opposition to British forces in the burning of the Gaspee on 10 June 1772. He subsequently was appointed Commodore of the American Navy 15 June 1775. He fought in the cause of the revolution until being made a prisoner of war in 1780, remaining so until 1782.

Hospital care was not made available during Abraham's long imprisonment. He, with characteristic generosity, provided suitable accommodations for his fellow prisoners at his own expense. During all this period, he was deprived of the means of earning a living, so that at the declaration of peace he was left in a destitute financial condition at 50 years of age. In person, Commodore Whipple was rather short, thickset and stout, with great muscular strength in his younger years; eyes dark gray, with manly, strong marked features, indicating firmness and intrepidity. After the war, it was Whipple who as a merchant marine captain first unfurled the American flag in London. Home once more in Rhode Island, he was honored as one of the members of the first State Legislatures.

After the declaration of peace, Abraham petitioned Congress for a redress of back pay. The amount owed to him was over $16,000. The fledgling Congress was not able to pay the full financial debt it owed to thousands of veterans like Abraham. Thus, after years of distinguished service to his nation, a service that left him penurious, he was forced to sell his Rhode Island property, in 1788, and move west shortly after the Ohio Company was formed. He emigrated with his wife and son, in company with the family of Colonel Ebenezer Sproat, who had married his daughter Catherine. He was then 55 years old when he left the land of his forefathers, to seek a new home in the valley of the Ohio. In 1811, Commodore Whipple finally received from Congress the half pay of a Captain in service, or thirty dollars a month. This relieved him from any further anxiety as to support in the last days of life, and rendered the remaining years free from care.

Abraham died after a short illness, on the 29th day of May 1819, aged 85 years, at a small farm three miles from Marietta, near his widowed daughter Catherine Sproat. Sarah, his wife, died October 1818, aged 79 years. They were buried side by side in the town square in Marietta.

It is difficult to comprehend as to why Abraham Whipple, one America's greatest patriots is honored with but two modest memorials, a Providence street that bears his name, and his grave headstone some 700 miles from his native home. No citizen of any state could claim as many "firsts" in the war for independence as he. Truly, he might be called the forgotten man of the Continental Navy. No man in the Continental Navy ever excelled Whipple. His accomplishments warrant his being ranked with the illustrious John Paul Jones and the redoubtable Captain John Barry.[ 11 ]

Edson Whipple, Pioneer Utah Descendant of Samuel

Edson Whipple

Edson Whipple7 (John6, Timothy5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Samuel2, John1) was born 5 February 1805 at Dummerston, Windham County, Vermont. He was one of the original Utah pioneers of 1847. He wrote, "I was called at the general conference held in Nauvoo in April, 1844, to go on a mission to Pennsylvania to canvass that state and present to the people Joseph Smith's view on government and to advocate his candidacy for the president of the United States. During my absence, he was murdered in Carthage. I assisted in building the city of Nauvoo and the Temple and was among the defenders of our homes against the mob ... I crossed the Mississippi River May 15, 1846, on my way to the Rocky Mountains with a family of four, consisting of myself, wife and child and my mother ... On our arrival on the Missouri River we were counseled to locate for the winter on Pony Creek ... but on our arrival there we found the place very unhealthy and thus unfit for habitation. My mother Basmath Hutchens Whipple died Sept. 9, 1846. A few days later, Sept. 13, 1846, my wife died ... Of the whole camp consisting of 14 families all but two persons were sick, and while there were buried some whole families. My little girl, Maria Blanch, died Dec.8, 1846 ... Driven from our comfortable homes in Nauvoo to be exposed as we were to the heat and storms and deprived of all comforts of life, was more than the people could endure. Thus my whole family died as martyrs for the cause of Christ. In the spring of 1847, I was called, in company with 142 others, to lead the way to the wilderness in search for a new home ... I left winter quarters April 9, 1847, and traveled in the firs ten of the second division. I took my turn to guard the camp every third night ... I was a member of the first High Council organized in Salt Lake City. I next traveled back to the States for several months ... I had then been absent from the valley over two years. Soon after I arrived I married again, having remained single from the time I buried my companion in the Pottawattamie lands in 1846. I was then called to settle Iron County. Consequently, I left Salt Lake City Dec.9, 1850, with about a hundred wagons and we all arrived at the place where Parowan now stands in Jan, 1851. When Iron County was organized ... I was appointed associate justice. In the military organizations I was chosen as captain of the company organized to do home guard duty. George A. Smith requested the brethren to present plans for laying off a fort and for building our houses. I, among others, presented a plan, and mine was accepted and adopted, and Parowan was built up according to my plan ... When President Young and company visited Parowan in 1851, I was advised to move north, and consequently I settled in Provo."[ 12 ] Edson Whipple died 11 May 1894, at Colonia Juarez, Mexico. A descendant of Edson is Weldon Whipple of Orem, Utah. He writes, "What strikes me about Edson is that he seems to have been an ordinary sort of man. Yes, his name is on a plaque in the Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake City, because he was one of the original group to enter the valley with Brigham Young in 1847. I have read that he laid out the town of Parowan, Utah. Yet, when my little brother went to a 100th anniversary of the founding of Parowan, Edson's name was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps we are all just ordinary people? I have felt the same way about Commodore Abraham Whipple, another of Samuel's descendants. He did lots of very remarkable things during the Revolution ... But did I ever read about him in my American history classes in school? Yes, I read about John Paul Jones and some of the others. I have received email from several Commodore researchers who feel that Abraham has been unfairly passed over in favor of more pretentious figures. I guess with him, as with Edson, only time will tell."[ 13 ]

Patriarchs of the Louquisset Meadows

In summary of those mentioned in Samuel's Last Will and Testament, only his grandson Daniel (as noted, his daughters lived out their lives in Providence) lived and died in Rhode Island, in this case Glocester and BurrillvilleTownships. Burrillville Township was set off from northern Glocester and incorporated as a separate entity in 1806. Consequently, the sole opportunity to contribute to the history of the Louquisset meadows was left to the descendants of Eleazer and William, Captain John's third and fourth sons.

Eleazer Whipple, First in America to Receive a Military Pension

Eleazer Whipple, the third son of Captain John, was christened 8 March 1745/46 in Dorchester, Massachusetts and died in Smithfield, Rhode Island 25 August 1719. He married Alice Angell 26 January 1669. She was born in 1649 and died 13 August 1743. They were parents to 10 children.

  1. Deborah (1 Aug 1670 - 24 Jun 1748)
  2. Alice (3 Jun 1675 - AFT 19 May 1746)
  3. Harriet (ABT 1677 - __ )
  4. Margaret ( __ - 1722)
  5. Elizabeth (1680 - ___ )
  6. Eleazer (1682 -17 Dec 1734)
  7. Job (1684 - 19 Apr 1750)
  8. James (1686 - 3 Oct 1731)
  9. Daniel (1688 - 3 Oct 1768)
  10. Hannah (ABT 5 Mar 1695 - 1 Apr 1727)

Alice Angell was the daughter of Thomas Angell who came to Providence with Roger Williams when still a boy and was one of William's associates at the planting of the settlement around the spring where the Moshassuck emptied into the salt water. He was by trade a housewright.

Eleazer Whipple appeared in Providence Township records on several occasions. The following is a chronological listing of a summary of these taken from The Early Records of the Town of Providence, 21 Volumes, (Providence: Snow & Farnum 1893-1903). Individual entries are noted with the volume number and page. Original wording, spelling, and punctuation have been retained.

1 June 1667.
The names of those who have engaged Alegance to his Majestye King Charles the Second included Eliazer Whipple. (III:101).
8 January 1669.
Eliazer Whipple and Alice Angell were both published in way of marriage by a writing fixed upon a public place in the town of Providence under the hand of Thos Olney Jr., assistant clerk. (V:328-9).
4 May 1669.
Eleazer Whipple and Samuel Whipple made freemen. (XV:73).
October 1670.
Eleazer Whipple asked that he be made a purchaser. (XV:131).
27 July 1671.
Eleazer Whipple asked the town to settle on a day for the moving of the thatch beds which might be beneficial to all, so that some covetous persons wouldn't in the haste suddenly cut the thatch before it was grown. (XV:233).
27 April 1675.
Chosen at the town meeting for Petit Jury. (IV:35).
1 January 1676/77.
The undersigned, having employed Arthur Fenner, William Hopkins and John Whipple Jr. to sell a company of Indians belonging to them by an act of Committee, who appeared and sold the Indians and received a part of the pay for selling them, and proportioned each man his share, which amounted to 16 shillings and four pence half penny per share, which the undersigned said they received, then fully acquitted and discharged Arthur Fenner, William Hopkins and John Whipple, Junr. Signed by Roger Williams and twenty-two men, including John Whipple, Samuel Whippple and Eliazvr Whipple. (XV:161).
16 August 1676.
Town meeting, in reference to Indians taken captive during King Philip's War, 1675-76: Wee whose names are here unto Subscribed having right to the sayd Indians, as by an Act of Comitty doth Appeere; Do betrust impower, and fully Authorize Capt Author Fenner, William Hopkins, and John Whipple, Junr: to hire, and procure a Boate to transport the sayd Indians where they may be Sold, and to make Sale and Delivery Thereof as fully, and as firmly, as if we were all personally present, And to doe all Such things as shall any ways belong to the transporting, making Sale or Disposition of all and every of the sayd Indians as above said, and to See all Such Chargess as doth arise by the sayd Indians, after tow them committed/defrayd out of the product of the Same, and themselves reasonably satisfied for theire pains, and then to make return of the remainder of the product of the Indians to the sayd Company. Signed by Roger Williams and fifteen other men, including Eliasur Whipple. (XV:156).
19 February 1683.
John Wilkinson and John Pray asked the town meeting to state a highway whereby a covenant road may be maintained for passage to Louisquisett. Their bill was granted and Ed Smith and Eleazer Whipple were deputed to state a highway through Louisqusett and make their returns to the next town meeting. (XVII:14).
27 January 1685.
There was an order for a rate by the Colony and a levy of the same by the town. Eleazer Whipple and John Wilkinson were to have 10 pounds each out of this rate which was to have been paid the previous March by order of the General Assembly sitting at Warwick last October and this was not yet done. They will receive their shares, having satisfaction for their troubles. Signed by John Whipple. (XVII:70).
8 June 1685.
Eleazer Whipple requested of his neighbors that he might have thirty acres of land layed due to him on the east side of the 7 mile. (XVII:61).
27 July 1689.
Eleazer Whipple desired the town to take some care speedily that he may have money that he was obliged to pay for his diet when he lay under Cure, having been wounded by Indians in the late troublesome war, being often called upon for the same, by others saying that they have great of the same.(XV:214).
27 April 1691.
Eleazer Whipple requested that he may have a lot of forty square feet on the common, desiring the same privileges that his neighbors had. (XVII:135).
8 February 1692.
Eleazur Whipple and John Inman made an exchange of land, both pieces exchanged, in the woods called Loquasqussuck woods, and near the dwelling of John Inman: each piece of land about three acres. (IV:123 ).
12 April 1693.
Eleazer Whipple chosen as Deputy to serve in the General Assembly the day before election and at the election assembly. (XVII:144).
15 February 1700.
Eleazer Whipple and Samuel Wilkinson acted as appraisers of the inventory of the estate of Valentine Whitman. They signed the inventory of this estate on 15 February 1700, and appeared before the town council on 11 March 1700 and under oath attested to the inventory. (VII:204)

Eleazer Whipple House

28 April 1701.
Eleazer Whipple was chosen to be one of the deputies in the General Assembly at the Court of Election in Newport on the first Wednesday of May and at the General Assembly the day before the election. (XI:62).
4 December 1704.
Joseph Woodward gave notice at the town meeting that he had taken in a stray steere, about 2 years old, black, with an ear mark. Proclaimed and entered 4 June 1704 by Thomas Olney, town clerk. The steere was appraised by Eliezer Whipple at thirty and four shillings. (IX:181).
8 June 1719.
Town meeting voted and order that the Poundkeeper in the northern woods shall at all times leave the key to the Pound at the house of Eleazer Whipple so that it may be there ready for any officer or person who has proper use of the Pound for the present year. The keeper lives remote from the Pound. This is intended only for the Pound in the northern woods. (XIII:66).
9 November 1719.
Letter of Administration was voted and ordered that Mrs. Alice Whipple, Relick, widow of Mr. Eliezer Whipple, deceased, (who died intestate) with her son Ensign James Whipple shall have administration granted upon them of the moveable estate of the deceased Mr. Eliezer Whipple. (XII:10)
1 October 1719.
"A true inventory of all & singulior of the Goods, Chattles & Creadits of Mr. Eliezer Whipple who departed this Life august the 25th 1719. Taken and apprised this 1 day of October:1719 by us the subscribers as followeth." (XVI:114).

The sum total of Eleazer's moveable estate was over 495 pounds, a considerable sum in early 18th century rural Rhode Island, and included such items as: sheetes, pillo bears, powder horns, cissers, egg turner, chamber pott, linen whele, wool cards, ax & old plaines, hatchet, silver pint pott spoones, old lanthron, iron potts & copper kettle, mettle skillets, driping pan, trammel fire shovel & tongs, etc. (XVI:114-122).

Eleazer, as seen above, was an injured veteran of the King Phillip's War of 1675-76, and the first to receive a war pension of 10 English pounds per year (the first pension granted in the American colonies for military service). He was the only one of Captain John's sons to participate in that war, and was, so it would appear, a hero to his fellow townspeople. Eleazer was a widely known housewright who built his own long-standing home in about 1680. This house was deeded to his second son James.

James Whipple was born about 1686 and died 3 October 1731.He and his wife Mary Williams are known to have had at least one son, Eleazer. Eleazer owned a large tract of land at Warwick, Rhode Island and engaged in the mercantile business. He was also a sea captain and died at sea in 1760. He and Deliverance Rhodes, whom he married in1744, had eight children.[ 14 ]

In 1733, James' widow and her second husband, John Rhodes, were awarded the administration of the estate. Eleazer's widow was still residing on the property and after her death, in 1743, it was sold to Jeremiah Mowrey.[ 15 ] Two of James' sisters had married Mowrey brothers in the early 1700s. Regrettably, this homestead estate willed to Eleazer by his father, like so many others of Captain John's original properties still held by his third and fourth generation descendants, fell into the hands of those who did not bear his name.

Eleazer's homestead, as stated in the 1743 deed of conveyance, was "land that lieth on both sides of the highway from Providence towards Wensoket at Louisquesset brook near Lime Rock."[ 16 ] The Mowreys made a tavern of the house, which was subsequently demolished in the mid 1900s. A later commentator wrote that, "The view from the old Whipple house (Mowrey Tavern) was a commanding one. Below to the eastward the Blackstone River winds ... only a few rods distant are the white cliffs of the lime pits. The Whipple house was built between 1676 and 1684, for in that year he purchased of his brother Samuel five acres of land 'a little northward of ye said Eleazer Whipple his dwelling house' the bounds of which show that it was in the Loquasqussuck country. There is a continuous line of references to it in deeds to the present day. It was a grand old mansion house in those time, and there is even now a stately dignity to it that cannot but attract the attention of those who reverence and respect these old relics of former days."[ 17 ] This general area became known as Montalto, or the highlands, and could be seen from any point in Providence.

Eleazer Junior, Eleazer's oldest son, was born about the year 1682 and died 17 December 1734 in Smithfield. He married Mary Sprague 12 June 1719. She was born 1 October 1692 and died, as a widow, in Smithfield 26 July 1784. They were parents to Eleazer, who died 2 March 1733 without issue.[ 18 ] At her death, Mary willed the homestead to her husband's relatives.[ 19 ] Eleazer Whipple Junior has been confused with his nephew Eleazer, the son of James. As noted, that Eleazer died at sea in 1760. He and his descendants will be discussed later.

Eleazer's youngest son, Daniel, left the Louquisset meadows about 1716. He and his descendants are also discussed later.

Eleazer was buried on his own farm, which is now near an area called Molasses Hill. " ... Eleazer Whipple died, being then seventy-three years of age. A life of hardship and sufferings was ended, and he was laid away in the grave down in his meadow in front of his house." At present, this burial lot is called the "Whippple-Mowrey Cemetery." His wife, sons Job and James, plus several others of his Whipple and Mowrey descendants were buried beside him.[ 20 ] Of his sons, only Job contributed descendants who carried on the Whipple name in early Louquisset history.

Job Whipple

Captain Job Whipple3 (Eleazer2, John1) was born about 1684 in Rhode Island and died in Smithfield, Rhode Island 19 April 1750. He married Silence, daughter of Ephraim Pray, about 1703. She was born in 1682 and died 7 January 1757. Job and Silence had 12 children according to cemetery records and his Last Will and Testament.

  1. Job (1703/04 - 25 Feb 1730)
  2. Sarah (1705/06 - 1781)
  3. Dorcas (ABT 1708 - )
  4. Abigail (1711 - 25 Feb 1730)
  5. Simon (1713 - 14 Mar 1730)
  6. Alice (1715 - 12 May 1736)
  7. Hannah (ABT 1716 - AFT 6 Mar 1792)
  8. Mary (1718 - 27 Feb 1810)
  9. Anna (ABT 1718 - 3 Dec 1723)
  10. Amey (1724 - 27 Dec 1747)
  11. Stephen (ABT 1726 - 27 May 1795)

Job Whipple House

Job Whipple lived and died on his farm in the Louquisset meadows. He was born about 25 years after his grandfather Whipple emigrated to the Providence Plantations, and shortly after his father rebuilt their house near Lime Rock, about one mile west of the Blackstone River. Job was mentioned in Smithfield township records of 1733 when the town built a road (likely what is now called the Old River Road) next to his house. Also in 1733, Job filed a paternity case against his daughter Alice's lover as father of her newborn child. The courts denied the suit and Alice named her son Job Whipple. Nevertheless, in his will of 1750, Captain Job referred to Alice's son as "Abraham Angell." Captain Job was mentioned a third time in town records of 1748. He and his youngest son Stephen and grandson Ephraim (Job Junior's son) were listed in District 5 of the Smithfield "Highway Act" in which every able bodied man, at least 21 years of age, was required to work six days each year on the township's right-of-ways.[ 21 ] Job died two years later, and was buried near his father and sons Job and Simon in the Whipple-Mowrey Cemetery. His headstone reads, "Capt. Job Whipple died April 19, 1750 in his 66th year." His will, written 12 April 1750, was proved 19 July 1750.

Eleazer Whipple, on 27 April 1710, transferred by deed of gift, " ... for and in consideration of the well being and settlement of my son Job Whipple of the Town of Providence, aforesaid, and for good affection which to him I bear ... give 120 acres in the district of Louisquisset Woods and from part of the land bought from my cousin, John Whipple."[ 22 ] The house that Job built on this property immediately afterward, located approximately one-quarter mile east of his father's house, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Its National Register description reads: Whipple-Cullen Farm. The Whipple House is a standard, two-and-one-half story, 5 bay, center-chimney house. The entrance porch is a later addition, as is the Victorian porch on the side. Well preserved on the interior, it still exhibits the heavy cased corner posts and fireplaces typical of its date; an elegant Adamesque swag detail at the cornice of the right front chamber is a Federal addition. The house was probably built by Job Whipple, member of an important early family in Lime Rock. The farm remained in Whipple hands until the 1870s; of particular interest are owners Stephen Whipple and Simon, his son, both of whom were extensively involved in the local lime industry and in Smithfield town affairs. Simon Whipple was also connected with the Smithfield Woolen and Cotton Manufacturing Company, whose mill was located on the nearby Blackstone Canal. In the late 19th century, the farmstead and its lands were converted into a dairy farm by the Cullen family; the dairy continued to operate into the mid-20th century, and the farm buildings are still surrounded by open fields. North of the house stands the Cullen barn--a long gable-roofed structure, still well preserved. [NR].[ 23 ] At present, the house is a Bed and Breakfast Inn located at 99 Old River Road in Lincoln.

Job Whipple Junior was born in 1703 and died 25 February 1730, perhaps as a consequence of an epidemic since he and his brother Simon and sister Abigail died within a month of each other. He was the father of Ephraim (1725 - 1805), who in turn had 11 children. It is estimated that Ephraim moved to central Cumberland Township about 1768. His cousins, Moses and Eleazer, sons of William Junior, in a move eastward across to the other side of the Blackstone River, joined him about the same time. His first cousin Stephen Junior joined them about five years later.

Captain Job's youngest son, Stephen Whipple, born in 1726, died 27 May 1795, the only son whose children stayed in Smithfield, lived out his life in the Louquisset, as did his sons, Major Simon (1760-1829), and Arnold (1769-1804). His oldest son Stephen Junior (1750 - 1822) moved to Cumberland Township about the year 1773. A 1774 Smithfield census revealed that Stephen Senior's household consisted of 14 persons: four adult men, three adult women, along with two boys, four girls, and one slave.[ 24 ] "Mr. Whipple was a man of large wealth, influence, and respectability in Smithfield, RI, where he held many responsible town offices. He left by will to his children, much real and person estate."[ 25 ] As noted, he and his son Simon were extensively involved in the lime production and woolen businesses. Stephen Senior, Simon, and Arnold were buried with their ancestors in the Whipple-Mowrey Cemetery. Some of their descendants were known to be living in and around Smithfield-Lincoln, some even in the 20th century. Simon had two daughters and Arnold a son, Scott6 (Arnold5, Stephen4, Job3, Eleazer2, John1), born in 1795, of whom nothing further is known.

Stephen Whipple, Pioneer Georgia Descendant of Eleazer

As noted, Eleazer's youngest son, Daniel, moved to Cumberland early in the 18th century. Several of his descendants subsequently left Rhode Island between the years 1790 and 1810 including Preserved (1746-1813), who moved to New Hampshire. However, his son Colonel Stephen (1772-1844) did not migrate when his father moved north in 1794. He was a Colonel in the Militia of the state of Rhode Island. Stephen died November 7, 1844 and was buried with Masonic honors as a High Mason. He and Olive Bennett were parents to eleven children, including Stephen.

Stephen B. Whipple

Stephen Whipple6 (Stephen5, Preserved4, Daniel3, Eleazer2, John1) moved to the state of Georgia in 1820 when he was 21 years old where he taught school in Dekalb County. He removed to Wilkinson county and while there teaching lived with Squire Benjamin Mitchell, whose daughter, Ruth, Stephen married October 17,1824. A few years later he took up farming, buying the homestead farm of his father-in-law.

The following letter that he wrote to his half-sister Abigail Jencks of Cumberland, Rhode Island, in 1842, evidences the growing problem that was to soon split the nation and lead to the Civil war, a war in which one of his own sons was killed. "As for myself, I am still making corn and cotton and have stood the change of the times pretty well, so many in this county have failed; yet I had to pay $1000 security money and lost as much on cotton ... I have 30 slaves and pay tax for about 1700 acres of land. I keep about 12 or 15 head of horses and 100 to 150 head of hogs. I shall house this year 2500 or 3000 bushels of corn and make about 60 bales of cotton ... This account may appear very strange to your abolition neighbors, but no less strange than true."

Stephen and Ruth had seven children, born to them on their plantation in Wilkinson County, of which only Ruth and Stephen B. bore them grandchildren. His wife died in 1840 and Stephen married Eliza Knight of Providence, Rhode Island. They had one son, Knight Whipple, who was killed in the Civil War, without issue. She died in 1881 and he on February 13, 1848.

Stephen Bennett Whipple7 ( Stephen6, Stephen5, Preserved4, Daniel3, Eleazer2, John1) was born November 16, 1833 in Cook's Town and a few years later moved with his parents to the Squire Benjamin Mitchell homestead, now known as the Henry Rutland place. He was educated in nearby schools than enrolled at Mercer University in 1852. He began farming on the Maiden Creek Plantation in 1858 and while there married Ann Holliman on February 7, 1859.

Stephen Bennett served as a Lieutenant in the Confederate Army from October 4, 1861 until April 4, 1862. Thereafter he and his brother, Allen, were awarded a contract to produce salt for the Confederacy. This contract continued until the end of the war.

Mitchell-Whipple Plantation

Having decided to sell his farm and relocate, the top soil washing from hill sides into the creeks, he bought the Whitehead Plantation on Turkey Creek, in 1871. This property was located in Laurens County some ten miles west of Dublin. Later a railroad line was built through this farm and a station was established about one mile north of Whipple's Crossing. In order to secure educational advantages for his large family of boys, he moved one more time, in 1886, to Cochran, then in Pulaski County. Previously, in 1883, a church association had built a college at that location. There the sons of Stephen Bennett began their education.

Shortly after coming to Cochran, Stephen retired from business life, but became one of the original founders of the Cochran Mill and Ginnery, the First National Bank, and was a stockholder in three railroads. In addition, he acquired several pieces of real estate. He built four brick storehouses, known as the Whipple Block, and fourteen tenant houses for colored people, known as Whipple Town. His civic activities included long service on the Board of Education, and as an exofficio Justice of the Peace.

Stephen Bennett Whipple died after a short illness on 28 July 1915. His eight sons served as active pallbearers at his burial at the Cedar Hill Cemetery in Cochran. His wife died in 1913. His children remember him as fair and just in his dealing with men, but stern in matters of principle, and quiet, gentle, and unassuming in manner. As were most of his Whipple ancestors before him, he was a lifetime member of the Baptist church.[ 26 ] "Stephen Whipple, my great grandfather, brought the Whipple name to Georgia. However, his son, Stephen Bennett Whipple, as the father of eight sons, is considered the progenitor of the Georgia Whipples. Both men were successful in life, but Stephen died relatively young and didn't fulfill the nurturing role of a father that his son achieved. Six of his sons were educated into the professions. My father, Lucian A. Whipple, was the first honor graduate in his class of 1898 at the University of Georgia. He obtained his law degree from Harvard University. I have a photo of my father taken shortly before his death at age 100 standing at the podium at the University of Georgia's Demosthenian Hall. He had returned for his 75th class reunion. My son is Stephen Bennett the III. He is half owner and CEO of AmTrust Mortgage Corp., which he founded eight years ago. He, like his grandfather and I, is a graduate of the University of Georgia. Steve has an eleven-year-old son Stephen Bennett IV and another named William who is seven, and a daughter Mary Lynn, age going on three. Nona (the former Eleanor Hammond) and I also have two daughters, Laura Trousse, an airline hostess, and Anne Abellera, an attorney. They all reside in the city of Atlanta."[ 27 ]

William Whipple, The Least Recorded of the Louquisset Brothers

William Whipple, the fourth son of Captain John, was christened 16 May 1652 in Dorchester, Mass., and died 9 March 1711/12. He married Mary. Her birth and death dates are unknown. He lived and died on his farm in the Louquisset meadows, took the Oath of Allegiance to King Charles II in 1671, and was taxed in 1684 and 1687. His Last Will and Testament included the names of three children.

  1. William (ABT 1691 - 16 Nov 1776)
  2. Mary Sprague
  3. Seth (ABT 1696 - 13 Nov 1724)

William is the least recorded of the Louquisset brothers. In addition to his Last Will and Testament, the following is a listing of a summary of these records, inclusive of the years 1678 to 1707, taken from The Early Records of the Town of Providence, 21 Volumes, (Providence: Snow & Farnum, 1893-1903). Individual entries are noted with the volume number and page. Original spelling and punctuation have been retained.

Upon the 25th day of March 1712 the last will & Testament of William Whipple of this town of Providence (deceased) was Exhibbitted to the Towne Concill & was by them Examined & Proved; The Record of sd will is as followeth.

In the name of God amen, I William Whipple of the Towne of Providence in her Majestyes Coloney of Road Island & Providence Plantations in new England, being weake in body yet by the Blessing of God of sound & perfect memory; And I knowing that all men are subject to Mortallitye, and not knowing how soone it may please god to Remove me out of this life, I do make this my lat Will & Testament, hereby making voyd all former Wills by me mad either by Word or writeing & this only to stand in force as my last will & Testament./

Ffirst, I bequeth my spirit to god that gave it and my body to the Earth to be decently buried at the descretion of my Executor hereafter Named,

Secondly. I Give to my loveing son william whipple all my lands & house & improvements whatsoever; hee paying such Legacies as I shall obleidge him to; Thirdly. I give to my loveing son Seth Whipple Thirty Pounds, to be paid to him after he shall attaine to the age of one & twenty yeares, to be payd by my Executor as he shall be able. Ffourthly, I give to my loveing Daughter Mary Sprague Ten pounds to be paid to her by my Executor as my Executor shall be able, which Ten Pounds is besides what I have already given to her, which is one Cow & Calf & Eight Sheepe & Eight lambs, besides what household stuff I have already given to her:

Ffiftly, my Will is that my son william whipple shall maintaine his loveing Mother mary whiple my wife with all such nessecary things as shee shall have Ocation for duireing her Narurall life; And if shee se cause to dwell with Either of my other Children then my said son William shall allow to his sister or brother where my loveing wife shall make her aboad according to her Nessesity, & his ability. Sixthly, I Constitute & Appoynt my loveing son William Whipple my Executor to Execute my last will & Testament, to pay all my just Debts, & Receive all my just debts, and to se my Body decently buried; And in Confirmation of this my last Will & Testament I have hereunto set my hand & seale this Twenty & Seventh day of ffebruarey in the yeare of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred & Eleven or Twelve And Eleventh yeare of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lady Anne, by the Grace of God Quene of Great Brittan./ Signed, Sealed, published and declared in the presence of us Job Whipple, Thomas Hopkins, & William Hopkins. William Whipple, his mark. (VII:94-99)

An inventory of his movable estate was submitted by the Town Subscribers on 15 March 1712, and included such items as: two gunns, beds and furniture, thirty pounds of wollen yarne, cotton & wooll cloath, one chest, ten pounds of fethers, saddles & pannell, old iron tooles, cart & wheeles, grindstone, beetle & wedges, old lumber meat & butter, Indian corn, two oxen, five cowes, hefers, yearelings, 3 maares, four swine, twenty seven sheepe, looking glass, etc. The sum total of his movable estate was over 110 pounds, which was about average for a Rhode Island farmer at that time. (VII: 94-99).

18 January 1678.
William Whipple made Proclamation of a stray horse he had taken up, color bay, branded on the foreshoulder with an X, the two hind feet with a white in the forehead, with a small white on the nose, somewhat short of stature, something small. (V:338).
13 March 1681.
It was voted that William Whipple may change eleven acres of land which his father gave him at "Louassqusuck," the said eleven acres lying at the eastern or northeastern end of his other land, and being parted from his other land by a highway between them layed out by the surveyor to go up into ye country and take it up elsewhere upon the Town's Common, he having paid his change money.(VIII:113).
27 April 1682.
William Whipple requested that he might change eleven acres of land which he had of his father, John Whipple, which was divided by a highway from the rest of his land. He ended his request with "your neighbor, William Whipple." The Bill was granted by the towne, as attested to by John Whipple, Junior, Clerk. (XVIII:1).
9 September 1685.
William's property line was recorded on a deed transferring ownership of 30 acres of land from Eleazer Whipple to Samuel Whipple.(XIV:385)
21 December 1691.
William's property line was recorded on a deed transferring ownership of 60 acres of land from Samuel Whipple to Eleazer Whipple.(XIV:387.
20 Febuary 1699/1700.
This day William and Mary Whipple his wife hath exhibited a bill of demand of Tenn pounds and 10s new England silver which the said Mary saith shee committed into Providence Williams his hand, for to be returned to her againe when she demanded it. But said Providence Williams dyeing, her money is not yet returned, therefore that some way may be considered that they may receive the same. Order that Daniel Williams be sent for to come now to the Councill to give them an account of the estate of Providence Williams which the Councill formerly put into his custody until further Order: but the said Daniel Williams hath refused to give the Councill any account of the said Estate; saying that he judged that the Councill hath nothing to doe to take an account of the said Estate. (VI:154-56).[ 28 ]
11 November 1703.
William Whipple and Ricjhard Arnold witnessed a deed of sale made between Thomas Arnold and Shadrach Manton. (V:162).
17 June 1707.
William Whipple of the town of Providence gave notice to the town council that he had taken up a stray brown mare, which was earmarked, docked, and branded with a blaze in her face. (IX:180).
Providence Town Meeting, 28 July 1707.
William Whipple asked the town to gratify him with fifty acres of land or more, for service which (he saith) he gave to the town in the Indian Wars about thirty years ago. The town considered his bill and did not see cause to gratify his request. (XI:119).

Considering that much is known about his Louquisset brothers, it is surprising that so little of his life is preserved in written records. Unlike his brothers, pre-1675 Indian War accounts of him are unavailable. As seen above, the town council rejected his claim that he fought in that war. The earliest recorded activity in the colony was 1671, when as a teenager he was forced to take an oath of fealty to the king, and in 1678 when he found a stray cow. Even then, it is not clear as to whether he was still living in Providence town, with or near his father, or had moved to the Louquisset. Not until March 13, 1681 is it clear that he had done so.

It would appear that William lived a rather uneventful, bucolic life. He was not a formally educated man and, like his Louquisset brothers, could not read or write. He apparently paid his taxes on time, was respected by his neighbors, and in the end, willed a modest estate to his children. His brothers continually bought and sold land, took an active part in town and colony politics, and assumed positions of public responsibility, but not William--- what history did record was that William was "a good neighbor."

The record of his marriage has never been found. His wife Mary is not mentioned in town records until the year 1699, and although most unusual for the seventeenth century, it may be that he married rather late in life. It may even be that he married more than once. It is known that his sons, William and Seth, were not born until he was about 40 years of age and older. The birth date of his daughter is unknown.

William Senior's youngest son, Seth, a minor at the time of his father's death in 1712, died intestate in 1724, without known issue. On 24 June 1734, William Whipple Junior, brother of Seth Whipple, sold to Philip Smith of Providence, a plot of land in Providence on the east side of the Mill River.[ 29 ] His wife Elizabeth signed the deed with an "X". The town proprietors had formerly granted this property to Seth, 24 January 1717. In that land could not be owned in Rhode Island until an individual was 21 years old, this would likely place his date of birth close to the year 1696.

A controversy as to the identities of two William Whipple cousins has been ongoing for several years. This 1734 deed, plus William Junior's recently discovered nativity and necrology dates, is compelling evidence that he was the son of William, not David, Captain John's sixth son. He would not have appeared on the 1734 document as Junior, or signed his name William Whipple Junior were he David's son. The fact that Elizabeth's name and mark appeared on the deed, and that he clearly was stated to be the brother of Seth, plus other facts considered herein, is crucial evidence as to his identity.

Only one other William Whipple was born in the 1680s or 1690s in the New England Colonies. He was Captain William Whipple, born in Ipswich, Mass. 28 February 1696, and died in Kittery, Maine, 17 August 1751. His eldest son was General William Whipple, a signatory to the Declaration of Independence from New Hampshire. No proven relationship exists between the early Ipswich, Maine, and New Hampshire Whipples and the Rhode Island Whipples. The only other known Rhode Island William Whipple to be born before 1710 was William (1704) son of William, and grandson of David.

William Whipple Junior

Captain William Whipple3 (William2, John1) was born about 1691 in Rhode Island and died in Smithfield, Rhode Island 16 November 1776. He married Elizabeth Sprague about 1713. She was born 26 May 1694 and died after 1735. William and Elizabeth had 17 children.

  1. Mary (28 Feb 1714/15 - ___ )
  2. Elizabeth (26 May 1716 - ___ )
  3. Jemima (1 Oct 1717 - ___ )
  4. Amey (24 Oct 1718 - ___ )
  5. William (11 Oct 1719 - 16 Nov 1796)
  6. Marcy (15 Mar 1721 - ___ )
  7. Jeremiah (19 May 1722 - ___ )
  8. Hopestill (28 May 1723 - ___ )
  9. John (7 May 1724 - 20 Mar 1807)
  10. Anthony (9 Apr 1725 - 11 Jul 1751)
  11. Sarah (10 Oct 1726 - ___ )
  12. Benjamin (2 Jun 1728 - 12 Jun 1812)
  13. Moses (31 Jan 1729 - 3 Sep 1807)
  14. Joseph (18 Apr 1731 - 27 Dec 1760)
  15. Amey (31 May 1732 - ___ )
  16. Eleazer (20 Jan 1733 - 22 Mar 1781)
  17. Hannah (2 May 1735 - ___ )

William Whipple Junior was buried in the "Whipple Burial Lot, on the Whipple farm on Lime Rock Road"[ 30 ] along with his sons John and Benjamin. The headstones of these men, in addition to those of Jerusha and Sarah, wives of Benjamin, plus Hopestill Brown, daughter of Hopestill Whipple who married Nicholas Brown in 1744, were moved approximately three miles southeast to the Moshassuck Cemetery in Central Falls---by Phebe Whipple wife of Arnold of Providence. The gravestones of Emily and Millie Aldrich, granddaughters of Sarah Whipple who married Solomon Aldrich in 1751, were moved to the Mineral Spring Cemetery at the same time.

George Hawkins, of unknown relationship, died as a child "by falling on the ice at Lime Rock," in 1831; accordingly, if the markers were moved immediately thereafter, William Junior would have already been deceased for 55 years. The uncertain date of 1697 could indicate that those responsible for the removal, one or more generations later, were even less aware of the facts than those who had the marker inscribed sometime after 1776. The inscription on his headstone read, "Captain William Whipple, Died 16 Nov 1776, aged 79 years."[ 31 ] His eldest son, Ensign William, likewise died on a November 16 date--an unlikely historical parallel. His brother Seth was born about 1696, and it is possible that Seth's date was attributed to William Junior. William would have had to be at lease 21 years of age to have served as executor of his father's Will.[ 32 ] This fixes his birth in 1691 at the latest, not 1697. William's wife Elizabeth was born in 1694 and they were married in 1713. This would make Elizabeth 19 years old and William Junior 16 (using the 1697 date) when married--another unlikely scenario.

It is assumed that the headstones of William's wife and sons Anthony and Joseph, who died young, had disappeared before the removal. It seems logical that William Senior, his wife Mary, and others of their children and grandchildren would have been buried in this family burial plot, but this question likely will not be answered because the plot was "plowed up" after removal of the stones. The headstones removed to Moshassuck Cemetery no longer stand having been replaced by a communal monument.[ 33 ]

William Sr. & William Jr. Family Monument

It is, indeed, probable that the headstones of more of the William Senior and William Junior families were moved at that time. It appears that the 'list' supplied by L.A.Sayles was corrupted or otherwise inaccurately transferred to cemetery records. The headstones of at least two other family members, not on the Sayles' list, are known to have been removed at that time.[ 34 ] The wives of William Senior and William Junior were undoubtedly buried beside them. In the rural Rhode Island of that day, it was typical for two or more generations of the same farm family to be buried on that particular farm. The example of the farm burial lot of William Senior's brother, Eleazer, whose lot (Whipple-Mowrey) one half mile down the road, was normative for rural families. The final resting place of at least five generations of the William Whipple family was uprooted by what appears to be the construction of a road in the mid 1800s. It is regrettable that their remains now lie under six inches or more of asphalt, and that their headstones never again will be viewed by their descendants.

William Whipple Junior lived and died on the Louquisset estate handed down to him by his father in 1712. "This property was located in Smithfield Township (now the town of Lincoln) on the road that leads from Providence to Worcester, Massachusetts. William lived in a small house that stood a little east of the road not far from a place called Lime Rock. He had the largest family of any of the Whipples on record."[ 35 ] This house was adjacent to the Moshassuck River, approximately eight miles north of the town of Providence, and a mile west of the Blackstone River. It was passed on to William's eldest son, Ensign William. As discussed later, he in turn deeded it to his nephew Jesse Whipple who subsequently sold it in the year 1817 and moved out of state.

William Junior married Elizabeth Sprague about the year 1713. She was the daughter of Anthony and Mary (Tilden) Sprague of Cumberland Township. "They (the Spragues) lived in the west central part of the Cumberland on the Blackstone River. Smithfield was just on the other side of the river. Apparently when Elizabeth married William Whipple Junior she moved to Smithfield, but obviously kept close ties with her parent's family. Two other daughters of Anthony and Mary married Whipples. Mary Sprague was married at Providence (probably Smithfield) to Eleazer, son of Eleazer (Captain John's third son). Phebe Sprague married Peter Whipple, son of William, who was the son of David (Captain John's sixth son). Peter and Phebe lived in Cumberland."[ 36 ]

William and three of his oldest sons were listed in Smithfield records of 1748. The town had earlier passed a "Highway Act." This act provided for, "surveyors who made it their duty to inspect the roads within the limits of their respective districts, and enough were appointed to care for the highways ... specific provision was made, and every male inhabitant of the town, twenty-one years or older and able bodied, was required to work on the highways six days per year."[ 37 ] At that time, the Smithfield population was 450. The township was divided into 16 highway districts to be worked by the persons listed, the first person on the list being the surveyor. William and his sons Anthony, William, and John were assigned to District 4, with William Junior serving as surveyor. District 4, "Began at Locusquesset Brook to the Providence line, beginning at the old highway by the lime kiln, to end where said highway intersects with the highway that goes by Dr. Jenckes'---also, the Cross Road from Abraham Scott to Pawtucket River."[ 38 ] As previously noted, Captain Job Whipple, William's nephew, son of Eleazer Whipple, as well as Job's son, Stephen, and nephew Ephraim (son of Job Junior) were listed in District 5.

It is thus seen that by the year 1748, 63 years after the death of Captain John, only seven adult (16 years or older) Whipple men resided in the Louquisset meadows, each a descendant of either William or Eleazer, Captain's John's third and fourth sons. By the time of the Smithfield census of 1774, the Whipple population had decreased to five male heads-of-household: Benjamin, John, William, Joseph, and Stephen. The first three were sons of William Junior, and he, at an age in the mid to late 80s, was apparently living with one of them. Stephen, William Junior's second cousin, was the youngest son of Job.

The Joseph Whipple in this census ostensibly was the grandson of Colonel Joseph Whipple, the seventh son of Captain John. Joseph (1734-1816) moved to south Smithfield (not the Louquisset meadows) about the year 1750, and had four sons, William, John, Samuel, and George. The only other known descendant of a non-Louquisset brother in Smithfield Township before the mid 1800s was Ephraim, the great-great grandson of Benjamin Whipple, the fifth son of Captain John. Ephraim (1800-1875), who moved to Greenville, in southwest Smithfield Township in about 1825, had three sons, Andrew, William, and John.[ 39 ]

Elizabeth Whipple was a documented descendant of a Mayflower family. Her great great grandfather, Richard Warren, was a signatory to the Mayflower Compact. Elizabeth and William's 17 children, all of whom were born on their Louquisset farm, including eight sons, claimed the Mayflower as their heritage. It is unusual that so few of their Smithfield sons produced offspring.

Jeremiah apparently died as a child or left home at an early age. Anthony died at the age of 27, Joseph at 29. Both died intestate with their father serving as administrator; neither fathered children.[ 40 ] John died, apparently childless, at the age of 83.[ 41 ] In the 1774 Smithfield census, he was listed as head of household with two adult women living with him. William Junior's oldest son, Ensign William, who died at the age of 77, was father to one daughter. Benjamin lived out his life in the Louquisset meadows, dying at the age of 84. His only son, Captain Jeremiah Whipple (1764 - 6 August 1830), had three sons, Reubin (1786 - 1839), Libbeus (1790 - 1869), and Arthur (1793 - 1853). Of these, Reubin died childless, Libbeus had two daughters, and Arthur was father to one son, Jeremiah Whipple7 (Arthur6, Jeremiah5, Benjamin4, William3, William2, John1) who it is thought died childless in 1866.

In summary of the descendants of the Louquisset brothers, the sons of William Junior who lived and died in Louquisset, Anthony, Joseph, John, Benjamin, and William, (and perhaps Jeremiah), fathered only one daughter and one son among them, and even that son died childless. As previously noted, none of Samuel's (second son of Captain John), descendants stayed in Smithfield. Thus, with the possible exception of Scott, the great great grandson of Eleazer, after two centuries the surname inherited from the original Louquisset brothers, was no longer heard in the meadows of the Louquisset. As noted herein, in time Whipples from other than the three original families eventually moved into both the southern and northern sections of Smithfield-Lincoln. These later descendants of Captain John's other sons, plus a few descendants of those families described below have lived for centuries even in the environs of Lime Rock.

This eventual state of affairs was quite unlike earlier days in the Louquisset settlement. "Below is a tax record levied by the town of Providence, 16 June 1713. The source is E. Richardson, The History of Woonsocket, 1641-1876, 51-53. Whipples in the list of taxpayers on that date were: Daniel, 116; Eleazer, 15; Eleazer Junior, 16, James, 18, Job, 17; Seth, 119; Thomas, 5; William with mother, 38. The number behind the name was the dwelling place along the roads. Eleazer and four of his sons, Eleazer Junior, James and Job, who lived in dwellings 15 through 18, and Daniel who lived in dwelling 116 comprised the Eleazer Whipple family"[ 42 ] As noted previously, Thomas in dwelling 5, was the only known son of Samuel, who had died two years before, to take up residence on his inherited land in the Louquisset meadows. He moved to the state of Connecticut approximately four years after the date of this tax. Descendants of William Senior, who had died the year before, were his widow and William Junior in dwelling 38, and his youngest son, Seth, in dwelling 119. This is the only known record that lists members of the three families in the same Louquisset document.

Jesse Whipple, Pioneer Indiana Descendant of William

Jesse Whipple5 (Eleazer4, William3, William2, John1) third and youngest son of Eleazer, was born 7 February 1771 on the family farm in Cumberland, and died 3 July 1840 in Franklin County, Indiana. He married Percy Anna Streeter about 1798. She was born 21 August 1776 and died about 1860. Six children were born to this couple.

  1. Jabez (18 Aug 1803 - 12 Dec 1878)
  2. George (29 Apr 1809 - 5 Sep 1879)
  3. Meribeth (1811 -- )
  4. Arnold (13 Nov 1813 - 13 Apr 1882)
  5. Millie (1818 -- )
  6. Abner (1822 - 30 May 1893)

Percy Anna was the daughter of Lieutenant George Streeter5 (John4, Stephen3, Stephen2, Stephen1). Stephen Senior was married to Ursula Adams, the daughter of Henry, great-great-great grandfather of John Adams, president of the United States.[ 43 ]

Smithfield records evidence the deaths of three of William Junior's sons in the eighteenth century, Anthony, Joseph, and William. As stated, William Junior's oldest son, Ensign William, was the father of only one child, a daughter. Consequently, on 4 June 1791, he deeded his homestead to his nephew Jesse Whipple, the youngest son of his deceased brother Eleazer. "Know all men by these presents that I William Whipple of Smithfield ... for and in consideration of the love and good will which I have and do bear toward my dutiful and well beloved nephew Jesse Whipple of Cumberland but now residing in Smithfield, son of Eleazer Whipple of Cumberland ... do freely, clearly, and absolutely give and grant unto the said Jesse Whipple ... four separate tracts of land. The first tract containeth by estimation forty acres be the same more or less, and is the homestead farm whereon I now live. With two dwelling houses, one barn, one coopers shop, one corn crib, and outhouses ... The second tract of land is a woodlot being by estimation fourteen acres that did belong to my honored father William Whipple deceased ... The third tract being a two-thirds part of a boggy meadow ... I do likewise give unto the said Jesse Whipple one -half of the lime kiln. In witness whereof I the said William Whipple have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourth day of June, Anno Domini, one thousand seven hundred and ninety one."[ 44 ]

In return, Jesse signed an affidavit affirming that "both my honored uncle and aunt William and Mary Whipple may live on the land for the rest of their natural lives."[ 45 ] Also, on this same date, Jesse, with his brother Eleazer Whipple Junior as surety, borrow 400 English pounds from his uncle William. On March 1, 1793, Jesse was deeded "one-half of a certain hill or quarry of lime rock" in Smithfield, by his uncle.

As noted previously, Jesse's grandfather, William Whipple Junior, became extensively involved in the lime mining trade in the early eighteenth century when, "he gave a lease of a portion of his farm in Providence (afterward Smithfield) for mining purposes to John and James Alford (merchants) of Boston, on 10 October 1715."[ 46 ] It is not known why William Senior apparently took little interest in the large limestone deposits on this farm. He likely sold limestone to his brother-in-law, Steven Dexter.

"Throughout the seventeenth century and the first half of the eighteenth century, the lime-mining industry was carried on in a part-time and intermittent fashion, an important though small-scale exploitation of the resource. In the hundred years following 1750, however, lime quarrying and processing became a major industry and led to the development of a substantial village."[ 47 ] William Senior's next-door neighbor, Steven Dexter, who married William's youngest sister, Abigail, began "burning lime" at what became known as Dexter's Ledge in the late 1660s. The Dexter family and the David Harris (nephew of Mary Harris Whipple, wife of Samuel Senior) family owned the largest lime manufacturing facilities in the area until the mid 1800s; at which time the advent of Portland cement largely put an end to the demand for the product.

"The village of Lime Rock centered around and was named for its lime-mining industry, one of the oldest quarrying operations in North America. The availability of such natural limestone had a significant impact on the early building traditions of Rhode Island. If not quarried, lime could be obtained only by the burning of shells gathered on the beaches after a storm had washed them ashore. The ability to make burned lime mortars allowed for the development of strong masonry, most evident in the 'stone enders,' a form which dominated northern Rhode Island building for centuries. As recently as the 1960s, the Eleazer Whipple House, a fine 'stone ender' in Lime Rock, was demolished and its material scattered to several sites. (As earlier noted, the sons of Eleazer Whipple, William Senior's brother, were likewise successful lime producers). Only a very few of these dwellings still remain, less than a dozen in the entire state. They are an architectural legacy shared by every Rhode Islander. Each demolition and fire has made the remaining stock of seventeenth-century houses more precious and rare."[ 48 ]

Jesse Whipple

As previously shown, William Junior deeded away most of his mining interests to his sons in the 1750s. It is clear that from the year 1791, when Ensign William deeded his lime rock property and business over to him, Jesse Whipple continued in the profitable manufacturing trade that had been established by his grandfather and carried on by his uncles. For example, Anthony and Joseph Whipple, his uncles, died in 1751 and 1760 respectively. Anthony's estate of over 500 English pounds showed large sums of money owned to him by Richard Harris and the Mowrey family. The inventory of Joseph's estate, valued at 3979 English pounds (an enormous amount of money at the time), revealed that he was owed over 2000 pounds by such fellow mine owners as John Dexter, Joseph and Christopher Jenckes, Richard Harris, and three of his own brothers.[ 49 ] As late as the mid 1790s, William Junior's son Ensign "William and his nephew Jesse Whipple, who lived on Great Road in the eastern part of the village, (still) owned lime rock, part interest in a kiln, and a coopers shop; but their product was undoubtedly sold to David Harris (son of Richard) who delivered the Whipple lime along with his own to market. This arrangement permitted the farmers of Lime Rock to supplement their income and David Harris to develop a monopoly over the lime business in the years prior to the Revolution. When Harris died in 1797 (one year after Ensign William) Smithfield lime was being sold from Boston to Nantucket to the southern states and the West Indies."[ 50 ]

One can envision Jesse Whipple, his sons Jabez and George, and perhaps a few hired hands, hard at work in their coopers shop around the year 1718, as they burned lime and built barrels to store and deliver the product. "Each stage of lime production was labor-intensive from quarrying stone and making barrels to producing charcoal needed for processing, loading and firing the kilns, regulating them, packing the finished product into barrels, and carting the casks into Providence where the lime was sold. Though Lime Rock's glory days ended ... The slow but steady market for its product since then has served to keep it a stable community. Its work force and population are still virtually the same size ... The monopoly which the Dexters, Harrises, Whipples, Jenckeses, and Mowreys held for so long over industry and ownership, the community leadership kept Lime rock a close-knit community; the interconnections among these families were labyrinthine and contributed to the social and physical stability of the village. Many of Lime Rock's handsome houses dating from the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries still stand, and, in our age of mobility and change, a surprising number are owned by families who trace their origins to the early settlers of the village. The unique character of Lime Rock, and, in particular the antiquity of its lime-producing industry have been recognized by the village's inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.[ 51 ]

Among the 29 individual Lime Rock properties listed on the Register is the ancient Whipple home. Part of this property dates back to the time of William Senior and the 1670s. Its National Register description reads: "The Jesse Whipple House. The Whipple House is a good example of he Greek revival style---one and one half stories, 5-bays, with a center door, it has paneled pilasters, wide cornices, and a heave Doric portico. Together with his uncle, William Whipple, Jesse Whipple owned interests in limestone deposits, part interest in a kiln, and a coopers shop. [NR-LRHD]."[ 52 ]

The Jesse Whipple House is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Great Road and Simon Sayles Road (Structure 1). Next door to this (not shown) was the house (demolished in the 1960s) of Eleazer Whipple. Today, the Lincoln Central Elementary School stands in its place. Across the Great Road south is the Whipple-Mowrey cemetery, called in the Register "Lime Rock Cemetery, " noting that it is one of the oldest in the state and further the variety and good condition of the headstones. To the immediate west of the cemetery are the remains of the Nathaniel Mowrey Tavern (Structure 2). The Whipple and Mowrey families intermarried on numerous occasions across the generations. Structures 8 and 10 were Mowrey homes. Other families that claim the Whipples in their genealogies lived in structures 12, 23 24, and 19; the old Whitman, Aldrich, Harris, and Smith homes. Structure 7 is the Masonic Lodge whose membership included several Whipple men. And, for generations, the descendants of William and Eleazer Whipple attended services in the town's only worship center---the First Baptist Church (Structure 14).

Just off the map, about one fourth of a mile east on Simon Sayles Road at the intersection of the Old River Road stands the mansion house of Job Whipple, the son of Eleazer. As previously noted, this house is also on the National Register.

"The Limerock Historic District comprises twenty architecturally or historically significant buildings, three lime quarries, and the ruins of three lime kilns. These structures reflect the history of Limerock during its prominence and form the center of this old village. The district begins on the east at the intersection of Simon Sayles Road with Great Road to include the Greek Revival house built by the Whipple family and distinguished by a fine Doric portico, wide corner pilasters, and heavy cornice. The district proceeds for about one mile north and east. Within one square mile there are in the village good examples of New England vernacular architecture from the late seventeenth through the nineteenth century."[ 53 ]

Jesse Whipple House

Jesse sold the estate deeded to him by his uncle and moved approximately 800 miles southwest to the town of Lawrenceburg, Indiana, on the banks of the Ohio River. The land and buildings that he sold, in 1817,[ 54 ] had been in the Whipple name since at least the year 1665, over 150 years. Why would he abandon such original virgin land, land that had never been held by a European before his great-great grandfather Captain John, land that had been in his family name for more than a century and a half? It is impossible to know the full circumstances, but considerable economic pressure to leave the area is known to have occurred in the early 1800s.

Two situations may have been among the deciding factors. It is the understanding of one of Jesse's descendants that ... "The usable limestone on the property just ran out and no one was willing to sell him additional deposits. About that same time period, a syndicate of local mine owners bought most all the mining rights and apparently Jesse was excluded. Several of his wife's family, mostly farmers, were moving west at the time, so they just packed up and joined them."[ 55 ]

Also, by the early 19th century, the Rhode Island state legislature, "believing that industrialization served the public interest, allowed mill owners to take precedence over those of farmers and fishermen. Farmers could sue for compensation when mill dams flooded their land but they could not stop the dams from operating ... within a short time most rivers became polluted by industrial waste ... by 1815, there were a hundred cotton spinning mills in the state employing seven thousand workers ... the decline in the farming and maritime trades left the common people no other source of gainful employment ... twenty-one of the state's thirty-one towns found some river capable of sustaining a spinning factory ... agricultural employment declined to only about 10 percent."[ 56 ] These pressures apparently forced Jesse and many of his Louquisset neighbors, as well as several relatives in Smithfield and Cumberland townships, to sell and move out of state.

Forced from their ancestral home, Jesse Whipple and family became part of a mass migration to the wilderness territories west of the state of Ohio, in the then recently created state of Indiana. Indiana became a state in 1816, and by the time of its first census in 1820, Jesse was listed as a resident of Franklin County, about 10 miles west of Cincinnati, Ohio.[ 57 ] He later received a grant of land (1832) from the government in Dearborn County (Township7, Range 1, West, Section 3).[ 58 ] This grant of land, for 40.32 acres, recorded at Cincinnati, Ohio on 14 August 1834, was given to his sons. Jesse Whipple died 3 July 1840, and was buried on the Freeman Farm. Now called the Sholts Cemetery, it is located on a hill at the north edge of the village of Rockdale, White Water Township in Franklin County, about two miles west of the Ohio border, and one mile north of the Dearborn county line. It is an abandoned cemetery of only five listed burials, three members of the Sholts family, James Pursel, and Jesse Whipple. By the time of his death, his six children including four sons, Jabez, George, Arnold, and Abner were established on their own farms spread out across the counties of Dearborn, Franklin, and Decatur.

Jabez Whipple (1803-1878) oldest son of Jesse was born in Smithfield, Rhode Island, 18 August 1803. He moved to Indiana as a boy of 14 or 15 years of age with his parents, and there married Susan Benton, probably in 1824 or 1825. The 1830 Indiana federal census lists this couple to be living at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, Dearborn County, with one son, age 5-10, and two sons, age 4 years and younger. The town of Lawrenceburg was established as the county seat in 1803. In 1810, a two-story log cabin courthouse was built that subsequently burned down in 1826. Due to this, their marriage record is not available. Susan Benton was born in 1808 in the state of New York. Jabez, like most of his ancestors, was a farmer and member of the Baptist church. He farmed in Dearborn County, Harrison Township, adjacent to the farms of his brothers Abner and George just south of the Franklin County line, from 1825 until approximately 1868; at which time he moved to Decatur county to live with his son Murray. Jabez Whipple died 12 December 1878, and was buried in the Horseshoe Bend Cemetery, Westport, Indiana. His wife died 5 November 1883 and is buried beside him.

William Theodore Whipple7, the sixth son of (Jabez6, Jesse5, Eleazer4, William3, William2, John1), migrated to western Oklahoma Territory in 1896. He was born 10 April 1835 on the family farm in northern Dearborn County, Indiana a few miles west of Cincinnati Ohio. Highway I-74 from Cincinnati to Indianapolis presently runs through the old homestead, approximately three miles west of the Ohio border. The 1860 Indiana census indicates that he was living with his oldest brother, Levi, on a farm in Decatur County, Westport, Sand Creek Township, about 20 miles southwest of the old homestead. Eighteen months later, 16 February 1862, William married Emily O'Donnell. Nothing is known of the O'Donnell family. After her death in 1875, William married Amelia Pavy. The names of his children are given below.

William was an injured veteran of the Union Army. He entered military service a few months after the birth of his first child, entering March 7, 1864, and was honorably discharged August 25th 1865. He was injured in the line of duty at Burnt Hickory, Georgia, during General Sherman' march to Atlanta. William was 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighed 150 pounds, had black hair, and always wore a beard.

William T. Whipple

On 25 September 1895 William applied for a grant of land (northeast quarter of Section 29, in Township 13W, of Range 9W, containing 160 acres) in Oklahoma Territory, approximately three miles southwest of the present town of Calumet. The final patent deed (application 10417, certificate 676) was granted March 1, 1904, and signed by President Theodore Roosevelt. His Last Will and Testament reads:

This is the last will and testament of me, W.T. Whipple, made this 16th day of July 1908. I bequeath all of the land now my homestead, and all my personal property and money on hand at the time of my death to my wife Amelia Whipple, subject to the payment of my legal debts. And at her death all property real and persona shall be divided between the following heirs as follows: Mary Taylor and Ollie Underwood my daughters and Alva Whipple and Charley Whipple my sons. Also, Alva Reed and Laurie Reed shall have their mother's share. I also bequeath to the heirs of William Whipple Jr., one dollar each. I leave my wife as Executrix and guardian for Alva and Laurie Reed and Charles Pavy (only child by a previous marriage) as her assistant. Signed and delivered in presents of witnesses hereto attached this 16th day of July 1908.[ 59 ] He died 1 August 1908.

A monument erected over his grave at Red Rock Methodist Cemetery, Calumet, Oklahoma serves as a record of his ancestral heritage. This monument is etched from black marble, is seven feet high and 11 feet wide at its base, and reads:

This monument is erected to commemorate the life of William T. Whipple, pioneer, and first Whipple to settle the Cheyenne-Arapaho lands of western Oklahoma Territory in 1896. His homestead was 2 miles north and 2 miles west of Red Rock Cemetery. He was a farmer-rancher and one of the founders and minister of Bethany Community Church, one mile west of his home. His ancestors, likewise, were primarily Northern Baptist or Congregationalist. This narrative is taken from the book, Sons and Daughters of Jesse Whipple, by Dr. Charles Whipple, Jr.

William was the great-great-great-great grandson of Captain John Whipple, the first Whipple in America, who arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony from Bocking, England in 1632. Captain John's daughter, Abigail Whipple Hopkins, was the grandmother of Stephen Hopkins, a signer of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. William's great-great-great-great-great grandfather, Richard Warren, was a signatory to the Mayflower Compact in 1620. Other such notables among his extended family were Abraham Whipple, the first Commodore of the American Navy, Esek Hopkins the first Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Navy, and John and Quincy Adams, presidents of the United States. His great grandfather, Eleazer Whipple, served in Captain Weatherhead's Company of the Rhode Island Militia during the Revolutionary War. William served in the Union Army during the Civil War in Company H. 123rd Regiment of the Indiana Volunteers.

William and Emily O'Donnell's children were: William, Alva, Ollie Underwood, Mary Taylor, and Charles T. After Emily's death he married Amelia Pavy. Their daughter was Emma Reed. Emma and Charles T. accompanied their parents to Oklahoma. Charles T. and Marcella Raidt had 4 children: John, Mildred Wegner, Theresa Thornberg Wahrenberger, and Charles M. Sr. The grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren of Charles T. dedicate this monument July 5, 2003.

The verso of the monument records his lineage from Captain John Whipple

Descendants of Samuel, Eleazer, and William Who Left the Louquisset Meadows Within the First Three Generations

The opportunity to carry on the surname of the three brothers in Rhode Island (not just Louquisset) history was left to seven non-Louquisset descendants: Daniel, the grandson of Samuel; Eleazer, the grandson of Eleazer; Moses and Eleazer, grandsons of William Junior; and, to the great grandsons of Eleazer, Ephraim and Stephen Junior. The last four cousins were preceded to Cumberland Township by their uncle Daniel, son of Eleazer. An estimation of the dates of their migrations was arrived at by utilizing the dates and places of their children's births as given by the Whipple/Gen/Web and the sources it quotes.

Whipple Ave. in Whipple, RI

Daniel Whipple4 (Noah B.3, Samuel2, John1), third and youngest son of Noah, was born in Glocester Township in 1703, and died there about the year 1790. He was father to eight children and had at least 24 grandchildren, of whom at least five continued the Whipple name. Of his sons only Jonathan is known to have had children. Jonathan (1731-1805), who lived and died in Glocester, had five sons on which knowledge of Stephen only is available. Stephen (1756-1811) had three children including two sons, Ziba and Smith. Stephen and Ziba were buried in the Whipple burial lot on Gazza Road in Burrillville, as were several other relatives. Of Ziba's eight children, at least five sons were buried in Rhode Island. Of these sons, seven were successful mill owners and founded the town of "Whipple" Rhode Island, which is still shown on most maps of Rhode Island. Daniel S.8 (Ziba7, Stephen6, Jonathan5, Daniel4, Noah3, Samuel2, John1) owned at least two mills. "A mill was reported started here about 1838. It burned down in 1845 and Daniel Whipple, who purchased the site, erected a new mill. Daniel opened another mill in nearby Mapleville in 1849, and devoted his interests there, while the rest of the Whipple family ran the Gazzaville mills for many years. In 1888, the mill burned and was never rebuilt. The former mill owners' house, lived in by a Whipple descendant until the 1960s, still stands ... Along the Clear River and along Whipple Avenue, west of Oakland is the former mill hamlet of Plainville, later named Whipple ... Charles H.8 (Ziba7, Stephen6, Jonathan5, Daniel4, Noah3, Samuel2, John1) purchased Plainview in 1856 and began the manufacture of woolen goods. The town was renamed Whipple in 1891 when a railroad and station were constructed. However, by 1929, most of the employed residents were employed outside of Whipple. A description in the brochure advertising the sale of the village in 1929, described it as a 'cozy and snug little village.' The mill was subsequently demolished. The mill site today is not visible from the road, but several of the old mill houses along Whipple Avenue survive."[ 60 ] Charles H. and Daniel S. had at least five brothers who also worked in the woolen industry: Enoch, Sterry, John, James, and George.[ 61 ] Frederick (1842-22 July 1904) son of Daniel S. (31 January 1815-12 September 1872) took over the family business. Gilbert (12 April 1854- ) son of Charles H. (1823-1885) took over his father's portion of the family business.

Eleazer Whipple4 (James3, Eleazer2, John1) only known child of James Whipple, was a merchant in Warwick, Rhode Island. He was also a sea captain and died at sea in November of 1760. He and Deliverance Rhodes, whom he married 24 June 1744, had at least eight children, at least two of whom were sons who settled on farms in Warwick and Coventry, Rhode Island. Eleazer's son Job, whose twin brother was Joseph, had five daughters and at least three sons including John and Resolved. Resolved's son was Job R. who had Henry and was buried in the Swan Point Cemetery in Providence, as were most of Job R.'s descendants. Joseph, the twin of Job, sons of Eleazer, had two daughters and seven sons. He settled in Coventry, Rhode Island, and was a farmer. Thomas6 (Joseph5, Eleazer4, James3, Eleazer2, John1) son of Joseph, was a manufacturer, and at one time served as Lieutenant Governor of Rhode Island. William, Joseph's fourth son, lived and died in Coventry. Christopher, youngest son of Joseph, lived on the homestead farm in Coventry. He had six sons and at least 10 grandsons who lived out their lives in Rhode Island. Of Joseph's other sons, John, the oldest, settled in Pennsylvania, and Eleazer became a Methodist minister in Utica, New York.[ 62 ]

Daniel3 (Eleazer2, John1), the fourth son of Eleazer, moved to north Cumberland Township about the year 1716. He preceded his four nephews to Cumberland by 40 to 50 years. His property near Diamond Hill Road, north of the present Nate Whipple Highway (formerly Sneech Pond Road) was approximately four miles north of his birthplace.[ 63 ] He was born on the family homestead in 1688 and died 3 October 1768 in Cumberland. Daniel and several family members were buried in the Whipple burial lot on Diamond Hill. He married twice, to Mary about 1715, and to Anne chamberlain about 1735. He had 13 children by these two marriages, including six sons: Daniel, Joseph, Eleazer, Joel, Preserved, and Job. Daniel is widely remembered as the founding father of the north Cumberland branch of the Whipple family tree. He had 57 known grandchildren of whom 10 males carried the Whipple name. At least three sons, Daniel, Joseph, and Joel, lived and died in Cumberland. Among later descendants, Reuben, a grandson of Daniel Junior moved to Ohio about the year 1800. Albert, a grandson of Joel, moved to California about the same time. Of the sons of Preserved, Otis and Silas moved to New Hampshire between the years 1790 and 1800, and Preserved Junior moved to Ohio arround the year 1800, but as earlier noted, Colonel Steven stayed in Rhode Island.

Ephraim Whipple5 (Job4, Job3, Eleazer2, John1) followed his uncle Daniel to Cumberland about the year 1768 then to Attleboro, Massachusetts in 1796. He was a farmer and later a goldsmith. Ephraim married Silvia Lapham in 1745 and had three sons, David, Job, and Ephraim. His second marriage was to Priscilla Appleby in 1754, a marriage that produced eight children including three sons, Marmaduke, Barneville, and Jencks. Four of Ephraim's sons and one daughter, Ephraim Junior, Job, Marmaduke, Barneville, and Anne Carpenter, moved to Washington County, New York. "Union Villiage was incorporated in 1809. Heretofore it was 'Whipple City' and originally grew from the fact that Job Whipple was the most prominent and successful among the early settlers in 1775 ... Whipple, a Quaker, prospered and determined that water power was able to support a cotton factory ... After his children were grown, Job moved west ... The cotton factory founded by him closed in the 1840s. By the 1890s, the Whipple name had practically disappeared."[ 64 ] The whereabouts of Ephraim's oldest son, David, is unknown. His daughter, Priscilla Bishop, is the only child buried in Cumberland. Ephraim is known to have had at least36 grandchildren scattered out across the states of Massachusetts, New York, Illinois, and Pennsylvania including seven who bore the Whipple surname

Stephen Whipple Junior5 (Stephen4, Job3, Eleazer2, John1) migrated to Cumberland about the year 1773. He was father to 11 children and had at least 19 grandchildren including four known Whipple grandsons. At least four of his children were buried in Cumberland, Olney, Nancy, James, and Betsy.

Moses Whipple4 (William3, William2, John1), the sixth son of William Junior, was born 21 January 1729 and died 3 September 1807. It is estimated that he left Louquisset no later than 1767 at the age of 38. He lived the last 40 years of life on his new property located just east of the Blackstone River on the road that leads to Cumberland Hill, about two miles from his father's farm. He and wife, Patience Matteson, had four children. They in return produced 27 known children of which at least 10 continued the Whipple name. Moses was buried in the Ballou Cemetery on Mendon Road in Cumberland, as were two of his children and at least 12 grandchildren. His oldest son, William, inherited the family property, which he kept until his death in 1839. He had 11 children including six sons. He in turn passed the farm on to his son William. "He resides in Cumberland, on the farm formerly owned by his grandfather, near the Blackstone River."[ 65 ] William Junior's sons were Lyman and Emer.

Eleazer Whipple4 (William3, William2, John1), eighth and youngest son of William Junior, was born 30 January 1733 and died 22 March 1781. He was married in about 1757 to Anna Brown, who was born 21 August 1736. To this couple nine children were born. In 1769, Eleazer bought the property of Joseph Razee, a tract of 104 acres in east central Cumberland Township. He, like his ancestors, was a farmer and was well esteemed in the community. He was elected to the position of Justice of the Peace in 1777. His sons, Eleazer, Joseph, and Jesse inherited the farm, although, as previously noted, Jesse sold his interest to Joseph when still a teenager and moved to Smithfield to live with his uncle William. This tract of land was divided into five-acre lots, each brother owning alternate fields of five acres each.[ 66 ] Joseph (1760-1824) and Eleazer (1758-29 July 1825) continued to farm this homestead all their lives. Eleazer Junior died in Cumberland, as did his sons, David and Cornelius. The sons of David, Pardon and Eleazer, lived out their lives in Rhode Island, as did many of their descendants. Joseph lived and died in Cumberland, as did his five children, including sons Benjamin, Charles, and Joseph Arnold. As late as the year 1908, Joseph Arnold Whipple was in possession of the original Cumberland farm of his grandfather Eleazer.

End Notes

In that most names, dates, and events alluded to in this narrative are well documented in numerous sources, only those specifically relating to the authors purposes are cited. The authors wish to extend appreciation to Weldon Whipple and Christian V. Whipple for their helpful insights and considerable computer skills. Charles Whipple's previous work, Sons and Daughters of Jesse, 1976, cites additional sources. For general information, or for other recommended sources on the Louquisset brothers, consult Whipple.Org.

  1. James Hosmer, (Ed), Governor Winthrop's Journal, 1630-49 (New York: Scribner and Sons, 1908) 1:92.
  2. Blaine Whipple, The Descendants of Elder John Whipple of Ipswich, Massachusetts and Their English Ancestors (Victoria, British Columbia: Trafford Publishing, 2003) In Press.
  3. Hosmer, 1:92.
  4. Horatio Rogers, George Moulton Carpenter, and Edward Field, Record Commissioners. The Early Records of Town of Providence, Volume 6, Being Part of the Will, Book Number 1, otherwise called the First Book for Prouidence Towne Council Perticulior Vse, (Providence: Snow and Farnum City Printers, 1894) 126-28. Also, pages 129-30. A deposition of Thomas Olney that he had gone to Captain John Whipple, at his request, an obtained clarification of some of the bequests. In the latter, John Junior was given an additional 30 acres in the Louquisset. Also, pages 130-34. The inventory of Captain John Whipple's estate.
  5. Lincoln Rhode Island. Statewide Historical Preservation Report, P-L-1. RI Historical Preservation Commission, January 1982: 5-6.
  6. Barbara R. Carroll, Exeter, Rhode Island, private correspondence, 29 September 2002.
  7. Research on Whipple daughters has been marginally successful, thus, by default, most genealogies rely on male descendants. Daughters are discussed herein where information is obtainable.
  8. The father of Mary Harris was Thomas. It is claimed that he, like Captain John Whipple, was a non-conformist who moved from Massachusetts to Rhode Island to escape persecution. The children of both men married into families whose views coincided with those of Roger Williams. Clara H. McGuigan, The Antecedents and Descendants of Noah Whipple of the Rogerene Community of Quakertown, Connecticut, (Ithaca NY: J.M. Kingsbury, 1971) 36. Samuel's grave is on the west side of Elm Street about 50 feet south of Summit Avenue. A marker at the foot of his headstone states that he was first to be interred there. The marker reads: Here lies Samuel Whipple who died March 12, 1710/11 in ye 67 year of life. His wife and daughters are buried next to him. See: Edward Field, State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations at the End of the Century: A History (Boston: Mason Publishing Company, 1902) III:622. Birth and death dates quoted throughout are primarily taken from the Whipple Genweb, the sources it quotes, or from related publications.
  9. Providence Record of Wills, 1:181-182. City Hall, Division of Archives and History, Providence, RI. See also, Early Records of the Town of Providence (VII:20-28). Samuel bought the Abbott's Lane house in 1671. It would have been one of only a few houses in Providence that was spared during the war of 1675-76. It was built by Roger Mowrey in 1653 and used as a tavern. Abigail Whipple (his daughter) and her husband Robert Currie sold the property to her cousins Job and John Whipple in 1737. It remained in the Whipple family until 1761, and it is from this ownership that it was given the name Whipple House. Thomas Abbott owned the house from then until 1826. Hence, it was commonly referred to as the Abbott-Whipple house. It was demolished around the year 1900. (Field, III:620-23) For over 90 of it's nearly 250 years of existence it was owned by a member of the Whipple family. Samuel Junior had land previously given to him by his father, in 1706, on both sides of the Moshassuck River. He subsequently bought 200 acres of land in Groton, Connecticut and moved there in 1707/08, dying at his new home in 1728. (McGuigan, 36). Providence Land Records (III:191), show that Thomas had moved to Tolland, Connecticut by November 29, 1718. His last date of residence in Rhode Island was recorded as October, 1717 (II:595). Thomas was deceased before the year 1730 when his sons Thomas Junior and Abraham sold land, "originally granted to our honored father Thomas Whipple late of Tolland deceased." Tolland Land Records, Connecticut (II:391).
  10. Washington County Ohio Probate Records, 2:139-140. Office of the City Clerk, Marietta, Ohio.
  11. S. P. Hildreth, Biographical and Historical Memoirs of the Early Settlers of Ohio (Cincinnati: H.W. Derby, 1852) 120-164. Abstracted from this publication and liberally summarized.
  12. Andrew Jenson, Biographical Encyclopedia of the Latter Day Saints (Salt Lake City: Western Press, 1920) 111:560-562. Abstracted from this publication and liberally summarized. Source erroneously gives Edson's father as Timothy, not John.
  13. Weldon Whipple, Orem, Utah, private communication, 20 April, 2003.
  14. Henry E. Whipple, A Brief Genealogy of the Whipple Families Who Settled in Rhode Island (Providence: A Crawford Green, 1873), 60. The author mistakenly concluded that Eleazer's immediate parentage was of England. This was corrected in an article published in 1997. A reprint is available from the New England Historical Genealogical Society, item #P3-59493.
  15. Richard Bowen, Early Rehoboth (Rehoboth, Mass., 1948) 3:98. Also, Field states that, "The Eleazer house was located near Limerock Lincoln, near the Loasquisset Brook, and that from the doorstep you could look right off upon Nipsachuck. The house was built by Eleazer Whipple between 1677 and 1684. His heirs sold the house to Jeremiah Mowrey. (Field, I:402 and II:606-609.) As late as the year 1895 it was called the "Ben Mowrey" house. See: Norman Isham, Early Rhode Island Houses, (Providence: Preston & rounds, 1895), 40.
  16. Bowen, III:87
  17. Field, III:610. This would have been Eleazer's second house. The first being destroyed in King Phillip's war in the year 1675.
  18. "Smithfield Rhode Island Deaths," New England Historical and Genealogical Society 146. (1992): 351. Online at Printout 9 Sep 2002.
  19. Smithfield Rhode Island Probate Records, 1765-1797, 229-30. City Clerk's Office, Central Falls, RI.
  20. Whipple-Mowrey Lot, Lincoln, Historical Cemetery #LN025, Gravestones in Natural Order, Providence County. Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Database, on computer at the Rhode Island Historical Library. Printout 12 Sep 2002. Also, "He, (Eleazer) was laid away in the grave down in his meadow in front of his house." Field, III:608 His headstone, which is in amazingly good condition after 300 years, reads: Here lieth interred ye body of Eleazer Whipple aged about 74 years departed this life August 25, 1719.
  21. Thomas Steere, History of the Town of Smithfield (Providence: E. L. Freeman, 1881) 28. The Alice incident is described in an email to Whipple.Org by Clark Edwards in an article entitled "How to Get Whipples Out of Angells," 23 March 1998.
  22. Providence Record of Deeds, 2:426. City Hall, Division of Archives and History. Providence, RI. Job and his descendants are extensively discussed in, Frank V. McDonald, Inquires Relating to the Ancestors and Descendants of Job Whipple of Cumberland, RI, and Greenwich, Washington County, New York. (Cambridge: University Press, 1881).
  23. Lincoln Rhode Island Preservation Report, P-L-1, page 66
  24. John R. Bartlett, Census of the Inhabitants of the Colony of Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations, 1774 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publication Company, 1969) 112
  25. Ariel Ballou, An Elaborate History and Genealogy of the Ballous in America; Carefully Compiled and Edited by Adin Ballou. (Providence: E.L. Freeman & Son, State Printers, 1888). 99.
  26. Abstracted from, Genealogical Notes on The Whipple Lineage of Stephen Bennett Whipple of Cochran Georgia and His Descendants. Privately Published. Compiled by William Holliman Whipple about the year 1900 and Updated and Condensed by Lucian Adolphus Whipple and Fielding Dillard Whipple in the year 1956. The sons of Stephen Bennett Whipple were: Stephen, William, Ulysses, Allen, Robert, Clifford, Lucian, and Oliver.
  27. S. Bennett Whipple, Big Canoe, Georgia, private correspondence, 27 May 2003. Also, "My father, Lucian Whipple, died 24 August 1979. I have two brothers, Lucian and Stephen Bennett II, and a sister Anne. As for the number of descendants of Stephen Bennett Whipple, my grandfather, they have been fruitful. There are many, scattered all over the country. A compilation dated 1996 shows 179, and I'm sure many more have been added since. Enclosed is a photo of the house in which my ggg-grandfather William Mitchell raised his family starting about the year 1802 or '03. This is the same house in which his daughter Ruth and Stephen Whipple, the Yankee schoolteacher from Rhode Island, began raising their family until her untimely death at age 32. She and Stephen are buried in the family cemetery across the road from the house. The house is in what historical architects call 'early plain plantation,' and is in very nearly the original form-- two rooms over four. It is now vacant. The cedars and some other trees appear to be old enough to have been planted by Stephen." Fielding D. Whipple, Milledgeville, Georgia, private correspondence, 24 May 2003.
  28. Providence Williams was the son of Roger Williams. He died at Newport on 22 Jul 1686. His brother, Daniel, was appointed executor of his will on 14 Sep 1686.
  29. Providence Record of Deeds, 9:316-17. City Hall, Division of Archives and History. Providence, RI
  30. Nellie M.C. Beaman, ed., "Lincoln Cemetery Inscriptions," Rhode Island Genealogical Register 19 (1996): 74-75. See also: Whipple Lot, Lincoln, Historical Cemetery #LN075, Gravestones in Natural Order, Providence County. Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Database, on computer at the Rhode Island Historical Society Library. Printout 3 Oct 2002
  31. Beaman, 74. "On the Whipple Farm, stones now taken up and removed, lot plowed down. List of names given by Mr. L. A. Sayles. (Handwritten in: 'Now in Moshassuck Cemetery')."
  32. In most states in the 18th and 19th century, the "age of legal action" required to serve as an executor for males was 14. In the states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Missouri the minimal age was 17. In Rhode Island, land could not be owned until age 21. See: Judge Tapping Reeve, The Law of Baron and Femme, of Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, Master and Servant, and the Powers of the Courts of Chancery; With an Essay on the Terms Heir, Heirs, and Heirs of the Body, 3rd ed. (1862 reprint, New York: Source Book Press, 1970).
  33. "The earliest presently listed burial at Moshassuck Cemetery is 1868, but records don't start until 1909. The cemetery caretaker referred me to the librarian at the Central Falls Library, who keeps a database of old burials at the cemetery. He told me where the earliest burials were located, so I went back to the cemetery and searched the gravestones. I came across only one common gravestone inscribed: Whipple-Sprague-Salsbury, 1766-1885. There was no other information, and no way to get an interment list since the records are filed by date of death, not by surname, and do not start until 1909." Barbara R. Carroll, Exeter, Rhode Island, private correspondence, 26 October 2002. It must be recalled that William's wife's maiden name was Sprague, as was his sister's married name.

    "Phebe Whipple, who died in 1879, was the great granddaughter of William Whipple Junior, and the granddaughter of Benjamin his son. Her grandmother, Jerusha Peck Whipple, died 21 May 1766 (probably giving birth to her mother Phebe Whipple Dexter, daughter of Jerusha and Benjamin, who was born on 20 May 1766). The first date on the common monument at Moshassuck Cemetery is 1766. Also, her husband, Arnold Whipple, son of Jabez, was the grandson of John Whipple and Bethiah Salsbury. The third name on the common monument is Salsbury." Barbara R. Carroll, Exeter, Rhode Island, private correspondence, 5 Jan 2003. Arnold Whipple was the great grandson of Benjamin, Captain John Whipple's fifth son. See: Henry E Whipple, 16-17, for the ancestry of Arnold.

  34. "Cemetery records state that Phebe Dexter was the wife of William, born 21 May 1766, died 21 June 1821. Entry for William Dexter states that he died 31 October 1795. A note on the database record states that Phebe and William were also removed from the burial ground in Smithfield. John E. Sterling, Compiler, Rhode Island Historical Cemeteries Database. On computer at the Rhode Island Historical Society Library, Providence, RI." Barbara R. Carroll, Exeter, Rhode Island, private correspondence, February 27, 2003.
  35. Henry E. Whipple, 48. William Junior, between the years 1755-59, deeded land to six of his eight sons: Benjamin, Eleazer, John, Joseph, Moses, and William. Several of these deeds place the original Whipple property on both sides of the Moshassuck River. See also: Smithfield Record of Deeds, 4:74-76.
  36. Judith Ray, Founders and Patriots of the Town of Cumberland Rhode Island (Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1990). Private correspondence, 24 Sep 2002.
  37. Steere, 26
  38. Steere, 28.
  39. Henry E. Whipple, 41.
  40. Smithfield Probate Records, 1749-68, 2:68 and 2:352. City Clerks Office. Central Falls, RI.
  41. Nellie M.C. Beaman, ed., "Abstracts of Smithfield Wills," Rhode Island Genealogical Register, (Princeton, Ma, 1991) 14: 85. In his Last Will and Testament, John mentions his niece Phebe and nephew Jeremiah, children of his brother Benjamin.
  42. Norma A. Combs, correspondence to Whipple.Org and the authors, 11 February 2003. This is the only known record that enumerates members of the three families in the same document.
  43. A Genealogy of Stephen and Ursula Streeter, (Privately Published, 1896) 126.
  44. Smithfield Record of Deeds, 8:175. City Clerks Office, Central Falls, RI.
  45. Reiteration is noted in the William Whipple Will (1796), Smithfield Probates 13:132, City Clerk's Office, Central Falls, RI. See also: Smithfield Record of Deeds, 8:203-204.
  46. David Jillson, "Descendants of Capt. John Whipple of Providence, R.I.," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 32 (1878): 405.
  47. Lincoln Rhode Island Preservation Report P-L-1: 13.
  48. Lincoln Rhode Island Preservation Report P-L-1: 9
  49. Anthony Whipple Inventory. Smithfield Probate Records, 1749-1768,.2:68-69. Central Fall City Hall, Central Falls, RI. Joseph Whipple Inventory. Smithfield Probate Records, 1749-1768. 2:361-363. Central Falls City Hall. Central Falls, RI.
  50. Mrs. Richard P. Sullins, Grants Administrator. National Register of Historical Places Nomination Form, Lime Rock Historic District, 1974. (Washington D.C.: US Department of the Interior, National Park Service): 5.
  51. Lincoln Rhode Island Preservation Report, P-L-1: 15.
  52. Lincoln Rhode Island Preservation Report P-L-1: 60.
  53. Sullins, 1.
  54. Smithfield Record of Deeds, 13:171. City Clerks Office, Central Falls, RI.
  55. Joseph Whipple, Edwardsberg, Michigan, private written correspondence, 5 November 1980. "My grandfather, Levi Whipple, was always talking about his grandfather Jesse and his move westward."
  56. William McLoughlin, Rhode Island: A Bicentennial History (New York: W.W. Norton, 1976) 118-120.
  57. US Census for Indiana, 1820, 13:165. (Washington, D.C.: US Bureau of Vital Statistics)
  58. History of Dearborn, Switzerland, and Ohio Counties, Indiana (Chicago: State Printers, 1885) 522.
  59. A copy of this will is in the possession of William's great grandson Dr. Charles Whipple Jr 10(Charles9, Charles8, William7, Jabez6, Jesse5, Eleazer4, William3, William2, John1). Charles, his son Christian and grandsons, Collyn and Skylar, reside in Edmond Oklahoma.
  60. Burrillville Rhode Island. Statewide Preliminary Historical Preservation Report. RI Historical Preservation Commission, 1982: 26 & 54. Abstracted from this publication and liberally summarized.
  61. The Historian, Burrillville Historical and Preservation Society, XIII:1. March 1996
  62. Henry E. Whipple, 59-63.
  63. Ray, private correspondence, 9 Sep 2002.
  64. Abstracted from, Grant Tefft, "The Story of Union Village," The Greenwich Journal, Greenwich, N.Y., 2:1943. See also, Elmire Conklin, 1999, Evidence for Believing Barneville Whipple was descended from John and Sarah Whipple of Providence Rhode Island, and that Sarah Ann Whipple who married Thomas Mosher was his Daughter, an unpublished manuscript submitted to Blaine Whipple for inclusion into the Capt John Whipple history, and transferred to the present authors in 2003. See also: McDonald.
  65. Henry E. Whipple, 51.
  66. Representative Men and Old Families of Rhode Island (Chicago: J.H. Beers, 1908) 1677.