The Commodore's Will

The Commodore's Will

In the name of God, Amen. Be it known that I Abraham Whipple of the township of Fearing, County of Washington and state of Ohio of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will & testament, as follows, to wit,

First, My just debts be paid and satisfied by by Executrix, my funeral expenses &c______

Secondly, I will, bequeath, and devise subject to my debts as above, all my estate, real, personal, and mixed, that I am now seized and possessed of or which I may hereafter acquire of, be entitled to have or demand wheresoever those same may be situate, lying or found, unto my beloved wife Sarah Whipple to possess, use, and enjoy for and during her natural life, in case she survives me. The same property upon her decease, or in case of her death before me, I will, bequeath, and devise unto my daughter Katherine Sprout, widow of the late Col. Ebenezer Sprout, to have and hold all and singular the same to her the said Katherine and her heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns.

Thirdly, I devise to Ebenezer Sprout Sibley, my grandson my quadrant, also to my grandson Henry Hastings Sibly, I devise and bequeath my Scotch sword, which I do in token of my affection for them, and as memorials of their great grandfather.

Lastly, I constitute and appoint my said wife Sarah Whipple and my daughter Katherine Sproat, jointly and severally, joint Executrixs to this my last will and testament hereby expressly revoking and annulling all former or other will or codicil by me made.

Signed, sealed, published and declared, by the said Abraham Whipple, to be his last Will and Testament in our presence and the presence of each of us, this Twenty-third day of October One-thousand-eighteen-hundred-and-thirteen to which at his request we have signed these presents as witnesses.

/Abraham Whipple/ Seal

John H. White
Andrew Harris
Solomon Sibley

State of Ohio
Washington County
In Court of Common Pleas July Term Anno Domini 1819. This last Will and Testament of Abraham Whipple, late of Fearing in said county, deceased, was presented in court and proved according to law by the oaths of John H. White and Andrew Harris, two of the subscribing witnesses thereto. Approved and ordered to record. Attest: Geo. Dunley, Clerk.

Recorded in Washington County Probate Records, Vol. 2, page 139-140.

[Submitted to the Whipple Website 4 Nov 2001 by Blaine Whipple.]