Located at 1073 Great Road in Limerock, RI. Jesse
is Charles' 3rd great grandfather.
Main Street, Providence, 2004
The original land bought by Captain John Whipple
in 1659 on Main Street in Providence. John's house
stood about 50 yards to the right of the end of the
apartment complex.
Capitol Scene
This is a panoramic view of the Whipple property
as taken from the north steps of the state capitol
building, 2004.
North Burial Ground
Captain John and Sarah's gravestones are the
first two this side of the box tomb. Pictured are
Bob Whipple (Charles' brother) and Barbara
Sons and Daughters of Jesse: A 360 Year History of
the Whipple Family. -- Oklahoma City : Southwestern
Press, 1976.
A History of William Whipple of Dorchester,
Massachusetts and Smithfield, Rhode Island : His
Antecedents and Descendants, 1652-1712. --
Victoria, B.C. : Trafford, 2006.
ISBN: 978-1-41209-304-0 Order
online from Trafford Publishing.
A History of Captain John and Sarah Whipple of
Dorchester, Massachusetts and Providence, Rhode Island
: A Multigenerational Study of the First Whipple
Family in America. -- Victoria, B.C. : Trafford,
ISBN: 978-1-42513-242-2 Order online from Trafford Publishing.